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I unlocked my front door and sighed. My Nan walked in with Regina following. I closed the door and followed them all to the lounge. I picked Taylor up and led her in her cot.

"I'm going for a nap" Nan states before heading upstairs.

Regina sat down and I threw a pillow at her.

"Hey. What was that for" she frowned.

"You didn't help today" I say sitting next to her.

"It was so funny" she replied hugging the pillow.

I leaned to kiss her cheek but she moved and I kissed her lips. She cupped my cheek and deepened it. As I slowly pulled away she leaned in for more.

"Don't get me started" I say smirking at her.

"Your not fun today" she pouts making me laugh. I kissed her pouty lips making her laugh. "I love you baby"

"I love you too. Now call your parents" I say making her sigh.

"Ow Fine. Where's my phone" she sighed.

"I love you" I smiled.

"Bite me" she replied instantly. I kissed her neck and bit her gently. "I didn't mean literally"

"I know how much you like a little nibble"

"Yeah but to quote you. Don't get me started" she smirked picking up her phone. She put it to her ear. "Hi mum"

"Try dialling" I suggests.

"Dammit" she sighed. She clicked on her mother's number and I took the phone. "Em" she says reaching out. I put it on loud speaker just as they answered. "Hi mum"

"Hello Regina. How can I help you" she asked.

"Is dad there"

"Yes I'll pass you over"

"No" Regina interrupts. "Can you put me on loud speaker? I need to talk to both of you" she awkwardly asked.

"Thank you" I mouths before winking. She smiled softly and winked.

"Hello" her dad says.

"Hi dad. Ok so what I want to tell you is... I'm... I'm engaged to Emma" she says resting her head on my shoulder. The line went dead. "They hung up" she says just as shocked as me.

"Ow my god. I can't believe they just did that"

"I told you they wouldn't like it" Regina says berrying her head in my chest.

The phone then started ringing again. We saw it was Regina's mum. She answered it and put it back on loud speaker.

"Hello? Regina" her mum says.


"Sorry. Your mother accidentally hung up. What did you say"

"I'm engaged to Emma. I love her so much and I'm going to marry her whether or not you accept it" Regina blurted out. It went silent. "Shit" she whispered.

"Well we were happy for you" her mum replied.

"That's it? No congratulations. No emphysema. No nothing. I just told you I'm getting married"

"Yes dear we heard you but to be honest it's not us getting married so why should we be emphatic? Your sister has told us she was engaged and that never happened" her mum sighed.

"Because I'm your daughter and Zelena's fiancé cheated on her. You know what? Forget it. I don't know why I thought you were going to be happy"

"Well do call when the wedding is and we will see if we're free darling. Bye" her dad says before hanging up.

"I told you. They don't care about me. If they are free they will come to our wedding" Regina sighed as she rapped her arms around my waist.

"It's ok baby. It's ok" I sooth her. The door then knocked. Regina sighed and I kissed her head. "I'll go"

I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Zelena stood there. She smiled and hugged me.

"Surprise" she smiled.

"Hey. It's good your here. Regina just told your parents that she's engaged"

"Ow shit. It good I came then. Also I heard someone had a good day with there grandmother" she smirked.

"Not funny. She's so naughty" I laughed.

We went to the lounge. Regina looked up and gave us both a weak smile. Zelena went over and hugged her.

"You alright" the red head asked.

"No. They told me if they have time then they'll come to mine and Emma's wedding" Regina replied as I sat next to her.

"They what? That's it. I've had enough of our parents treating us all like crap. We are there kids" zelena says annoyed.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"I'm gonna call them and tell them that we're there kids not people we met yesterday"

Regina smiled slightly and called her mum. She put it on loud speaker and we all leaned towards the phone.

"Yes darling" her mum answered.

"Put me on loud speaker and make sure dad is there" Regina orders.

"Tone young lady. Your now on"

"Hey mum it's me" Zelena says.

"Hello darling" their mum says not impressed.

"I wanna say that your middle daughter just called you to tell you that she is getting married and you said that you'll make it if you have time. You should be there for your her and be happy for her" Zelena said annoyed.

"Ow sweetie don't be like that. Me and your mother have a lot of business trips we can never get out of lately. If they get married anytime soon then we may not be able to come" their dad replied.

"You weren't even happy for us though" I say a little annoyed.

"We were Emma. We are. We are very happy but right now is not the best time" their dad replied.

"Well learn to be happy for us. You have 3 daughters and need to learn that. We are your kids for god sake and you treat us like we're just business to you" Zelena says annoyed.

"Well we don't think of you like that. We love you lots and we shall not be made out as if we're using our children. When you have calmed down and thought about what you just said call us back" their mum says before hanging up.

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