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[ Emma's pro ]
I can't find anyway out. Im running like a mad man. Every turn I take I am in a different part and then I end up in the same place I started. There has to be a way out. It's dark and I'm cold. With no top on and ripped jeans I'm freezing.

"Dammit. Where am I going" I sighed.

I then felt a cold bar hit the back of my head. I fell the the floor unconscious.

My eyes slowly opened. I am tied back into a chair. My mouth is taped and the rope is tighter. I now have one around my thighs as well that feels like my blood circulation is going to be cut of if it's any tighter. The light is on but it flickers. I look around and see a bed. Regina is attached to it unconscious. I move in the chair fighting to get out but I can't. I then heard the laughter of the woman I now hate. Stella.

"You really are a wriggly one aren't you" she says coming into my view. "Now I'm going to take the tape of. There is no point shouting for Regina she's out cold"

Stella came over and slowly pulled the tape off. As she finished i quickly went forward and bit her hand. She yelled a little in pain as I sunk my sharp teeth into her. I let go and there was blood where I bit.

"Sorry. I have strong sharp teeth" I smirked.

"Your such a bitch" she says slapping me. She cupped my cheek and dug her nails in. "I am going to hurt you and Regina badly now"

"Well if I'm never gonna get to kiss my wife again then I guess maybe you can try that kiss again and I'll judge if Regina made the right choice all those years ago" I suggest smirking. I got a plan.

"Really" she laughed.

"Why not? I miss human contact" I grin.

"If you say so" Stella smirked before walking over to me.

She sat on my lap as a lady sits on a horse. She moved in and started kissing me. While she did I stretched my hand enough to reach her phone in her back pocket. I slowly pulled it out. She went to pull away to look but I moved my head closer and made the kiss more passionate. I moved the phone under my arm and kept it there. I then pulled away and she smirked.

"Not that good" I laughed. "Regina will always be the best at that. With her amazing tongue" I say before sticking my tongue out and licking my lips.

Stella slapped me and then pecked my lips. She stood up and walked behind me. I frowned a bit confused as to what she is doing. I can't see her.

"I can make you feel things that will ruin you for the rest of your life. You will always have the guilt of enjoying it so much while your wife is unconscious 10 feet away from you" Stella says as she slowly moves her arms down my body from behind.

My breathing hitched. She grabbed my hips before moving her arms back up my body and used them to moved my hair into a low ponytail. She planted a wet kiss on my neck. I smashed my head to the side and hit it against hers. It hurt but I know it hurt her more. She came round the from and went over to Regina.

"Don't touch her" I shout.

"But that's what I want to do" Stella laughed.

She cupped Regina's cheeks and slapped her hard. Regina opened her eyes and quickly tried to sit up but the strap around her upper stomach was holding her down. Her feet and hands are tied like mine.

"What the hell" she says worried.

"Regina" I shout.

She looked over at me and worry grew in her face.

"Emma" she says trying to move be again.

"Sshh sshh" Stella says putting her finger over Regina's lips.

I moved the phone and tried keeping it hidden. I dialled Ruby's number since hers is the easiest to remember. I made sure it was on silent before quickly texting her.

Me: it's Emma. Stella has me and Gina. Smells damp. Watch Taylor. Hurry!

I then slip the phone back under my arm. Hopefully she will understand. I look back at Regina and saw she looked scared. Stella pulled a knife out of her back pocket. Doing so I saw a swiss army knife in her pocket. If I can get her back over here I can grab the knife. I looked at Regina and she looked over at me worried.

"Get her over here" I mouthed to her.

She slightly nods and looks at Stella who now had the knife against her throat.

"Please don't do anything to Emma. I love her more than anything" Regina begs.

Stella looked at me and smirked. She stood up from the bed and came over. She sat on my lap the same way but the other side.

"So it would hurt you if I did this" Stella says holding my cheeks.

She kissed me again. As she did I reached to grab the knife. I did the same as the phone and slipped it under my arm. Stella's eyes are closed. I winked at Regina and she nods still looking upset. Stella pulled away and smirked. She pecked my lips and stood up. She was about to walk back over to Regina.

"Hey wait" I quickly say. She looked over her shoulder at me coldly. "Can you tighten this on my shoulder please" I asked.

"Fine" she sighed. "Don't need you dying on me"

Stella came over and quickly tightened the top tied around my open wound. She done it really tight so now no blood can get out.

"Cheers" I coldly thank.

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