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"You might have to agree to see Sophia Jade and Jayden on the weekends." My lawyer informed me as we sat in his office. "As for Josh and Jessica, they are old enough and can decide if they would like to maintain a relationship with you or not."

I sighed pulling my hand over my eyes and taking in all the information. I was to be in Family Court with Selena in a few weeks time and I didn't want to lose full custody of the kids that we both raised.

"I mean, I doubt they would be happy to see me but my main issue is with Jade as she's nearly full term. I don't want to stress her or the baby out." I crossed my arms over my chest watching my lawyer with his back faced to me. "I'll speak to the judge about it. I'm guessing you'll be bringing Hailey to the court with you?"

I nodded and mentioned my parents. "That'll be fine, they just don't want a whole crowd to be there." I nodded.

"And you are absolutely certain nothing about the deal will get out to the press?" I was absolutely drained and a nervous wreck thinking about the court date.

"Absolutely positive."

"Okay well I'll be in touch." I stood to my feet reaching over to shake his hand. With a firm grip I gave him a nod and turned around leaving his office. "Goodbye Mr. Bieber." His assistant winked and I raised a brow but continued to walk. "Misty." I spoke her name in a low voice as I headed for the lift.

Stepping into the lift my phone began to buzz, I fetched it from my pocket to see Josh name flashing on the screen. My eyebrows furrowed together and I hit the accept button placing the phone to my ear.

"Hey Josh." I spoke turning around to fix my hair in the lifts mirror. "Hey dad, you busy today?" He asked and I checked my watch for the time. "Nope, I'm free all day. Why what's up?"

"Do you have time for lunch? I know right now things aren't great but your my dad I can't hate you." He spoke and I smiled raising my brows, I chuckled down the phone telling him of course I wanted to see him. We organized a a time and place to meet at, it wasn't too far away from where I was so I drove to the destination to wait for Josh.

Stepping into Kev's Diner the aroma in the air was cheese fries and hamburgers. "Mr.Bieber, long time no see." Kev, the owner spoke smiling as he approached me holding out his hand. I locked my hand in his shaking his hand and smiling back. "How's it going Kev?" I spoke while looking around the old diner I used to bring the kids.

"Customers barely come through anymore, I don't think I'll be able to keep the doors open any longer."

I nodded briefly crossing my hands over my chest as we stood their admiring the empty diner. "Let me buy it from you, you can be manager. I don't want to see this place falling down."

Kev took one last look around and nodded shaking my hand. "How's the little ones?"

"They aren't little anymore Kev." I smirked sitting on a stool at the counter. "How old are they now?" He questioned before shouting my order into the back to the chef, how he still knew it I don't know. "Josh is almost twenty with his own kid on the way, Jessica is seventeen, Jade is also expecting at the age of fifteen, Jayden is thirteen & also adopted Sophia who's sixteen."

"Did you just say both Jade and Josh are having kids? Congratulations grandad." Kev slapped my arm and I smirked. "I won't know what to do with myself with new crying babies, I have not changed a diaper in thirteen years." I sighed smiling watching my food on the plate that was placed under my nose.

Just as I was about to dig into my food the doorbell rang and I turned to see Josh walking in. "Dad." He spoke giving me a closed lip smile and a hug. "Josh, your dad just told me the news, Congratulations new dad." Kev leaned over to shake Josh' hand. Sitting back down in my chair I smiled watching Josh take a seat next to me. "Thanks Kev." Josh laughed a little, he turned his head to face me. "How've you been, dad?" He said raising his eyebrows and tearing his eyes from me to look else where.

"I've been good, really good Josh, actually I need to talk to you about something." I asked pushing my food to the side a little. His eyes stared into mine, his dark brown eyes he inherited from me darkened a little. "What is it?" He asked as if he was to search my eyes for answers.

"I want to propose to Hailey, it would mean the world to me if I could get your approval to do so." I spoke low with a strong voice, watching his reaction. His eye twitched, his eyebrows furrowed together, his eyes pulled together in a line. "Dad, I don't think I can do that." He didn't budge, he didn't even shake his head.

"Son, please." I spoke, I pleaded him with my eyes but he wouldn't back down. "No dad, I won't approve of this engagement. I thought this was going to end soon but now that the divorce is in the final stages and now you want to propose to the gold digging whore. I'm sorry dad but I can't pretend to be happy for you while you go and play happy families with Hailey when your real family need you."

He shook his head spitting his venom words at me, my anger was starting to boil at the words he spoke about Hailey. He rolled his eyes when I didn't respond to his comment and stood to his feet. ''Nice seeing you, dad.'' With that, he left the diner without another word. My eyes closed as I let out a loud sigh and hitting the counter in front of me, making the plate and cup shake.

Pulling a fifty note from my wallet I smacked it down on the counter and nodded a goodbye to Kev. I stood from the stool and made my way out of the Diner, watching Josh reverse his Lamborghini that I bought him and drive away from me.

I sighed as I slowly made my way to my car kicking a few stones with my foot, was I rushing too fast with Hailey? Do we really need to get engaged quickly? Was Hailey using me for my money?

A lot of thoughts spun in my head the whole drive home, I even ended up thinking about Selena, What would she think if I did go through proposing to Hailey? Would it destroy her?

Maybe I should hold off for a couple months, until court is over, until I fix my relationships with my kids.

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