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My three week punishment was almost coming to an end, for the three weeks I had done some of the idea's Selena had given me. I chilled by the pool for days on end, I baked a lot of cookies and cupcakes to pass the time in this empty house. I watched a lot, I mean A LOT, of movies, ate so much popcorn than my body could consume. 

After Justin's drunken night he came back home the following morning and apologized to Selena, who accepted his apology after he gave me back my laptop to do my homework. 

Currently I am just sitting on the couch in the living room as everyone was at work, Jade was with Jessica and Jayden shopping for little Jason and Josette. Jade had begged Justin to let me go with them but he bluntly refused. 

I flicked through the television channels, everything that was been shown was boring. Rolling my eyes I stood up and walked into the kitchen then out to the back yard where I lay on the sun lounger. This was definitely a vacation.

I closed my eyes for a little while before someone poured ice cold water on me. ''What the hell.'' I shivered looking up at Josh standing over me. ''What was that for?'' I asked grabbing my towel and drying myself off. ''We need to talk.'' He said, he turned around and disappeared into the house.

Sighing heavily I stomped into the house with my hands on my hips. ''Did dad put you up to this?'' I asked and he chuckled siting down at the table. ''Sit.'' He ordered and I rolled my eyes at him sitting down.

''What is this about Josh?'' I asked looking him dead in the eye waiting for a answer. ''Your going down the wrong path.'' He had no emotion, nothing to give.

''As everyone has told me already, does it mean I'm a failure? A disappointment?'' I smirked as I was still glaring at him. 

''You keep going down this road you won't like what's at the end of it Soph, you'll end up with nobody by your side.'' He stated as I continued to listen. ''When you go back to school tomorrow, put your head down and study. You'll be happier in the long run Soph. Our parents didn't think I would even make it to my own graduation or even go to college. I put my head down and I showed them that they were wrong about me, I graduated with honors, I got into the college I wanted to. Now I have a daughter who I absolutely adore because I decided to make that change. I wouldn't have her or Madison if it wasn't all the punishments my dad had given me, the one thing I regret is rebelling against him because it's put a strain on me and his relationship.'' He sighed looking everywhere else in this room apart from me. 

''Stop this now while you still can.'' He finally looked me in the eye, glaring. ''I am begging you.''

''Okay, I'll stop it.'' I nodded, I could tell where he was coming from as he was the one who first rebelled against Justin.

''Thank you, I don't want to have to visit you in prison anytime soon hopefully.'' He smiled standing up. ''No you won't, I promise.'' I stood up also as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. ''You made the right choice.'' He said letting go and opening the fridge taking out the last pint of ice cream we had. ''Last one for the last day of your last punishment.'' He smirked walking over to the drawer where the cutlery was and took out two spoons. 

''So, was it mom or dad that asked you to come talk to me?'' I wiggled my eyebrows sitting down at the kitchen island Josh sitting down next to me opening the ice cream. ''Nobody asked me to, I've been where you are.'' He shrugged and I raised my eyebrows at him as I scooped out some ice cream. ''Fine, mom asked me too.'' He admitted, pleased with my ice cream I shook my head as I scooped out more ice cream. ''Why would you want to help me?'' I asked out of curiosity. 

''You're my sister now, I'd do anything to help you. Especially help you not go down the path I went down.'' He bumped his shoulder off mine as we shoved more ice cream into our mouths. 


''That is so cute for Jason!'' Jessica said holding up a little blue shirt. ''It is.'' I smiled as Jessica happily threw it in the cart along with every other clothing she thought was cute. ''You know he is going to grow out of these in a couple of months?'' I state and she shrugged her shoulders walking off in a different direction of the store to look for more clothes. ''What is wrong with her? She seems so.. happy.'' Jayden asked as he pushed Jason in his stroller. ''I don't know and I certainly don't want to know.'' I smiled walking towards Jessica who had another handful of baby girl clothes. ''It's a bum that Sophia isn't here to give her opinion on these.'' Jessica pouted throwing the clothes into the cart. 

''Yeah it is, mom said Josh is going to the house to talk to her.'' I replied scanning through some more aisle's. ''Do you think he will change her mind? I think they are taking it too far. She is not going down the same path Josh did, she stuck up for us and now they think she's troubled because she put another girl in her place for trash talking our family.'' Jessica shrugged stating a fact. 

''Oh my god is that who I think it is?'' A voice spoke, Stormi Webster suddenly appearing from the aisles. ''Stormi!'' Jessica said hugging her, Jayden and I hugged her then. ''Congratulations on the baby Jade! Can I have a peak?'' She asked and I nodded as she awe'd at Jason in his stroller. ''He is so adorable.'' She exclaimed and I smiled at her. ''How are you guys? I haven't seen you guys since your accident.'' She asked, she seemed genuinely concerned. 

''We are good, tell us about you? Are you dating anyone?'' Jessica smirked at Stormi who smiled and nodded. ''Yeah I am dating a guy at my school, he's the classical football captain but he's really sweet to me.'' The smile did not leave her face once as she talked about him. ''I am happy for you.'' I exclaimed and she smiled at me.

''I better go but it was nice to see you guys.'' Stormi said, we hugged her before she left the store with her security. ''That was nice of her.'' Jayden said in a dull tone as he shrugged. ''Yeah it was.'' Jessica said as we walked towards the check out desks. I think it was weird.

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