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"Then get rid of her." I stated.


"Get rid of Hailey, if you really love me Justin you would do this for me." I held my ground but he sighed just as his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered, but whatever was said on the phone crumbled Justin even more. "Where?"

My eyes searched his face for any answered but he was like a stone wall. "I'll be there." He said hanging up, his face white like he just saw a ghost. "Justin what's wrong?" I asked and he blinked a couple of times, wetting his lips with that tongue of his. "It's Jaso-"

"Jason? What's happened to Jason?"

"His body has just been pulled out of the Chicago river."

That hit like a ton of bricks, Jason and I were close but not as close as he and Justin were as they were twins after all. "I'll drive you down."

"No I can go on my own, please don't tell the kids yet I want us to break the news to them."

"Are you sure?" I asked watching him stumble out of the chair and towards the door. "Yeah thanks Sel."

Watching him leave a tear slowly made its way down my cheek, blinking a couple of times my hand flew up to wipe the sudden tear away.

Shaking my head I gathered my belongings and rushed after him, out the door and into the elevator. "What are you doing?"

"Not letting you go through this alone."

"You don't have to-"

"I want to be there for you."


Silence. That's all we did until we reached the ground floor and ran out towards the doors. "

"Aliana any meetings I have today cancel and reschedule them for another day!" I yelled rushing after Justin into the parking lot, the wind sweeping under my hair causing it to blow backwards.

"Slow down Justin, please."

"How can I slow down when my brothers body has just been found dead in a river?"

"I know this is tough but please slow down and let me drive." I was scared to see him in pain as we reached his car and he took a deep breath, throwing me the keys across the car.

As we both climbed in I started up the car bringing it to life. "Drive Selena!" He said hitting the dash board in anger and I jumped, scrambling with the gear stick to drive out of the parking lot.

"You need to calm down."


"Your not going to make this any easier on yourself if your angry!"

"Just drive." He spat staring at me and I stayed quiet, slowly pressing down on the pedal to go just that little bit faster.

Love me, againWhere stories live. Discover now