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Sitting next to Jess in Jade's hospital room for over an hour, the nurse finally came in. I texted Josh multiple times but he just ignored them. I even tried to call and text Justin but he wasn't answering either. I grew annoyed but Jess was there to calm me down before the nurse arrived. "Hopefully she will be able to breathe on her own, that's all we want." The nurse smiled at me as she slowly started removing the tube.

Jess gripped onto my hand as we watched. My hand flew up to my mouth when Jade took her first breath. Her eyes slowly flickered open taking a deep breath and I was right next to her side. "Oh my baby, your finally awake." I cried holding her hand, her eyes flickered to me.

"Mom?" She choked and I smiled. "Hi, how are you feeling?" I smiled wiping my tears, she looked so different. "I'll go let Dr. Hansen know she's awake." The nurse pulled her lips into a line and I mouthed thank you before she left the room. "Look who else is here." I spoke and Jade looked up to see Jessica who had the widest smile on her face I could see every tooth. "Jess." She spoke low, her voice cracked. A few minutes later the door opened and in walked in Dr. Hansen, I mouthed a quick hello. "Hi Jade, I'm Dr. Hansen." He smiled walking up beside her bed. "Hello." She replied staring at the tall English man.

"Okay Jade I'm just going to ask you a few questions to see how your memory is, would that be okay?" He gave her a small smile and she nodded. "Okay, do you know how old you are?"

She laughed a little and I smiled. "Yes I'm fifteen."


Why was this man asking me my age? I couldn't help but laugh. I knew my own age.. how could I forget?

"Yes I'm fifteen." My throat hurt so much but I kept that to myself. "Okay good. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?" His accent was thick, very thick. He didn't sound like he was from here, like another country. Could it be England?

"Well the last thing I remember is meeting Sophia for the first time, how did I end up here?" I tried my best to remember but I couldn't, I just couldn't. It was hard and my head was hurting enough. He pulled my mom over to the side and whispered. "Okay, she just suffered short term memory and I would suggest not bring up what happened just yet." I over heard, why? What happened to me?

"I'll check back in with her in a short while but please try not push the questions."

My mom nodded walking back to my side and I listened to the door open and close. "How are you feeling little sis?" Jess smiled and I could tell she was being a little sarcastic. "I'm doing amazing." I winked, I hadn't lost my touch. Jess laughed and even my mom joined in. "Where's dad?" I questioned, mom looked at Jess who avoided looking at me after I asked.. what the?


When we pulled into the schools parking lot and I climbed out. "Well well, would you look who it is." A deep familiar voice said, I looked up to see Paul Barwell as I stepped out of the car. "Where is he?" I scolded storming my way towards the wrinkly balding guy. "Who would you be looking for?" He smirked leaning against his car.

"I'm looking for your disgusting son who knocked up my fifteen year old daughter." I spat, he raised a brow pushing his body away from the car to come face to face. "He what?" He looked surprised raising a brow as if I was speaking a different language. "You heard me, now tell me where Kane is." I looked him dead in the eyes waiting for him to respond only for him to turn and walk away, I followed behind and we walked into the changing rooms where Kane was chatting to a fellow team player laughing away.

"You fucking idiot!" Paul yelled grabbing Kane by the throat and shoving him up against the lockers. "What the fuck!" Kane yelled, his brows furrowed and then his eyes flickered over to me and Josh. "She told you." Kane spat staring me in the eyes, his eyes darkened a little but I kept my cool. "Tell me it's not true!" Paul yelled shoving Kane again who tried to shove his father off him. "Yeah I slept with her so what?" He smirked making me ball my fists. "So what? Kane your life is fucking ruined you absolute piece of shit." Paul let go punching the locker beside him. "What are you talking about?" His face puzzled, staring at us.

"She's only fifteen Kane, what the fuck were you thinking? Your football career is ruined!" Paul yelled, he looked as if he was trying not to punch Kane in the face. "Can you elaborate please because I have no idea what is going on here." Kane crossed his arms and looked over to tell the other teammate to leave the locker room.

"You had sex with my underage sister and got her pregnant!" Josh yelled, I put my hand up to quiet him down. "What!? She's pregnant!" Kane's eyes grew wide and he looked between Paul and I. "No, no no no, this can't be happening."

"You could go down for this." Paul shook his eyes disgusted with his son while he took a seat on the bench. "But.. we were protected! She told me she was on the pill and I wore a condom!" Kane stuttered trying to reason with us. "She lied." I started rolling my eyes.

"Is there anyway we can come to an agreement without going to the cops? I can't go down for this." Kane looked at me and I turned to Josh who just kept a glare at Kane. "You step up and be a fucking father, she will not go through this alone." I spat and he nodded viscously. "I won't let you guys down."

My phone buzzed in my pocket but I ignored it, after a couple more minutes of my phone ringing I pulled it out turning it on silent. I opened the text message that Selena had sent telling me that Jade was awake. "She's awake, you fucking step up or I will turn your world upside down." I pointed and he nodded again, I turned my back practically dragging Jace in the direction of the door.

"Can I see her, please?"

I stopped in my tracks turning around, I looked at Josh who just gave a small nod. "Yeah okay come on then."

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