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It's been a couple of more weeks since the girls were discharged from hospital, but it's been two weeks since Madison came over to visit. I missed her so much and I didn't want to leave her but she understood that I had to go back to college until the next semester.

My mom loved her and so did my sisters, they couldn't stop talking about babies while my dad and I slipped from the conversation to watch the football.

Right now I was packing my bag to go back to college. "You all set?" I heard my dad and I nodded zipping the bag.

"Let me take it." He said snatching the bag from my hands throwing it over his shoulder and leaving the room. I looked around my room laughing at the patched up walls from my bad temper. Walking out I closed the door behind me and made my way down the long ass hallway in this mansion.

Walking down the stairs I made my way to my mom and hugged her because she was already crying. "I'm going to miss you so much." I squeezed her as she spoke. "I love you Josh, be careful and no frat parties please?" She laughed letting go off me to wipe her tears. "No promises." I joked and she swatted my arm, I raised a brow with a joking angry face.

I moved down to my sisters and they all hugged me at once. "We are going to miss you so much!" Jess mumbled, I laughed. "Ugh I miss you already!" Sophia said joking and rolled her eyes.

"Why do you have to go again?" Jade also mumbled and I sighed.

"I have a degree to study for." I smirked as we all let go. "We will miss you." She smiled rubbing her now small round stomach and I smiled hugging her.

"Safe travels my precious baby boy." My mom tried to kiss my cheek but I swatted her away, turning and walking out towards the car. "Well son, take care of yourself." My dad said and we did our secret handshake. "I'll see you all in a couple of weeks!" I yelled laughing as I got into the drivers side of the car. Starting up the engine I made it slowly out of the driveway beeping before turning and heading for the highway.

I wasn't driving too long before I stopped at a gas station to fill up and get food along with a coffee. When I was back on the highway I rang Madison to check in. "Hey baby." I smiled to myself as I spoke. "Hey, you on the road?" Her voice was low, tired even.

"Yeah just checking in. How was your flight?"

"Exhausting, bub won't stop kicking though." I laughed at the nickname we decided for the baby, we weren't going to find out the gender.

I haven't decided yet if I wanted to carry on the tradition of sticking with the letter J but I'll think about that step when we get there. "Wishing I was there to feel it. Get some sleep and I'll call you later." I smiled again but stopped remember she can't actually see me.

"Yeah okay, We love you."

"I love you both also."

Ending the call, I felt a little heavy on my heart but pushed it aside when I spotted the sign of Seattle, exiting the highway I hoped that I didn't go back to my old ways.

After a little more thinking and talking to my self I stopped in-front of the frat house. I calmly breathed in and out before grabbing the bag from the back seat and exited the car slamming the door. "Well would you look who it is!" Joshua yelled standing to his feet holding his arms wide. "Hey man." I said chest pumping him and he checked me over.

"I heard you knocked up your chick, is that true?" I rolled my eyes, I should have seen this coming. Of course Madison's brother Ryder would tell these lot that I knocked up his sister. "Yeah. It's a great feeling I have to say."

Joshua nodded in agreement, after a few minutes of him telling me about what's been going on in the house I headed up to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. Throwing my bag on my bed and opened up the windows. "When did you get back?" Butch spoke and I quickly turned to face him. "Only about, none of your business minutes ago." I shrugged and we laughed fist pumping each other.

Butch was like the top dog of the house, he says who gets to stay in the house and when we get to have frat party's but that was every night anyways.

"It's so good to see you, quiet around here without you man." He said throwing himself on my bed and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well, i had business to attend to." I shrugged and he nodded. "I know." He raised his eyes at me, he didn't say anything else after that instead he stood up and walked out the door with his hands in pocket, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

I check the time and I could still make it to practice. Do I go back now or wait till tomorrow? I haven't been to practice in weeks so maybe this could be good for me to get back in my routine.

I decided that I've done enough thinking about it and changed into some gym shorts and a T-shirt, making my way down the steps two at a time. "Aye Josh where you going?" Butch yelled as I reached the door. "Training." I yelled opening the door running down the steps and getting into my car.

Reversing away from the house my mind was on overdrive.

Snapping away from my thoughts I pulled into the parking lot of the football grounds. I parked in my usual spot that was right next to the entry door.

Stepping out of the car I locked it and pulled open the door of the football pitch walking into the changing rooms which was empty as usual.

Stepping out of the changing rooms I heard coach yelling at the boys and I laughed. "You haven't changed since I left have you?" I chuckled shoving my hands into my pockets as I stepped beside him and he turned on his heel giving a surprised face. "Bieber! What are you doing here? Everybody thought you left for good, I thought we lost a good one." He smirked and fist pumped me. "Yeah well, things took a change but I'm back."

"Oh how come?"

"I'm about to become a father." I smiled and he smiled getting excited. "Alright congratulations mate but enough girly chit chat now get out there and get training." He smirked patting me on the back and I ran into the pitch shaking my head.

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