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"I've made my decision..." the judge says.

I'm holding onto Regina tight and we are both awaiting to hear what he says. Taylor then started crying. I thought it was too good to be true that she would stay quiet the whole time. I turned around and held my arms out to Regina's mother. I took the baby and held her in my arms.

"Sshh sshh little one. Come on baby" I says calming her down. Taylor slowly calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. "Sorry your honour. Please continue. She is asleep and should stay like that for now" I softly says looking up.

The judge smiled at us before looking at Daniel. He then looked down and sat up.

"I award full custody to Regina mills and Emma swan" the judge says slamming the hammer down.

Me and Regina smiled bright. I looked at her and she hugged me tight. I kissed her head and looked down at Taylor.

"We're going to be a family" Regina say excitedly.

"Yeah we are baby"

"Get him to change is mind" Daniel says annoyed at his lawyer.

"Once the judge made his decision its final" the lawyer replied.

All our friends jumped over the barrier and hugged us. I'm so happy we won. I looked at Alex and hugged him trying not to crush little Taylor. As I'm doing so I can see Daniel looking annoyed. He deserves to be.

"Congrats" I heard behind me shyly.

I look over and saw it was jade. She smiled slightly but awkwardly.

"You should leave. Someone might see you with an inhuman couple"

"Look I'm sorry" she softly says.

"Emma's right" Zelena says getting close to her angry. "Because evil maybe powerful... but wicked always wins. Back off" Zelena got in her face to scare her.

"Fine. I helped you win that case so your welcome" jade replied before quickly leaving.

"Well done Zelena" I say smiling.

"Ow it always worked on Regina and aria so why not anyone else" she laughed.

Regina's parents came round. Everyone moved out of the way including me.

"We are proud of you sweetie" her mother says.

"Thanks mum" Regina simply replied but wouldn't dare move without there promotion.

"We have to head of to Chicago now but it was nice to see you and well done for winning" her dad says standing tall and proud.

"Can aria stay with me a few days. I haven't seen her much" she asked nervously like she always did when she spoke to her parents.

"I suppose. Aria be home next week for the photos" her mother says not showing any emotion.

Regina stepped forward and hugged her. She looked shocked but hugged her back. She pulled away and hugged her dad who only lightly patted her back. She quickly moved back to me and I gave her Taylor.

"Bye mum. Bye dad" Regina says smiling.

"Goodbye all of you" her mother says before they walk off.

Once they were gone all the pressure on everyone dropped. Regina let out a big sigh and looked at me.

"Because that wasn't awkward" I sighed. I looked around and noticed my mother wasn't there. "Where's mum" I asked.

"She went home half way through. She nearly threw up everywhere" aria replied softly.

I looked at ruby and smiled softly. She nods and stepped forward to Regina. What I'm about to do only ruby knows.

"Can I hold her" ruby asked holding her arms out.

"Of course. I know how much Taylor loves her aunty ruby" she replied handing our baby to ruby.

"Awe I know she does. I'm her favourite" ruby says laughing.

"No way. Im her favourite" Kat say laughing.

Ruby rolled her eyes and looked at me. She winked and I smiled back. I went over to Regina and cupped one of her cheeks. I kissed her which she instantly deepened. As I slowly pulled away I moved my hands to hold her.

"I love you. I love you so much it's crazy" I say smiling brightly.

"I love you even more baby. I always will"

"We'll see about that. I want you in my life forever and as I said up there I want to marry you..." she looked a little shocked at me as she figured out what I'm going to do. I went down on one knee and smiled up at her. "... will you Regina Maria Mills be my wife and love me for the rest of our existence" I asked smiling brightly at her.

Everyone around us looked at us in awe. Regina looked so shocked at us. As if she wasn't expecting me to actually propose today.

"No" she replied awkwardly biting her lip. I looked shocked and I know everyone else did. "I'm kidding. Yes. Of course Emma I will marry you. God dammit I love you" Regina says causing me to stand up. I hugged her tight and smiled brightly. "I love you so much" she says holding me tight.

"I love you too" I replied pulling away. "Don't do that to me though. You scared me" I laugh making her laugh.

I kissed her softly while holding her cheeks. I then pulled out a ring from my pocket and held it to her. I put it on her finger making her smile more.

"Ow my god" Regina says nearly crying.

I hugged her again and held her close. Everyone else hugged us making us smile.

"I'm happy for you guys but we might want to leave the court room soon" aria says as we hugged.

Me and Regina laughed but didn't bother pulling away.

"I love you" I say holding her close.

"I love you more"

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