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Arriving at the boat we all climbed aboard. "Selena, Justin! It's so good to see you again." Logan the owner of the boat spoke walking up to us. "Logan! You look so different I didn't even recognize you, did you do something to your hair?" I joked as I side hugged him and then he gave Justin a handshake.

"Yeah I finally got it cut the long hair wasn't for me anymore." He ran his hand through his black hair. "Yeah you look great." I smiled as we all got settled on the boat.

As I fixed my clothes and Justin went to speak with Logan I looked to my left to see Jessica, Sophia and Jade setting up their towels at the front of the boat laughing and enjoying life. Much of how I used to be when I used to be their age.

"Sel, come join us for some bubbly!" Chelsey laughed smiling at me waving her hand. I smiled and made my way over to sit beside her as she popped open the champagne bottle. We laughed and giggled as we drank the champagne.

"It's so good to relax and now not have to run after the kids." I sighed sinking into the chair and closing my eyes, enjoying the sound of everybody laughing.

"You'll have to give me a little helping hand when this little one arrives." Chelsey laughing rubbing her belly. She was tiny but their was a bump and it was noticeable. "I don't know how you kept yours well hidden until now because when I was twelve weeks on Josh the whole world knew about me being pregnant. It was a nightmare."

I smiled at the memory of going to the hospital with Justin to get our twelve week scan and then tabloids coming out saying that I was pregnant, how they found out I don't even know.

"Justin I can't even go to the hospital now because the whole damn world knows I'm pregnant!" I cried into Justin's chest as he had his arms wrapped tightly around me rubbing my back. "Babe I'll have your midwife and the doctor come here instead." He soothed in a calm voice. I relaxed a little more into his chest before I nodded.

The memory made me giggle at how weird I used to be, why did I even care what the tabloids would think? I shouldn't have but I was young and hormonal.

"Yeah and look at them kids now, they have grown into beautiful young adults." Chelsey said smirking. I turned my head to look over at my five beautiful kids. Josh and Jayden playing soccer with Jaxon whilst Jessica, Jade and Sophia bathed in the sun giggling away with Jazmyn.

I looked over at Justin who was shirtless with a pink bandana around his head which made me smile and laugh. Life was going good, life was better than it ever has been. Josh was home for the semester, Justin and I were still happily married and the rest were just enjoying life being off school.

"Life's good." Chelsey smiled and I agreed, life was extremely good. "Wish I was still young, enjoying life and not giving a damn what people thought."

"Well Sel, could you ever imagine your life without Justin or those kids? If you never met Justin then you wouldn't have those beautiful babies." Chelsey reminded me nodding at the kids. She was right and I hated that she was right. My family was my world and I would be torn without them.

"Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about it's just silly of me thinking of my life without Justin because he is so supportive and he's been amazing with the kids." I smiled.

"Hi mom, hey Chelsey." Josh smiled taking a seat next to me. "Hi my sweet boy." I ruffled his hair which he glared at me with his brown eyes he inherited from Justin. Chelsey just smiled at him watching us.

"So Josh how's college going so far, are you liking it?" Chelsey spoke drinking from her glass. "Yeah it's really good, my classes are easy and I'm enjoying it." He nodded drinking from his bottled water. "Have you met any girls yet?" Chelsey smirked making his chuckle.

"Yeah I have a girlfriend, her names Madison." Have tried to hide his smile while I cold tell he was thinking about her, he must really be in love. My baby boy is in love..

"Oh she has you smitten then. Why didn't you tell us so we could have invited her?"

"She flew back home to New York to see her parents, but next semester I'll bring her over so she can meet everybody."

We nodded and chatted for a little longer before we made it back to shore and to the hotel.

"How's the whole, telling your dad about .. you know." I heard Sophia giggle and next Jessica's giggle, the exact laugh as Justin.

"I hate it. I really don't understand how Josh is allowed get a girlfriend and they are happy but if a boy even looks in my direction my dad flips and gets overprotective it's so not fair." Jessica whined, I sighed with sadness because I knew it was hard having Justin as a dad. Justin used to go head to head with me on how we should have brought the kids up.

He liked the traditional be hard on them because they'll learn to earn it and I was more the softer side because I let them away with everything. Justin didn't like the thought of another boy stealing either of his baby girls but I had spoke to him countless times telling him they are now grown up they need to explore and experience the things we did but he wouldn't listen, nobody was to steal his baby girls away from him.

"Dads will be dads." Sophia said and I guess Jessica just nodded because she didn't reply.

I kept walking as Justin was ahead with Jeremy and I was linking Chelsey as we walked into the lobby of the hotel. "I'm sad to be going home tonight." I poured, I don't want to go home to work but duty calls.

"Well I can't really say that because I'm off to my honeymoon with my sexy new husband." Chelsey winked and Jeremy looked behind him smirking.

I looked at Justin who just kept waking ahead and his mop of hair bounced up and down.

"Mom what's the plans for the rest of the day?" Jade propped up alongside me with Jayden. "Well I guess packing to go home." I sternly said if it wasn't obvious enough. They both just rolled their eyes and walked away.


Guysss this manip though, shoutout to to Maynip

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Guysss this manip though, shoutout to to Maynip.tumblr for it 👅

UHM GUYZZZZ OUR BOY IS ENGAGED .. INRL. Idk how I feel about it bc I was hoping for a Jelena wedding but I guess I'll just have to keep that for my dreams. I just cannot believe Justin is really engaged to Hailey.

I was really sad at the start of their relationship but the more candids that came out the more they looked cuter & cuter together, then when Justin posted about being engaged ... BOOM MY HESRT BROKE BC I THOUGHT IT WAS FAKE BUT PICTURES OF THE RING CAME OUT AND THEN HE CONFIRMED IT ON INSTA AND YEA IM HAPPY BUT SAD.

Let me know what you guys think of the engagement in the comments below ! ♥️♥️

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