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"Dad. Dad where are you" I call out.

My dad came running over to me and hugged me.

"Don't worry em. I'm here. I have to go quickly. I need to save them" dad softly says while looking at me with a big smile.

"Alright. Please be safe"

"I love that my 16 year old daughter is tell me to be safe. I should be telling you that. I'll be back soon ok. I love you"

"I love you too" I say still worried.

He kissed my head softly and ran into the burning building along with other fireman. He was holding an axe as he went in.

I waited and waited for him. I saw these two people come out coughing and a fireman walk out behind them. I can't see who it is but I hope it's dad. As he came more into the light I saw it wasn't. Three more fireman came running out but none were dad.

"Up here" dad shouts from an upstairs window.

Everyone looks up and I smile knowing he's alive. He threw a 2 years old out the window and someone else caught it. He then threw a young girl out and someone caught her. When I looked back up he smiled and waved at me. I always knew he was a hero. He then ran off behind him. Fear took over me as the fire started to get worse. The house started to collapse but dad wasn't out yet. The exit was almost covered and the house was fallen on one side. I pushed past lots of people and ran towards the building.

"DAD" I shout as I am nearly there.

One of the other fireman grabbed hold of me and held me back. I tried as hard as I could to fight him while also fighting me tears. Some of the other fireman came over to help keep me from running in.

"No! DAD! NO" I shout into the building. I saw him running towards the exit. I'm far away from the house now since they pulled me away from it. "Dad hurry!" I shout to him. He smiled at me and used his axe to break through what was covering his way out. Just before he could run out the front of the house collapse. "NO" I scream as I fought even more to get out of the mans grip.

Then tears poured out of my eyes. My legs grew weak and I couldn't stand. As they dropped the fireman holding me from behind kept me up so I didn't fall.

"I'm sorry Emma. He was a great man" he says holding onto me tight. I now know it's dads best friend at work Ronny.

I cried in Ronny's arms and turned to hug him. Nothing. Literally nothing in this world could hurt me like that just did. The feeling of loosing a parent is harder than anyone can explain. I just grip hold of Ronny and cry. I can feel lots of people are looking at me but my face is hidden so they won't see me cry. I can hear people whispering about me.

"Ow that poor girl" someone commented from the audience that was watching.

I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. I couldn't do anything but cry. I can't even stand. He is literally holding me up since my legs have gone so weak. I can hear people around me faintly since I blocked out all noice now. All I can hear is my dads voice telling me he loved me.

"Dad" I shout as I sat up in bed.

Sweat is dripping down me and I'm shaking lots. My heart is beating just thinking about what happened. Tears are climbing out of my eyes without me realising.

"Emma baby calm down" Regina says as she placed her soft hand on my shoulder.

It's midnight and the only light is from the moon. I looked at her while catching my breath. She holds my hand and cups my cheek.

"Gina" I say just looking at her.

"Yeah. I'm here. What happened"

"I had a dream. It was the moment dad died. I could feel the heat on the fire on me. I could smell the burning building in my nose. I could feel the pain in my heart as I watched him die" I say crying more and making my breathing mess up again.

"Hey it's ok. Emma calm down. Don't tell me about it now. You can tell me in the morning but right now you need to sleep" Regina rubbed her thumb across my cheek as she spoke.

I nod and hug her. She held me close and kissed my head. I pulled away and she led down. I led down and cuddled into her chest. She hugged me and held me close to her. A kiss was planted on my head as I closed my eyes to fall back asleep. I've never told anyone the story of my dads death. I don't ever plan to.

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