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It's been a month. Regina is flying to storybrooke today with all her stuff. She's 18 now and finally moving. I am surprising her at the airport. Regina was going to get a taxi since she didn't have much stuff to move. I stood by the check out desks waiting. Regina's flight had just got in and she was getting her bags. She had 2 suitcases and a rucksack. She went through check out and headed towards the door. I watched her as she pulled her phone out to call a taxi.

"You won't be needing that" I said in her ear while rapping my arms around Regina's waist.

Regina jumped and looked round to see it was Me. I saw this scared her but she smiled and hugged me.

"God you scared the hell out of me"

"Miss me" I smiled.

Regina pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss. I kept hold of her hips and kept her close. When we pulled away Regina bit her lip.

"Does that answer you question" she smirked.

"No. You might have to do it again" I laughed making Regina laugh.

She pecked my lips and held my hand. I grabbed a suitcase and kissed Regina again.

"How come your here" she asked.

"I wanted to surprise you. Come on my car is parked out side the airport cause there is no way I'm paying to park in here" I says now leading the way. Regina laughed and followed.

"I've missed you" Regina says looking up at me.

"I missed you too. How's your parents?"

"Good. Aria was pissed she couldn't come though"

"Awe bless her. Maybe she can come stay for a few days" I suggest.

"That's what I said. Zelena is on her way here and she may be living with me for a few weeks"

I looked a little confused. Zelena lives in Boston. Why would she wanna come down here?


"Cause her work is moving down here. Mum and dad gave her the money to get a place but there still doing it now and her work starts soon"

"Fair enough. You don't have much stuff to fill a house Gina"

"Mum and dad already filled everything with what it needs except my room. All the furniture and stuff is already there" she simply replied while I open the back of my car.

We put the suitcases and her rucksack in the back before going to the front seats. I got in the drivers seat and started driving.

"So where is this beautiful house located" I asked glancing over at her.

Regina gave me the address and I headed there. We talked the whole journey. I forgot how much I missed her this last month. With the lighting from the sun and her smile standing out it was such a beautiful sight to look at.

"Your so beautiful" I say of topic.

"Thanks" She says smiling but a little confused I randomly changed the subject half way through it. "Little strange but I'll take it. I love you my gorgeous girl"

"I love you more"

Shortly after we arrived outside Regina's new house. I was really big. We got out and grabbed her bags. I followed her towards the house and she unlocked it. She wasn't kidding. The house looked like someone had moved in already and designed it. She dropped her bags and walked through a door leading to the lounge. I followed to see she had collapsed on the bed.

"Cosy" I asked.

"Almost" she smirked. I frowned a bit confused. She curled her finger indicating for me to go over. "Come here" I walked over and she lifted her head up. I sat down and Regina rested her head on my lap. She smiled at me making me giggle. "Now I am"

"So I'm just here to make you comfortable huh" I smirked.

"Maybe... but I know you can do more than that"

"Like what" I say playing dumb.

Regina sat up and sat on my lap. Her legs straddling my thighs. Her hands cupping both cheeps and her eyes staring into mine.

"God I love you" she says smiling.

"I love you more" I replied smiling softly.

She leaned in and kissed me softly. Before any of us could do anything else we heard a nose upstairs. Like something dropped. We both instantly pulled away and looked up.

"Em? What was that" Regina asked a little worried.

"I don't know. I'll go check" I say stand big up while holding Regina. She jumped down and looked a little worried at me. "What"

"Don't do anything stupid" she warned.

"I won't" i giggled.

I went upstairs and opened one door. Looked like a spare room. I went across the hall and opened another. It was a huge bathroom. I checked all the rooms but one. There was about 3 spare bedrooms in this house. I opened the one that must lead to Regina's room. It was everyone.

"Ow it's not Regina" robin sighed.

"What the fuck" I asked confused.

"Surprise birthday party. Duh" Killian says pointing at the sigh.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Ow god Yeah. Forgot about that. Keep quiet. I'll go get her" I say smiling.

I left the room and went downstairs. Regina was stood there looking a little worried. I smiled and that reassured her a little.

"It was just a cat knocking something over. I had a look at your room and the bed looks good. Shall we" I suggest.

She smirked and came over to me. She jumped up and rapped her legs around me. I carried her upstairs and to her room. When I opened the door they saw Regina wasn't looking. I closed the door and put her down.

"I missed you em" she smiled before turning around.

"Surprise" we all yell.

Regina jumped and i just laughed. She looked round at me shocked and slapped my arm.

"You did this" she says laughing.

"Happy birthday baby" I smiled.

"Thank you"

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