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I wondered into my new school. It's January and today is my first day. I go to my locker that they assigned me to. I put some stuff into it and took my time table out. English was first. I went to that lesson and most of the seats were already full.

"You must be Emma" the teacher asked standing up. She was tall and quite pretty.

"Umm... Yeah Hi"

"One second. Regina who sits next to you" she asked looking at someone in the class.

"No one. She can sit with me if she wants" a girl offered.

I looked over and my mouth dropped. She's so beautiful. She is smiling at me softly and patted the seat beside her.

"You can sit next to Regina" the teacher says before looking back at her laptop.

I walked over and sat down. She smiled at me and I smiled slightly back. I'm so shy like always.

"I'm Regina. What's your name"

"Emma" I replied quietly.

"I'm sorry dear. Say that a little louder"

"Emma" I say a little louder but still shyly.

"That's a pretty name. I take it your shy Emma. Do you know anyone here"

"No. I moved from New York"

"I love it there. My parents took me and my sisters for a week and I loved it. I got so many photos" she says smiling and giggling.

"Yeah it was great there" I'm really shy and don't talk much.

"Why did you move"

"My dad passed away at the beginning of the year so we left for a fresh start"

"Ow I'm so sorry" she placed a hand on my shoulder as she spoke.

"It's ok"

"Alright class lets begin" the teacher says at the board.

I looked forward and listened. Through out the lesson I kept looking at Regina. She's so beautiful and seems really sweet. Me being a wallflower I don't talk to people or admit any of my feelings. I came out to my best friend in New York about being gay but literally no one else knows.

"Ok get started" the teacher says sitting down.

Regina opened the book and placed it in front of us.

"I know this is confusing so if you need just copy my answers" Regina says smiling softly.

"Thank you"

I was gonna tell her she's sweet but I chickened out. After 2 lessons it was finally break. Regina told me to sit with her and her friends. We walked over together to this table of people.

"This is Killian" she says pointing to a boy with black hair. I waved shyly and he smiled at me.

"Hey. You alright" he asked holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi" I say shaking it.

"This is robin and his girlfriend Dede" she gestured to a couple sat holding hands opposite me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you" he says smiling. The girl also smiled.

"This is ruby" she says gesturing to a pretty girl sat next to Killian.

"Hey girl. Come sit" she says happily.

Regina sat down and I sat next to her. I started eating when I heard my name be said by Regina. I look up and she smiled at me.

"How you finding the school" Dede asked.

"Alright I guess. Not to bad"

"You seem very shy" Regina says smiling sweetly.

"I am. I usually stay away and people don't often notice me"

"well I noticed you. Your one of us now"

"GINA" I heard behind me. We all looked over and a ginger girl stood there. "There you are" she says walking to us.

"What do you want" Regina asked annoyed.

"You want a lift home later meet me by my car or I'm leaving"

"Whatever" Regina face back at us and started eating again. The girl pushed the back of her head and walked of. "God I hate my sister" she says annoyed.

"Zelena is suck a stuck up bitch" Ruby says annoyed.

"I know right. We could kill her if you want" Killian asked laughing.

Regina smiled and laughed at him. I giggled a little since it was pretty funny.

"No. She's probably see it coming like she always does with any plan I have" Regina laughed. She looked at me and smiled softly. "You got any siblings"

"No. Only child. Is she older"

"Yeah. That's Zelena. I also have a younger sister called Aria"

"3 of you? That's a lot isn't it" I say a little shocked.

"That's nothing. I got 3 brothers and 2 sisters" Dede said laughing.

"Where's the toilet" I asked standing up.

"I'll show you. I need to go anyway" Regina says standing up.

I followed her out the cafeteria. While walking I smiled at her. She noticed and I looked down.

"What's wrong" she asked.


"Your so shy. How come"

"I'm just a shy person that's all"

"Like a wallflower" she smiled.

"Yeah. Like I said. People don't usually notice me or care so having you as a friend is a little different"

"Well I definitely noticed you. Your a very pretty and sweet girl" she smiled softly.

She kissed my cheek softly and walked into the toilets. I followed behind while blushing.

HI😁I don't know if this is something you guys wanna read but let me know what you think and if you want I'll carry on and if no one likes I'll just get rid of it💋mwah💋

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