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Eating my burger, I couldn't help but think about what happened with Mr. White.

Flashbacks of our sweaty body's together, reaching both our climax's together. "Hey you alright?" Jessica asked and I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I stabbed a fry with my fork and shoved it in my mouth where Mr. Whites manhood previously was.

"You were smiling while in a daze." She said, I shook my head raising my eyes brows. "No I'm good." I tried to push off the conversation.

"How did detention go?" She whispered smirking at me. "Boring." I said bluntly.

I didn't know what she wanted me to say to her, yeah we had sex and it was amazing? Not a great dinner topic in front of Selena and Justin.

"Mhm." She nodded continuing to eat her food. As dinner went on and conversations flowed, my thoughts on Mr. White grew. Would it be just a one time thing?

"Earth to Sophia?" Jess clicked her fingers and I slowly looked at her staring at her for a few seconds. "Yeah?" I said.

"You've been in a daze for ages now, I've been calling you and you're just smiling to yourself." Jess shook her head laughing at me.

"Sorry, doing a lot of thinking."

"Yeah I can tell." She smiled at me.

"Alright you lot let's get home, it's already past Jason and Jaydens bedtime." Selena said gathering her things and I watched as Jayden just rolled his eyes at Selena's comment.

"Do that again at your mom and I won't hesitate to ground you for a year." Justin spoke in a serious toned voice, Jayden just nodded putting on his coat.

As I put on my coat as everyone else I stood up and followed them out of the restaurant. "You are going to tell me everything that happened with Mr.White." Jessica said whispering linking her arm around mine. "Nothing to tell, I sat there and finished homework." I lied.

"Don't lie Soph, I could smell him off you when you got home."

"Don't know what your talking about." I smiled and she raised her eyebrows. "Come on I won't tell mom and dad." She smirked and I sighed nodding. "I'll tell you when we get home." I caved.

"I knew it, I want every little detail." She smirked and opening the rear car door for me. "Thank you." I winked at her with a smirk and she pushed me in. "Just get in." She laughed as I planted myself in the middle seat between her and Jayden.

"I'm so full, I think I might be having a food baby." Jessica said rolling her eyes and holding her stomach as Justin and Selena both climbed into their seats. "Who said there having a baby? I don't want anymore of my kids having babies." Justin said leaning his head back to look at us.

"Food baby dad don't worry, I wouldn't be able to have kids unless it was IVF." Jessica rolled her eyes explaining it to Justin.

"I never want kids, they're way too loud, messy and they seriously stink so bad." Jayden said inserting himself into the conversation.

"That's good." Justin agreed smiling watching the traffic.

"You were all those things not that long ago so shut it." Selena smiled turning her head to Jayden who made a disgusted face.

"I'd love to have another." Selena said staring at Justin who laughed at her. "Seriously?" He asked her as we waited at the traffic lights.

"What? You know I love kids." She smiled at him.

"Yeah but come on we are getting old for this."

"Your never too old to have more kids."

"Selena come back down to earth, no chance we are trying for another baby." Justin glared at Selena who just sat there smiling at him and rubbing her hand along the side of his face. "Please?" She pouted.

"No." He said in a serious tone. "Your mean." She turned her head away from Justin and he looked over at her for a few moments.

"Selena you've already got two grandchildren, one a newborn and one on the way isn't that enough?"

The argument wasn't about to settle here.

"No, the bigger the family the better." She made an angry face with a swift turn to Justin before seeing the smile in his face and laughing at him. "I'm trying to be serious!" She giggled away and I slowly looked over at Jess who rolled her eyes at their argument.

"I love you." Justin smiled and Selena got all shy. "I love you too." She smiled and leaned her head over to meet him half way with a kiss.

"Ew can you not!" Jayden said rolling his eyes and I laughed. I thought it was cute that they were acting like teenagers in front of us.

"Are we nearly home?" Jayden said in a tired voice and Selena looked back to see his head leaning against the car door, eyes closed and not a second later snores poured out of him.

"My baby." She said leaning over the back and caressing Jaydens hair, her smile never left her face as she watched him sleep soundly. Parking in the drive way Justin turned off the engine and was quickly out of the car to carry Jayden into the house like he was a baby.

Climbing out of the car Selena was already in the house, the door was left ajar for us as we could tell she was going straight to bed for work the next morning. Following Jessica into the house we said goodnight to Justin as he carried Jayden up the stairs to bed.

''Let's go the movie theater and watch something.'' Jessica smirked and I hesitated. ''I'm kind of tired.'' I said as a huge yawn released it's self causing my body to shiver and shake.

''Don't be boring.'' She groaned pulling on my hand toward the theater room. ''Fine but one movie and then I am going to bed.'' She squealed running down the stairs to the theater, I followed with a slow walk.

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