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I pressed my finger to my lips before stepping in front of the door. I breathed in and out holding in my anger before opening the door quickly.

And there she sat,
right on his lap laughing at whatever joke he told her, just like I used too..

Both heads snapped up, Justin's hazel eyes meeting mine. He almost looked, scared must I say. He quickly pushed her off standing to his feet.  "Sel.. it's not what-"

"What, what it looks likes Justin? Because what it looks like to me is her sitting on your lap and you two probably laughing at the same old joke you probably already told me, so go ahead Justin, tell me it's not what it looks like." I said smirking, I calmly walked in slowly. Running my manicured fingered along his glass topped desk that he often used to fuck me on. Oh the memories came flooding right back, I winced at the tearful memory but sighed in disbelief.

"Sel please, just hear me out."

"Oh no, it's too late for that. You've already destroyed everything, I know this has been going on for years." I wanted to scream and yell but this cool and calm Selena, I'm digging her. She stood there, a smirk itching its way to her lips. "Hello again, Hailey." I gritted through my teeth, giving her a smile which dropped as quick as it appeared.


"Quit the talking, all I need is for you to admit this has been happening behind my back for years."

With that, I shoved the envelope under his nose and he slumped his shoulder taking them. "A divorce?! Selena please we can talk about this baby please."

"Open it." I said as I stood across the desk from him and he sighed picking it up and slipping out all the photographs, of him and her.

"How long have you known?" He spread all the pictures across the table, I blinked away the tears not showing I was letting the guard down.

"Since Josh was nine years old, so just a little over ten years."

He practically ran around the desk to hold me which I stood back from. "I love you Selena." He breathlessly spoke and I laughed, his eyes furrowing. "You love me?" I asked as if it was some sick joke he nodded and I laughed again. "Please baby." He reached his hand out.

"You've had enough chances, maybe too many." I flinched when he tried to touch me again.

"Oh and also, I need you to pack your things. Your trespassing on my property." I calmly said smiling before making my departure. Valery was straight to her feet but I dismissed her and entered the elevator. I sighed letting my shoulders relax before I felt wet on my cheeks, I quickly wiped it away and checked my phone.

Taylor; How did it go? Do I need to bail you of prison?

I laughed before dialing her number and she was ecstatic answering the phone. "Oh my Jesus thank god your not in jail." She sighed and I laughed.

"How did it go?" She quietly asked, why the hell was she whispering?

"Pleasantly well, better than I expected."

"Was he?.." she trailed off, knowing I didn't want to hear her name. "Yes."

"Oh my god that prick!" She yelled and I laughed at her use of words. "He's not going back to the house is he?"

"Well I'll have to tell the kids even though I've two pregnant people in my life that I don't need to stress out."

"I guess not." She giggled and I let out real laugh, a laugh I hadn't thought I'd been holding in for so long. "Men are pricks." I sighed stepping out of the elevator, Zion spotted me and was quick to his feet. "Yeah they really are." She laughed again. "Okay I'll give you a call later." I smiled and she gave me the "I love you" before hanging up.

I shoved the phone into my bag and walked out to the car with Zion behind me, he quickly opened the door for me and I got into the car. I finally let out the tears I've been holding in all day. How the hell did I let this happen for so long?

He was even doing it with her while the girls were in hospital, not that he left much but when he did he was gone for an hour or two and when the girls asked, I simply told them he went to the office or back home.

"Is everything okay Mrs. Bieber?" Zion asked and politely smiled at him before sulking. "No." I cried before telling him the whole story about what I just did. "Oh god, so what will happen now?"

"Well nothing as of now, I'll just keep playing happy families for my precious kids."

"Well, if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to I'm all ears." He gave me a quick smile before pulling in front of the house.  The house we built together, the house the kids grew up in, the house we held party's for our friends, the house we made love in.

"Thank you Zion."

I quickly left the vehicle and made my way up the steps and into the house. I walked straight into the kitchen and grabbing the first bottle of wine I could see, pouring myself a glass and drinking it. "Are you two going to get a divorce?" Jade emerged from the hallway and I shrugged. "No baby, it hasn't come to that stage yet." I sighed rubbing my temples together. "So if you do divorce do I have to live with him and his girlfriend?" Her eyes glassy and wrapped my hands around her. "If you don't want to you don't have too baby, I wont let you live somewhere you don't want too."

I held her face in my hands, wiping away her tears with my thumb and kissing her on the forehead. "Good because I don't want too, who is his secret mistress anyways?" She furrowed her brows and I closed my eyes for a second before opening again. "Sophia's biological aunt."

"Seriously?" She whispered trying to puzzle it together. "Yes."

My heart was shattered to pieces, but I needed to keep it together for my kids because they are my world and I'd be absolutely broken and lost without any of them. "We will make it through this." Jade assured me and I smiled. "How are you so strong and positive about this?"

"I learned from the best." She winked and I laughed, another real laugh. It felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders that I had held on too for many of years.

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