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Today we are out shopping with nan. This is going to be bad.

"Let's go in there" Nan asked pointing at an underwear shop.

"Why? Nan that's all laced thongs" I asked confused.

Regina was trying not to laugh. I hope Nan still doesn't want to go in there.

"So. There might be some granny panties for me" she says walking in.

Regina pushed the baby chair straight to the shop before I could talk Nan out of it. I sighed and followed her in.

"Your not helping" I whisper to Regina.

"I know" she laughed.

We went over to Nan and she was looking at the thongs. She picked one up and frowned at it as she looked.

"Emmy" she says.


"Look at this. They run out of material and think they can get away with it. I noticed. I should report this" Nan says showing me the back of a thong.

"No Nan that's how it's supposed to be" I softly say trying to ignore Regina's laughter.

"What?!" Nan says pure shocked. "That bit will go right up your crack" Nan says still loudly.

"Yeah Nan it's supposed to. That's what a thong is" I say before slapping Regina's arm to shut her laughing up.

"That is ridiculous. What is even the point of this stupid thing? There made to cover you not flash you off. You might as well wear nothing"

Everyone in the shop is now looking at us. Regina is silently laughing with her hand over her mouth. Luckily Taylor's asleep.

"Come on Nan let's go" I say as I turn around.

"Hang on stretch. I wanna see if they got my granny panties"

"They don't Nan. It's all like this"

"Well instead of having a hundred of these they could put a few together and make a proper one" Nan says throwing the thong back on the stand.

She started heading to the exit and I quickly followed. Laughing Regina wasn't far behind although she wasn't hiding her laughter anymore.

"It's not funny. You wait. If we see ripped jeans I swear to god" I sighed putting my arm around Regina's shoulder.

"What's the shop called" nan asked as we started walking.

"Ladies choice" I replied.

"Really? Well I didn't get much of a choice. Just those things that ride up your crack. Why would you pay to get a wedgie" Nan complains.

"Let's just look around some more. What other shops do you want to go to"

"How about that one" Regina suggests pointing at a clothes shop. We both know there's ripped jeans and anything Nan would comment on in there.

"Come on then. Let's go. Emmy you can pick out your birthday present. I know it's late but I didn't get to see you" Nan leading us to the shop.

"Your lucky i love you Cause I wanna kill you right now" I sighed glaring at Regina.

"I love you too" she laughed walking into the shop.

We walked around the shop looking at clothes. Regina was having the best time laughing and pushing Taylor around. I followed Nan and listened to every comment she had about pretty much everything.

"Look at that. That girl has ripped her top. The poor girl" she says pointing at a girl a few years younger than me in a crop top.

"Nan it's supposed to be like that" I laugh slightly.

"Ow then that stupid girl. She actually brought half a top and those shorts flash her ass" Nan says making Regina burst out laughter and me laugh a little.

"Nan don't"

"Don't What"

"You know what" I say making her laugh.

We carried on walking and I could hear my Nan making silly comments.

"Ow my god look at them" Nan says walking over to the jeans.

"Dammit" I sighed.

Nan picked up a pair of jeans and a pair of ripped jeans. She looked at the prices and her eyes tripled in size.

"Look at this. Emmy can you believe this. There making you pay more money for less clothing. Here you can buy a pair of these and just rip them yourself" she says looking at them with so much confusion.

"We always have this conversation. Let's just go" I sighed.

She put them down and sighed. She followed me and Regina to the till where Regina brought some baby stuff. Regina payed at the till while me and Nan waited outside.

"I've missed you little Emmy" she says hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back. I kissed her head and held her close.

"I missed you too Nan"

She pulled away and held my face in her hands. I had to bend down a little for her to reach. She smiled at me as she stared into my eyes.

"You look so much like your dad. So beautiful and so talented"

"Thank you Nan" I smiled hugging her again. "I love you"

"Love you too little Emmy"

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