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The next day. Yesterday we were taken out of the court second so none of us would go after Daniel. Today everyone is back and in the same places. The judge walked in and everyone stood up. He sat down and looked at everyone.

"You may be seated"

We all sat down except Daniels lawyer. He walk to the stand and looked round at everyone.

"Before we start. Anyone here who has kids will know they are hard work. They know they need lots of help at a young age and even as they grow up. But they are God's gift. Why should this mans gift be taken away from him? A man who is fighting for his child should not be denied it unless he is a danger to himself or others. So why is he" the lawyer was energetic and really trying to show he cares. "I'd like to call Emma swan to the stand please to try and answer that question"

"Dammit" I mumble to myself before standing up.

I kissed Regina's head softly and made my way over to the stand.

"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth" the officer asked.

"I do" I sighed.

I sat down at the stand and pulled the chair in. It's not comfortable at all. I looked at the lawyer and waited for him to talk.

"So Emma" he asked. "Can you tell me why a man who is fighting hard for this shouldn't be allowed to see his daughter"

"Yes I can. A man who would threaten a woman he knows couldn't never stand up to him can not be trusted to look after a child who will most likely be too scared to stand up for herself" I replied keeping a straight face the entire time.

"And how long have you been with Regina in a relationship"

"Nearly 10 months. I was with her before she went to Chicago for about a week as well"

"So you decided to pick up from where you left off am I right"

I know where this is going. I don't know how he knows be he know what i was like when Regina first came back.

"Not straight away no" I simply replied.

"And why is that" the smirk on his face was so annoying. He knows all these answers.

"Because I was in a rough time in my life but I'm not that person anymore and I would never go back to that person" I replied making sure people know I'm serious about what I say.

"Please tell the court what you done during that time" he asked.

I looked down ashamed of myself. I didn't want to say it out loud and I never wanted to think of it again.

"Objection. He can't bring up such a personal past for Emma and make her answer on the spot if she truly wishes not to" Alex says standing up.

"Mr Stockton where are you going with this" the judge asked.

"I want to show the court who Emma swan really is and ask them if she is truly capable of being a mother to this child. So miss swan please tell us what thing you did in your past to make it so rough"

I looked up and all I could feel was shame. I regret my past so much and I fear this won't help us much. I have to answer... but I really don't want to.

"I was an alcoholic and smoked a lot" I admit looking down.

"And how old were you when you did this"

"17" I replied feeling the tears in my eyes build up.

"And your age now" he asked.


"So not even a year since you were like that"

"No... but I have been sober for 10 months with the help of my girlfriend. I haven't held a cigarette in my hand for 9 months" I admit still feeling embarrassed of the things I've done.

"Tell me why did you go through all of that" he asked knowing the answer.

"To take my mind of Regina. I missed her lots and so I drunk my pain away. I smoked because I thought I looked cool and popular but it wasn't"

"So if you and Regina broke up again. You'd react like that? How can you be trusted to be another parent to this child" he asked.

I'm really feeling the pressure. I can feel the room getting small and everyone's eyes on me. Mine are filled with tears but I won't let them out.

"I'd never go back to that person. Also I don't plan on leaving Regina. I plan on marrying her one day and raising our daughter together" I admit really not wanting this place to be where she finds out I want to marry her.

I look up to see her smiling at me. I smiled back before looking at the lawyer.

"But how can you be trusted"

"Because if I lived in the past I wouldn't be here now"

"Are you referring to your fathers dead" he asked to make me angry.

"Don't bring him up" I demand trying to stay calm.

A tear finally left my eye and I didn't wiped it away. My teeth are grinding together at how mad I am at him for bring dad into this. How dare he use my father like that?

"But is that what you are referring to miss swan. The death of your father in that fire when you were 16"

"No. Don't you dare bring him up. He was a hero and you will not use his name like that" more tears left my eyes as anger grew in me.

"Your honour this is obviously a sensitive subject for Emma. Her fathers sudden death was when Emma was young and she doesn't need to be reminded of it. Especially not in such a harsh way" Alex says cutting everyone off.

"He is right mr Stockton. Is there anything else" the judge asked.

"No your honour. Not for Emma" he replied.

I stood up and walked back to where I was sat. Regina hugged me and I couldn't help the few tears that left my eyes. He brought up the two things that I refuse to talk about. My alcoholic stage and my dads tragic death. I couldn't help crying about him on Regina's shoulder.

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