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I felt ashamed of myself, ashamed of how I acted towards the mother of my kids, ashamed that I told her she wasn't a good mother and did not know how to raise our kids the right way. She was the one that endured hours of pain just to give them life, what was I thinking about calling her a bad mother. I did apologies to her yet I felt still like I had to do something to make it up to her after telling her how bad of a mother she was. My plan was to buy out a whole restaurant but I couldn't get anywhere in such short notice. We also had Jessica and Jade's double party coming up soon so I had to think fast on my plan.

Looking up potential venues I needed it to be a romantic spot, somewhere she would forget the world an it would just be me and her alone for once. I could do a restaurant, a vacation, a boat trip, I couldn't think of anymore ideas so I asked my assistant to look into it for me and get back to me if she had anything interesting. Walking towards Selena's meeting I knocked on the door and let myself in smiling at everybody. ''Hey, I would like everyone to meet my husband Justin.'' Selena smiled wrapping an arm around my back. Ex husband but whatever.

I waved at everyone and sat down next to Selena. ''We are just discussing the girls party, decorations and stuff.'' Selena explained and nodded my head as they continued with color schemes and everything. ''Are you thinking of having two different cakes or one big cake?'' A woman asked and Selena glanced at me for an opinion. ''Selena and I would like to give them two different cakes, they are two different people definitely complete opposites of each other. So we would like two cakes that would suit each of their personality's.'' I responded to the question, Selena asked me to sit in on the meeting and give my opinion on the girls birthday party so that is what I am here to do just once I don't over step.

''Okay, so do you have any idea's on what you want the cakes to look like?'' The woman asked again and Selena nodded passing over a list to the woman to look at. ''Yeah I can do them.'' The woman smiled agreeing to do the cakes the way Selena wants them done.''Thank you Gillian.'' Selena smiled as the woman nodded tucking the list into a folder.

''So I want to discuss color schemes. What is the color scheme you want for the party?'' A man spoke up and I watched Selena as she smiled while explaining the colors to him, the way she was so invested in giving our girls the best party they wanted. The way her eyes flickered like glass under the lights, her face looked like it was filled with joy as she spoke about Jessica and Jade. ''Jade likes to wear a lot of red and black where as Jessica is more preppy she wears pink and white.'' Selena explained to the party decorator who nodded his head writing on his notepad. ''So pink, white, red and black everything, I think it sounds good. I can definitely make that work.'' He smiled nodding again.

''Okay I would like to discuss food, with a nightclub there isn't many foods I could offer but as it is a birthday party I could have platters of food brought to the venue and put on tables so people can pick at it and eat what they want to eat from the platters.'' The head chef spoke up and I looked at Selena who nodded at me agreeing to have food platters instead of a three course meal. ''This all sounds amazing, thank you all for coming in today.'' Selena spoke standing up, I stood up and smiled as everybody left the meeting room. ''Marry me again.'' I spat out as Selena and I stood in the meeting room on our own. ''Seriously Justin?'' Selena was taken back by the question, the startling look on her face worried me. ''Well you calling me your husband when in fact we are actually divorced.'' I stated and she nodded. 'Yeah I know but we already have a big party to plan for the girls and you want us to organize a wedding on top of that?''

''Then let's go to city hall, just us and the kids. Let's get married again.'' I said raising my eyebrows at Selena who smiled at me. ''Looks like we are getting married again.'' She laughed with a big smile on her face, wrapping my arms around her I lifted her up spinning her in the air as she planted those soft amazing lips on mine, the moment was short but sweet. I was marrying the love of my life, again.

''I love you.'' I exclaimed as I lay my forehead on hers, enjoying the moment. ''I love you too.'' She said still smiling from ear to ear, right now I just instantly regret my life choices and hurting Selena the way I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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