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The next day. I woke up with Regina in my arms. I just smiled and closed my eyes again. That moment a siren went off. We can't be doing more stuff today. This is so stupid. It worked but still stupid. Me and Regina climbed out of the tent tired as hell.

"Sorry guys that siren wasn't for your group. You do have to get on the road soon though" Rachel says standing in front of us.

I wanna punch her for how much energy she has at this time of the morning.

"Fine lets go. I'll drive" Robin says going to the van.

"I'm never sleeping in a tent when I have Emma and Regina doing it one side of me and robin and Dede the other side" Killian says tired.

"Hey I was quiet. It was Regina who couldn't keep her mouth shut" I say looking over at him.

Regina just smirking and walked to the van. This made us all laugh and we followed her. We all went and got into the van. Me and Regina got into the back. Kat, ruby and Dede were in front of us. Killian went in the front with robin. Regina put her head on my lap and fell asleep. The rest of us talked for a while.

"Ruby your stupid idea worked but I'm never doing that again" I say smiling making them laugh.

"It was actually quite fun" Dede laughed.

"No it wasn't. We're not going anywhere else are we" I asked.

"No. This was just to bring us all closer and for you two to get back together" she gestured to me and Regina.

"Really" I asked.

"Yeah. I need you to back together. You always smile that little bit brighter with her" she replied making me smile.

"She's right you know" Kat added smiling at me.

"I guess I do. I love this little one" I say smiling and giggling.

Regina then sat up tired and frowned at me.

"I'm not little" she frowned making me laugh.

"You are tiny" I giggled.

"Gina you are small" Kat added making us laugh a little more.

"Bullies" she mumbled while putting her head on my shoulder.

I lifted her head up by her chin and pecked her lips. This made her smile softly at me.

"Morning beautiful" I smile.


Regina put one hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. She then put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I held her hips as I deepened the kiss.

"Get a room" Dede says making us pull away.

The girls laughed at us and I put my middle finger up.

"No thanks. I'm good fun" Regina says smirking and then she winked at them.

This made us all laugh. Regina was trying not to but laughed anyway. I pecked her lips and put my arm around her shoulders.

"This is back to old times now. I like it like this" Killian says looking round at us.

"Me two" ruby smiled.

After the long drive we arrived there about 9pm. Since we left very early this morning we didn't get back that late. Ruby is now driving with Kat in front with her. Ruby has dropped them all off except me and Regina.

"Here ya go em" she says pulling up outside my house.

"You coming" I asked Regina. She smiled and nodded softly. We got out and I went over to Ruby's door. "Thanks for this rubs. See you tomorrow"

"See you rubs" Regina says as she held my hand.

We walked to my front door and I unlocked it. The lights were all off and the house was silent. Mum was most likely out. Me and Regina went upstairs and to my room. I quickly went to mums room to check she wasn't there and luckily she wasn't. I went back to my room and saw Regina in my clothes.

"I didn't have anything to wear. Is this ok" she asked softly.

She had one of my baggy tops on and a pair of shorts that barely fit me let alone hold Regina's big ass. I've never complained about that though. She had the top tied up above her belly button in a knot.

"It's fine. Your butts hanging out" I smirked.

"Perv" she laughed while going over to my bed.

She smirked over her shoulder and got onto my bed.

"Fucking tease" I say walking over.

She looked round at me and laughed. I sat on the bed and she kissed me softly.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you more" I whispered back.

"Not possible" she smiled.

"Why did you want to know if I'd kissed dani"

"Cause she's stunning. I didn't think I could match up to her"

"Regina no one could ever match up to you. Your unique and one of a kind. I'm the luckiest person to have gotten you"

Regina then started kissing me again. I moved onto my knees at the same time she did. I deepened the kiss but she took control as usual. We kept each other close and didn't plan on pulling away time soon.

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