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As hour went by, they eventually broke her waters for her and has been in labor for hours.

"Hey, how is she doing?" Justin's voice boomed and I was happy to hear his voice. Turning my head to him I bounced out of the chair and into his arms, behind him was Jessica Sophia Josh and Jayden.

"She's okay, been in labor for hours."

"She'll get through it, she's strong like her mother." Justin said kissing my head. "How was the burial?"

"Horrible but we have more pressing matters like becoming grandparents." He smiled and I smiled up at him before crashing my lips on his. "Ew." Jayden spat walking around us and sitting down on the metal chairs. As Justin and I laughed the screams coming from Jades room was unbearable. "I wish I could just help her." I sighed heavily knowing I couldn't do anything.

"She's in the best hands you know that."

"I know but she's my baby, hearing her screaming knowing she's in pain is a mother's worst nightmare."

"Mom, let the doctors do there job." Jessica said and I planted my self next to her. "I'm sorry." I said.

"Hey, don't you dare apologize." Justin said and I smiled at him. "You lot, keep your mouth shut." He warned the kids, they nodded and I gave Justin the eyes again. Here we go again with him being a strict father.

The screaming stopped and I patiently waited for the nurse to come out. "Selena." Justin warmed as I went to get out of my seat. "Give them time to be parents." He said with warning eyes and I nodded sitting back down. "Okay." I said as I could hear the crying of my first grandchild. My heart warmed with that sound, I hadn't heard a new horns scream since Jayden was born.

The door opened and the nurse smiled. "Go meet your new grandson." She smiled at Justin and I as she held the door open watching Kane cradled the newborn wrapped in blankets. "Congratulations baby, I told you that you could do it." I said to Jade as I slowly walked in to see her hair drenched in sweat with tired eyes but smiled up at Kane and the baby.

"Mom, Dad, Meet Jason Ricardo Barwell." Jade smiled and my eyes couldn't stop from tearing up that she named her son after Jason.

"I'm so proud of you, both of you." Justin said kissing jade on the head as I made my way around the bed to meet my new Grandson.

"Can I hold him?" I asked Kane who happily handed Jason over, I watched as my grandsons big brown eyes looked up at me. "He looks like Jason alright." I said smiling and Justin came around behind me to see. "He does." Justin agreed.

"Where's the others?" Jade asked.

"There outside."

"Bring them in dad, I want Jessica to meet her new bestfriend." I couldn't stop my eyes from watering as she thought of Jessica when picking the baby's name. Justin opened the door as I rocked and cooed over Jason in my arms.

Jessica entered the room and I immediately teared up as she approached me to have a look at the baby. "What's his name?" Jessica quickly looked at Jade who smiled. "Jason."

Jessica didn't know how to react apart from cry and hug her little sister. "Thank you." She cried into Jades arms.

"You lose one best friend, you gain another." Jade said hugging her sister tightly.

As Justin and I cooed over baby Jason the rest of my children sat on Jades bed talking to her and congratulated the two new parents. "He is Jason's twin." I said and the room filled with laughter as Justin stayed quiet. After a few moments Justin excused himself leaving the room.

Handing baby Jason to Jessica I also excused myself and ran after Justin. "Justin." I yelled and he turned to me with raw red eyes, tear stained cheek. "I thought I could hold it in but I couldn't." He said and I wrapped him in my arms, his head cradled into my shoulder as he hung tightly on crying. His body shaking against mine.

"It's okay to cry." I whispered as he let it out in the middle of the hospital corridor. "I'm sorry." He said and I shook my head. "No need for apologies." I hushed as I let him cry in my arms for what seemed hours but was just minutes.

"We should get back to them." He said forcing the tears away with his hands. "If you need a minute alone just tell me." I said, both my hands resting on his face. "No, I need you." He said smiling which warmed my heart.

"Okay." I said as I pulled him in for another hug. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

"Hey, you've just buried your brother and your daughter has given birth to your grandchild. It's understandable that things are all over the place right now." I advised and he nodded, letting go of me he took my hand and we made our way back to Jades room.

"Will you be okay if we leave? We better get these home for school." I said to Jade as she cradled baby Jason. "Yeah of course, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled, I kissed her on the head and smiled down at baby Jason who slept peacefully. "Okay you lot say your goodbyes." I said and the lot of them moaned before I hugged Kane and watched as my little family said there goodbyes.

As we all waved goodbye to Jade and Kane we all made our way out of the room and down the corridor, Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I rested my hand on his.

My perfect little family.


This picture brings me so much happiness, you guys I literally cried writing the last three chapters !! Do you like that I had Jade name the baby Jason?

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This picture brings me so much happiness, you guys I literally cried writing the last three chapters !! Do you like that I had Jade name the baby Jason?

My plan was the name the baby Ricardo after Selena's father but when I wrote this chapter I decided because I killed off Jason why not keep his memory? So I put something belonged to Selena and Justin.

I gave the baby Jason's first name and Selena's father his second name, so Jason Ricardo Barwell.

I actually love the name and I hope you lot do too!!!!


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