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Walking down the crowded stairs of the frat house I searched the crowd for at least a familiar face. I made my way to the kitchen to get myself a drink of something alcoholic, my minds been a mess all day and I couldn't stop thinking of how my mom was handling everything. I know she has Jessica and the others but I felt like I needed to be there if my dad showed up.

After speaking to him today I decided I never wanted to speak to him again on how much he destroyed his own family by his actions. "There you are Bieber! I've been searching for you all night." A blonde haired girl appeared, Jaclyn. She's an ex fling who I used to bang at every party before I met Madison, it was like Madison was an angel that fell from the sky. "What do you want Jaclyn?" I mentally rolled my eyes as I looked down to pour my drink.

"I want to have fun.. just like we use to." She spoke walking up to my chest rubbing her hands along my trousers, I raised a brow and laughed. "No thanks Jaclyn. That's not me anymore."

"Oh come on Josh, you know you want to." She rubbed her hand along my chest whispering into my ear and I stepped back. "No, I'm with Madison." I drank my drink, the liquor burning my throat but it felt good. "She doesn't have to find out, come on Bieber don't be a pussy.
I won't tell if you don't." She gave the dog eyes drunk me used to give in to and I shook my head. "Why can't you just take no for an answer?"

"Get your hands of my boyfriend." I heard Madison's voice, my eyes flickered from Jaclyn to look up and see Madison standing there with her hand on her hip. "Madison." Jaclyn spoke in a friendly voice which sounded so bad, she turned on her heel plastering a fake smile and I smirked at how Madison was being protective.

"What did I just say Jaclyn?" Madison squinted her eyes at Jaclyn who looked back at me. "What you going to do Madison? You can barely even walk with that bump." Jaclyn crossed her arms smirking and staring straight at Madison who laughed.

"I may be heavily pregnant but it wouldn't stop me from pulling you out by the hair in front of all these people." Madison waved at all the people who was all staring in at this little show down, I needed to get Madison out of this before something bad happens and I couldn't risk anything happening to her or my child.

"Fine, but just know he won't stick around long. That's probably not even his child anyways." Jaclyn smirked flicking her hair over her shoulder as she strutted past Madison and into the crowd. Madison rolled her eyes shaking her head turning around to watch Jaclyn walk off and that's when I walked away to try think of what just happened. What did Jaclyn mean that it might not be my child?

"Bro you alright?" Butch said as I pushed passed him in the hall, I nodded and walked out the door. Today's just been too much, between my mom and dad getting a divorce now to Madison showing up.

I'm couldn't even think straight, my mind was a complete jumble and I didn't even know what I was doing. "Josh!" Madison called, I pretended I couldn't hear her and continued to walk down the street. "Josh!" She yelled again, I didn't really want to speak to anybody right now so I started to jog down the street. "Josh where are you going!" She yelled in the distance, I wanted to turn back, I wanted her to reassure me that it was my child but I couldn't, I just couldn't bring myself to turn back.

Once I made it downtown I headed for the only bar I knew would serve me, I needed to forget this, I needed to just forget about my life for once. Entering the bar the smell of cigarettes and beer filled the air. "Aye Josh! It's been a while since I've seen you in here!" Kevin the bar man spoke as he noticed me when I walked in. "Yeah life's been busy man." I nodded pulling out the stool stop the bar and sitting up on it. "What can I get you?" He nodded and I asked for the usual, a bottle of tequila.

"Bad night?" He chuckled placing a glass in front of me and pouring the drink. "Yeah something like that." I drank the shot quickly and poured my self another. "Well well well, if it isn't Josh Bieber. How's it going man?" Frank, one of the locals said taking a seat next to me. "It's been alright. You?" I took another shot and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Yeah same shit everyday." He spoke and I knew he was talking about his girlfriend, she was cheating on him. "Dude why don't you just get rid?" I laughed as I felt a little buzz, he shrugged. "I love her." He slumped against the bar drinking his beer.

"Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to keep holding onto them if they are doing you wrong." I spoke, where is this confidence coming from? And what the fuck am I even talking about? He laughed and shook his head. "If I let her go I'll have nothing."

"That sucks, I get it but you still should confront her about it. It's going to eat you up inside. The same thing happened to my mom, my dads been seeing my uncles ex girlfriend for years but my mom only recently confronted both of them and I only found out today they are getting a divorce."  I drank my tequila and we continued to talk about her. "How long are you together?" I asked when it got silent.

"A couple months." He shrugged drinking the end of his beer, my eyes widened. "Do you know who the other guy is?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, I was curious.

"No but she comes in smelling like a very expensive aftershave, almost like Calvin Klein's recent one that just came out." I nodded remember I bought my dad the exact aftershave for Christmas.

"What's your girlfriends name?" I leaned into the chair and drank my drink. "Hailey." I almost spit my drink out back out, I choked a little and my eyes went wide. "Hailey Baldwin?" I asked and his eye squinted.

"Don't tell me it's you she's seeing." He almost look, angry? But my eyes went wide and I shook my head. "No but that's who my dads been seeing."

"You've got to be fucking kidding." He looked disappointed and upset. I patted his back. "You're best getting rid of her. She's nothing but trouble." I warned and he nodded getting up and leaving. I sat there for the rest of the night drinking, laughing with some of the other locals.


Guysssssass how cute were Jadison😩😍 Wishing they would still be together but you know, it's life 🤷🏻‍♀️

What do you think about this chapter and Jace running away? Running from his problems is litterally me🤦🏻‍♀️ lol I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please give it a vote!!!

Xoxo, Chel

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