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It's been four weeks, four weeks since the girls accident, four weeks since Jade was put into a coma, four weeks of  sleepless nights in the hospital. I was starting to get tired of people asking the same questions over and over. Jess was given the all clear and she was discharged but she never left the hospital, she wanted to be with Jade and Sophia.

I was starting to come to my breaking point if Jade was ever going to come out of her coma. The doctor said they had found a bleed on Sophia's brain which took an nine hour operation to fix, they ran into complications but managed to get through them to stop the bleed.

All I wanted to do was just take my family home and go back to the old times, laughing and yelling at each other.

I wanted to be an amazing husband to Selena but I could tell she was starting to distance herself from me and the kids, she just wasn't our Sel anymore. This whole accident has turned out lives upside down.

"Mr Bieber, could I please speak with you and your wife in my office?" I was pulled from my own thoughts when Dr. Hansen spoke. "Yeah sure."  I nodded with no emotion, all types of emotions have been wiped from me within the last few weeks. I gripped Selena's hand and she pulled away as we followed Dr. Hansen to his office. "Please, take a seat." He motioned as we walked into the room obeying his commands as he closed the door behind us.

"Please don't tell me it's more bad news." Selena's eyes frantically searched his eyes. "I- uhm, I just wanted to ask you a couple questions about Jade, if that's okay with you both?" He flickered his eyes between Selena and I as I looked at Sel and she looked at me
both nodding. "Does Jade have a boyfriend?" Dr. Hansen asked in a worried tone, where was he going with this?

"No of course she doesn't." My mouth spoke before I could process what I was even about to say. "Well, Jade has never told us she had a boyfriend so what my husband is trying to say is that we assume that she does not have one." Selena spoke as she glared at me and Dr. Hansen nodded scratching the back of his neck. "Does she have any male friends such as in school?"

"Well she does have one male friend, his name is Logan they've been friends since kindergarten, what has he got to do with her being in a coma?" Selena raised a brow.

"Mr & Mrs Bieber, I'm not sure how to tell you this but Jade is three months pregnant." He spoke and my eyes went wide. "Pregnant? She's only fifteen what do you mean she's pregnant!?" I snapped losing control of my words. "Justin calm down!" Selena yelled and I looked at her in disbelief. "Selena why aren't you angry about this? Our daughter who is only fifteen who has never even told us she's ever had a god damn boyfriend is pregnant!" I was quickly losing my temper, I needed air, I felt like I was being suffocated.

"If you don't calm down you can get the hell out." Selena rolled her eyes at me and I stood up walking out slamming the door behind me. I took in a deep breathe before walking out of the hospital into the crisp cold air. "Dad?" A deep voice called and I turned around to see Josh. "Hey son." I said in a calm voice and I was shocked. "You alright? You looked pretty pissed walking out of Dr. Hansen's office."

"No I'm not alright because your fifteen year old sister who is in a coma is pregnant." I ran a hand through my blonde hair pacing back and forth trying to think. "Come again, did you just say she's pregnant?" Josh spoke and I nodded walking back and forth.

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