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[ Emma's pro ]
I started drinking the bottle of vodka. As the liquid burned down my throat tears poured out of my eyes. I am trying to forget all of my troubles. I haven't eaten since lunch time at school. I put the bottle down on the bed side table and went to the window. I am crying my eyes out and I can feel I'm already drunk with how much I've had. I am trying to forget all my pain and my troubles. My door then knocked.

"What" I say annoyed.

"I'm leaving. Don't do something stupid" my mum says from the other side of the door.

"Whatever" I say annoyed.

I looked back out the window and sighed. I picked up the bottle again and drunk a mouthful. I went back to my bed while still drinking out the bottle. I picked my phone up and clicked photos. I went in my eyes only where there was pictures of me and Regina. I forgot I had these still.

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That last one was just before Regina moved

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That last one was just before Regina moved. Ruby took it just before our kids. This made me cry more. I downed lots of the bottle after this until it was nearly gone. This pain inside me still hurts.

"Why won't this pain leave me alone? Why won't it stop" I sobbed angry and upset.

I grabbed hold of my hair and held it tight. I led down on the bed so annoyed at myself. I'm pulling my hair in hope that the pain from my heart will be replaced by it.

After half hour I was onto my second bottle. I'm about a quarter the way threw it. I'm now stood up and I'm serious angry at myself. I punched the wall a few times out of anger until I noticed my knuckle wasn't in the right place. It was dislocated. I pushed it back into place but with the anger didn't feel a thing.

"Dammit Regina. Why are you back" I asked myself annoyed.

I do this at least once a week but since she's back today I have gone over bored. I never drink vodka on its own to get rid of my Regina pain but today I'm on my second bottle. I go to my mirror and look angry.

"Your weak and pathetic. How can you be so horrible to her? She's innocent and amazing. Who have you become Emma? Why did you do that" I sob to my reflection. "You bastard why"

I picked up the now half full bottle of vodka and threw it to the ground. It smashed and the vodka went across my floor. I then felt dizzy and passed out next to the bottle.

[ Dede's pro ]
Ruby texted me earlier which confused me until I read it. Regina is back. I haven't spoken to any of them except of course robin since we all lost contact. When Regina left Emma cried to me and told me she wanted Regina back badly. I told her I'd be there for her but I wasn't. I should be now. I decided to cancel my plan with robin and go check she's ok. She hasn't replied to my messages or anything.

"Be quick. I wanna spend time with you tonight" robin says as I got in my car.

"Don't be like that. She might need me"

"You ain't spoken to the girl for months"

"That's the problem" I softly say back before closing the door.

I started driving and headed for Emma's house. I'm 18 now and I can drive. I tried calling Emma again while driving.

"Yo this is Emma. If I don't like you then don't leave a message" her voicemail played. I hung up and sighed.

"God you've changed Emma" I mumble to myself.

I arrived outside her house. I knocked on the door but no answer. Her motorbike is here and the lights are on so she must be home.

"EMMA" I shout banging on the door.

No answer.

I took two hair grips out of my hair and picked the lock. Once I was in I went upstairs to see if she's ok. I found her on the floor unconscious or dead. I'm not sure. I rushed over and checked her pulse to see if she was breathing or alive. Luckily she is.

"Come on Emma. Wake up" I say worried.

I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance. Looking at the bottle on the bed and the smashed one on the floor she did this to herself. Once I was of the phone I moved her into the recovery position. I stroked her hair and looked worried at her.

"Ow Emma. What have you done"

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