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[ Regina's pro ]
I woke up the next day. I looked at my phone and saw I have lots messages and missed calls. They are from ruby, Killian, robin, Dede and Kat. I scrolled threw the messages in the home screen.

Killian: Regina pick up the god damm phone!

Robin: Regina you need to get here now!

Dede: where the hell are you?!

Kat: hurry!

Ruby: Emma is in the hospital. She may not make it. Get down here now!

Ruby's text made everything more clear. I looked shocked at it. I hoped out of bed and quickly got changed.

"Aria I have to go" I say loud enough for her to hear.

"Ok. Bye" she mumbled in her sleep.

I grabbed my phone and left the room. Fixing my hair with my hand. As I was walking out of granny's I called Kat.

"Hello" she answered worried.

"Hey. What's going on"

" you need to get to the hospital now. We are all here"

"Ok I'm on my way. What happened to her"

"I don't know" I says softly.

I hung up and started running. Emma can't do this now. Not after what we said to each other. I'm really worried about her. I am running super fast to get to the hospital. I then start to loose my breath. Luckily the hospital was round the corner so I carried on running. I ran into the building where I saw in the waiting room was everyone.

"What happened" I say walking in.

They all looked round at me and ruby stood up. She came over and held my shoulders.

"The doctor said Emma drunk to much vodka last night which was dangerous. She can die with how much she took in" she says softly.

"No. No! She can't die. Can I see the doctor"

"You have to go ask the woman behind the desk" she says looking down.

I quickly went over to the woman.

"Can I see Emma's swans doctor"

"He is busy. When he can he will come out" she says still typing.

I sighed and went over to everyone. I looked at all of them sat there.

"I thought you all split apart. How come your all here" I asked softly but confused.

"She was still our best friend and we were worried about her" Killian says sitting up.

"Maybe this might be that thing that reunite all of us" Dede says looking down.

"It's good to see you all again" I express softly. Ruby and Emma are the only ones I've seen since I got here yesterday.

Dede stood up and hugged me. I held her close and she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm so scared" she mumbled.

I rubbed her back and kept her close. Kat stood up and hugged around us. Robin did the same the other side. Ruby hugged around me and Kat. Killian around robin and ruby. We all kept hold of each other. Past arguments faded away and we all feared the worst for our old friend.

"Yo. Where is em" we heard someone say but the entrance.

Everyone looked round and saw dani stood there pretty calm. She came over and I glared at her.

"Get the fuck out of here now" I snapped.

"Ow take a chill pill"

"No. Get lost now. Your the reason Emma drinks, smokes and has done drugs. Get away from me before I HURT YOU SO BAD!" I snapped even more angry.

"Regina calm down" Killian says holding his arm in front of me. He turned me away and we walked away from them. "Don't start anything now. I'm serious"

"Where's Emma's mum"

"I don't know. She went out last night"

"Who found Emma" I asked confused.

"Dede. She knew you were back and went to check if emma was ok. For old time sake you know? She said she found her unconscious on the floor. A bottle of vodka was smashed on the floor with half of it spilt across the floor. A second bottle was on the bed empty"

"She drunk a bottle and a half of vodka?! What the"

"Regina" I heard behind me.

We all looked round and Emma's mum came wondering over. Her name was Maria. She came over and looked very hungover.

"Hi Maria" I say softly.

"What happened to Emma" she asked tiredly.

"She has alcohol poisoning and may not survive Maria" I softly replied.

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