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A year later. I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. I looked around and saw I'm bed alone. I looked at the closet and hung up on the door was a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. My smile brightened. I looked at my phone and saw it was 8:42. I was I had a text from Regina.

Regina: are you ready for today baby xx

Me: more than ever!!! Xxx

I put my phone down and got out of bed. I went down the hall and knocked on a spare bedroom door.

"Come in" Killian says. I opened the door and smiled at him. "How you feeling" he asked smiling.

"Amazing" I replied smiling.

He came over and hugged me. I held him close and smiled brightly. Robin came in and we smiled at him. He joined the hug. I'm pretty much the same height as them.

"Shall we start getting ready" I asked.

"It's so early" Robin replied.

"I guarantee Regina was up hours ago" Killian laughed making us laugh.

"I don't care. I wanna get ready. And Killian your right she would be" I replied excitedly.

They both laughed and I ran out the room. They followed close behind me as I went downstairs. We went to the kitchen and robin started making breakfast for us.

"Bucks fizzy" Killian asked.

Me and robin nodded and he poured it into a champagne glass. We all drink it while eating.

"So Emma. How does it feel to know your the first in our group to get married" robin asked smiling at me.

"It's crazy to think today is my wedding day. I would have thought you and Dede would be" I replied smiling brightly.

"I honestly didn't think Regina would settle down before we met you" Killian states.

"Yeah em. She was convinced she would have a career first. You changed her mind. She doesn't have a career yet and already your getting married and have a baby"

"I guess you right. Let's get ready now" I smiled standing up.

They both stood up and we went upstairs. I stood outside my room and smiled at them.

"Your about to get dressed for the day that starts your life. You ready for this" robin asked.

"More than ever" I smiled brightly.

"Then go get ready beautiful" Killian says smiling.

I went into my room and dressed into my suit. I tied my hair into a high bun to keep it out of my face. I brushed my teeth and done a minimum amount of makeup. I walked out of the room and I felt so happy. I went downstairs and saw the boys sat there in the suits.

"It's 10:45. Shall we hit the road" robin asked.

I smiled and nod. I walked down the rest of the stairs and to the door. The boys followed me out and I got into the black Mercedes car we hired. I'm in the back with the boys in front. The drive was about half hour. It was silent. I'm looking out the window and thinking about the one person who should be at my wedding isn't even on the planet.

"What's wrong em" Killian asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked away from the window and over to him. He's looking at me since robin is driving. I nod softly with a weak smile.

"Just thinking about dad that's all. He should be here"

"I know. This world can be cruel. You know he's watching you" robin says glancing.

"I know. He should still be here though" I replied with a weak smile.

"You alright" Killian asked.

"I'm fine. Honestly. I'm really happy"

I gave them a more confident smile and they returned the gesture. Shortly after we arrived at the town hall where we were getting married. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Em" Killian says getting my attention.

"Let's do this mother fucker" I smiled.

They both laughed and we got out. I put my arms around the boys as we walking in giggling. Everyone was already there except Regina and the bridesmaids obviously. We went to the front row and sat down.

"Congratulations Emma" uncle Alex says from behind me.

"Thanks you Alex" I smiled.

He winked and kissed my cheek. My Nan was next to him smiling at me. I kissed her cheek and hugged her over the chair. The sound of the doors opening came from the entrance. Me and the boys stood up. I moved to the middle and looked down the isle. Killian and robin are stood by my side facing the same way as me.

I see ruby, Dede and Kat walked down in the same matching bridesmaid dressed. All holding the same bouquet of flowers in there hands. They all smiled at me and stood to the other side of me leaving room for Regina. I took a deep breath and everyone stood up. I can see Regina's parents in the front row on the other side. This place is full of people and we didn't except that. I looked at the boys and smiled softly. I then looked at the girls and gave the same gesture. Now it's time for Regina to come down.

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