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Sitting at the lunch table with Jessica, Jade and Polly, I couldn't help but notice one of the jocks staring at me with a smile on his face.

"What is going on." Jessica said turning around and noticing him staring at me. "You've got to be kidding me." She muttered. "Oi Peter stop staring please your turning me off my lunch." Jessica said and I furrowed my brows at her. "Okay Bieber don't have a cow." Peter responded before sitting down and sneaking glances at me. "Gross." Jessica said shaking her head as she continued eating her lunch. "Yeah gross." Jade said but I was too far gone into a full dream about Peter.

The way his dimples showed as he smiled, his brown short hair, blue eyes and the way he wore his football kit made him look so sexy. ''Wake up.'' Jess clicked her fingers in front of my face.

"Jessica." I said as I snapped out of my day dream. "Sorry for not approving, Peters a jock and what do typical jocks do? They reel you in, tell you things you want to hear and the next minute they crush your heart with their bare hands and don't give a damn about your feelings." Jessica rolled her eyes looking at Polly to agree with her. "Yeah she's got a point Soph."

"It's my life, I'll date who I like and I'll do what I like." I shrugged.

"Not if dad has something to say about it." Jessica muttered and Jade just sent me a sumo that smile. "Then why did he let Kane stick around? I mean he was a jock wasn't he?" I asked and Jessica rolled her eyes once more.

"Kane actually stayed throughout Jades pregnancy and didn't run off like other jocks do when Jason was born, Kane is one of the good ones." Jessica explained and I looked at jade who nodded. "What if Peter is one of the good ones?" I smiled looking at him.

"He's not, trust me."

"How would you know that?"

Jade and Polly just looked at each other terrified to say a word.

"Because I fell into his trap once Soph, I am the person you hear whispers about in the hall. The broken girl they call me, because he was the love of my life and he stomped on my heart after two years together. I thought we were the power couple, I thought I was going to marry him and have a family with him but he didn't see it that way. I was just there to keep him company and whenever he wanted good sex. Do you understand where I am going with this? He is a player and he is the one that broke me!" She yelled all over the cafeteria hall pointing at Peter before storming out of the hall.

I was speechless, not a single word could I speak. Hearing about how he tore Jessica's heart into shreds just sent a shiver down my spine and made me to never want to love another boy again. "I didn't know." I looked at Polly who softly smiled at me before rushing out after Jessica. "She hasn't been able to speak about it since it all happened, I'm sorry you had to hear about it like this but he is no good Soph, he is not one of the good ones." Jade said and I nodded, gathering my books Jade and I headed out of the cafeteria. "Sophia wait." Peter yelled running down the hallway towards Jade and I.

Jade rolled her eyes and glared at him as he stopped in front of us. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, I've heard enough to know that you are a jerk." I stood my ground, swiftly turning my body I stormed off with Jade chasing me.

"I can't believe he did that to her, I feel so bad now."

"It's fine, Polly knows how to deal with Jess when she gets upset over Peter. It's not your fault you had no idea what happened between them." Jade said and I hugged her. "Thank you for understanding." I said and jade laughed.

"Your my sister, I understand perfectly."

Walking to our lockers the bell rang and the halls filled with students from the cafeteria. The nerds running and trying to not be late for class, the pot heads who casually walked out the school doors to do what they do best, the loners being pushed around the hall by the jocks, the 'popular' girls who stared everybody up and down as they passed criticizing their outfit choices, the hallway patrol police giving everyone detention if they didn't go to class immediately.

"Bieber really put on a show, as always." I overheard one of the "popular" girls say, looking at Jade she shook her head but I couldn't just stand here listening to her trash talk MY family. "Soph don't, it'll hurt make things worse."

"Can't believe he fell for her, she just makes an embarrassment of herself everyday. She's the pathetic one out of the whole Bieber tribe, even for Jade who can't even take a normal test is now taking care of a child, good-luck to their parents dealing with their dramas." Blondie said and I looked over while her back was towards me. "Sophia don't please, mom and dad will get really mad."

"Your going to let her talk about you like that?" I asked Jade who's head dropped to the floor.

"The only decent family member is the oldest brother Josh, he has got his life together unlike the rest of his idiot siblings." She twirled a piece of her blonde curly hair around her manicured fingers. "I've had enough of this." I said shaking my head and storming towards the blonde.

All I saw was rage, red, and I wanted to murder her. In quick action I had a fist of her hair and threw her against the lockers. "How dare you trash talk MY family? If I ever hear you talking about them again, next time you won't get just thrown against the locker I'll smash your face into them until your unrecognizable again!" I spat at the blonde, who was shaken at the whole situation. "Put me down!" She gained her strength as she kicked and tried to scratch me.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Your pathetic like the rest of them!" She said, not a single regret as she spoke every word. My fist connected with her jaw multiple times before I was pulled off her. "Ms. Bieber what are you doing!" The principal yelled as he pulled me away from her. "My office the both of you!" He said and I glared at her as she had blood dripping from her head, nose and lip. "Now!" He yelled at the both of us as I pulled myself from his grip and walked off towards his office.

I grinned as I walked, happy about what I just did.

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