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After my mom told me about my dad going to see Kane, my absolute high school crush I was nervous knowing how my dads temper was going to be. She and Dr. Hansen also "told" me that I was pregnant which I already knew about, I had to let my mom know that I already knew and she looked at me with sad eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" She frowned as she spoke, I avoided her gaze looking down at my hands as I picked at my nails. "How could I? You would have told dad and I didn't want him to find out." I mumbled shrugging my shoulders. "What were you going to do? Hide your pregnancy from us for nine solid months? I think we would have noticed Jade."

Yes mom I know, thanks for enlightening me on the information I already went over in my head a million and one times. "I was going to give the baby up for adoption anyways." I shrugged again not wanting to see her reaction, she sighed. "No. We are going to support you through this and the baby is going to be loved by everybody, your not in this alone." I looked at her and she was giving me that weird smile she always did when excitedly happy.

I nodded giving her my best fakest smile. "I can't believe you are going to be making me grandma at the age of forty-one." She laughed and I really didn't know how to respond other than feel my belly.

"Wait, where is Soph?" I furrowed my brows and she smiled. "They are transferring her in here in an hour, Jess is gone to be with her." I nodded.

"Mom, what if I don't know.. how to be a mom?"

"It will all come naturally to you. I can't believe my baby's having a baby." Her hand flew up to her mouth in shock as the tears formed in her eyes. "Mom your going to make me cry." I said as I held out my hand for her to hold which she did happily.

I smiled thanking her for being so amazing, after a few minutes of having a overly-bonding chat with my mom the door swung open, my dad walked in giving my a kiss on the forehead. "Hello princess." He called me by my nickname. "Kane's here to see you, are you okay with that?" He asked quietly and I searched his eyes for anger but there was none. I slowly nodded my head in shock as I sensed calmness from my dad which was unusual.

"Okay I'll send him in." My dad spoke smiling at me and I gave him a thankful smile. He turned to my mom who squeezed my hand before leading the way out and seconds later Kane walked in taking a seat next to my bed. "Hey.." he awkwardly said and I giggled. I couldn't help it but he looked absolutely beautifully sweaty. "I see you won my dad over."

"Yeah, he was merely calm... It it was more my dad that was rough. Your dad and Josh just watched my dad rough me up just before they told me about the baby.." Kane smiled, I was having his child and I wouldn't want it any other way. I immediately smiled placing my hands on my stomach. "Can I feel?" He whispered and I nodded. "There isn't really much to feel yet." I chuckled and he laughed along placing his hand where mine was. "Would you change any of it, if you could?" I asked, my eyes went wide and he smiled. "No, absolutely none of it."

Before I knew it my hand slipped into his and we were locking lips in matter of seconds, I melted at his touch and there was nothing he could do to stop my feelings that grew for him.


It was now or never that I tell my parents about Madison, my little sister was having a baby and everyone was calm about it for the most part. I just needed to get it out before I never say a thing. I paced up and down outside Sophia's hospital room where they were sitting with her waiting for her to be transferred. My phone buzzed and I looked at it, my fingers shaking my forehead drenched in sweat.

Madison; did you tell them yet?

I ignored her message and I opened the door of Sophia's room where they instantly looked away from her. "Mom, Dad, can I talk to you guys in private?" I raised a brow and they nodded following me outside. "What is it Josh?" My dad spoke shoving his hands into his pocket. "Well.. I don't know how to even say this because your still in initial shock of Jade's pregnancy but..."

I trailed off a little and my dad furrowed his brows. "Josh what is it honey?" My mom spoke quietly and I wished I didn't even have to do this anymore.

"Madison's pregnant.. she's two months along." I avoided both there gazes and sighing. "Are you serious?" My dad spoke in a serous tone, I looked up at him and nodded sighing.

"Yeah it was a shock to me too, look I didn't want this to happen but she told me a few days ago about it and I didn't know that they were going to tell you guys that Jade was pregnant so I was going to wait until I brought Madison here.." I shrugged not wanting to see there reactions keeping my eyes everywhere else but there faces. "Okay so tell Madison to get the first flight out here, we want to meet her." My mom spoke calmly and I looked up to see my mom smiling, why does she do that? It was so creepy.

"Two grandchildren.. this is amazing Justin if you just think about it." My mom gazed up at him with her brown eyes and next he looked down to smile at her, his hair falling into the way of his eyes.

"God damn Justin Drew Bieber get that mop of hair cut already, you looked sexier when you were younger!" She joked smiling before walking towards the door. "There is nothing wrong with my hair it still looks good!" He smiled and she chuckled. "Sure." She spoke before they both entered Soph's room again.

"Look son, I can't say I'm happy for you but your old enough to be starting your own family now but have you thought about what your going to do about college?" He stepped back away from the door raising a brow and I shrugged. "Well I could stay for the four years and get my degree, still do football for my career or I could drop out and get a job."

"I don't think so my son, you stay in college and get that degree to make sure your family  have a good life, me and your mom will help you guys out with anything you guys need."

"Thanks dad." I chuckled and he placed a hand on my shoulders. "Where will Madison be staying while you go back to college?"

"Yeah about that, maybe split it between our house or her parents?"

"If that's what you want.." He patted my shoulder then made his way back into Sophia's room. I followed him in as we waiting for the doctor to come in. "How is Jade doing about all the pregnancy stuff?" Sophia asked and my mom smiled at her. "She's taking it well, she's talking to the father of the baby now but yeah she's excited to see you also." My mom reassured her and Sophia smiled. "So that means I'm going to be an aunt?" She looked at my parents and me with a smile.

"Yeah, twice." I spoke

"What? Is she expecting twins?" She got excited and I chuckled. "No, Madison is also expecting."

"Who's Madison?" Sophia questioned.

"Madison is Josh' girlfriend. She will be coming to visit us soon enough." My mom spoke with excitement. "Who else is pregnant?" I heard Jessica's voice from behind and I turned on my heels. "Your kidding me? IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT TWICE?!" Her mouth opened wide, soon her feet made there way over to me and her arms wrapped them selfs around my shoulders almost knocking me over but I steadied myself.

"Is this a good time to come by?" A knock on the door and Dr. Hansen stepped in to see most of the Bieber family here. "Yeah come right in." My mom spoke and he smiled walking towards us as Jess let go of me.

"Mr & Mrs Bieber, I was just checking over both Sophia and Jade's charts and I also agreed with head of the department that both girls are well enough to be discharged. As Jade took the news about her pregnancy pretty well and Sophia seems to be on the road to recovery there wouldn't be a reason for them to be kept here." He smiled and my mom cried tears of joy. "Thank you Dr. Hansen." My dad spoke shaking hands before comforting my mom.

"Both of the discharge papers are ready at the front desk."

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