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I've been going to this school for a week and I'm still nervous. All of Regina's friends are so nice and I hang out with them now. Ever heard of a high school crush? Yeah that's what I got on Regina but I don't think she likes me. I'm sat next to her in English with her and it's second lesson.

"Hey em" she whispered so the teacher didn't hear.

"Yeah" I replied.

"You wanna come to mine tonight. My parents are out and everyone is coming to mine"

"What do you mean everyone? Like a party" I asked trying to hide I was nervous about that.

"No. Just our group that's all. Just play a few drinking games and hang out you know" she laughed.

"Sure. What time" 

"Half 6. It will be fun my little wallflower"

That's what she calls me now. Her little wallflower. Even though I'm taller but she is a few months older.

"Silence class" the teacher snapped since everyone had started talking.

"God I hate her" Regina says rolling her eyes.

"Yeah she seems strict" I mumbled quietly.

"She's hot but horrible" she says with a giggle.

I didn't know she was into girls. I was gonna ask but my shyness took over me and I didn't. I just looked at the front and listened. I kept glancing next to me to look at her and she did the same to me at some point.

"You may leave" the teacher says sitting down.

Everyone stood up and left.

"Em look. Ruby is over there. Quick come on" she says as she grabbed my hand. She started pushing past people to get down the hall. "Ruby" she shouts getting the girls attention.

"Hey guys. What's up"

"Wanna bunk with me? Can't be bothered for chemistry" Regina says with a pout.

"Sure. Only if Emma does" Ruby replied getting my attention.

"Umm... I guess"

Regina put her arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek. We then started walking. We left the building and sat down outside. Everyone else was in class. I've never done this before. I think they noticed since I'm sat so awkwardly.

"What's wrong cutie? You seem tense" Regina asked while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing. I'm fine thanks" I replied shyly.

"If you want to go to class you can" Ruby offered leaning forward.

"No it's ok. I'm just naturally like this"

"It's fine. I'm sure by the end of this year being with us you'll be out your shell"

For an hour we talked. We then had lunch. At the end of the day I went home to get ready to go to Regina's. I just put on a pair of jeans and a black vest top. I put a red leather jacket I usually wear on before checking the time. There was a message from Regina.

Regina: my sister said she will come pick you up if you'd like. I'll obvs be there xx

Me: that would help. Thank you Gina xxx

Regina: you ready now. We can come get you xx

Me: yeah sure x

Regina: what's the address and we will be there soon xx

I sent the address and smiled. I really like Regina but I think she's into someone else. I don't know why but I just have that feeling. She's so beautiful and funny. Why would she want someone like me who's shy and socially awkward?

After 5 minutes I heard my front door knock. I quickly went down the stairs and answered it. Regina stood there with a sweet smile on her face.

"Shall we go" she asked. I nodded and stepped out the door. "Don't you have to tell your mum your going"

"She doesn't care. She never has" I mumble while we walk.

She opened the back door for me and I got in. She closed it and hopped into the front.

"Hi Emma. I'm Zelena"

"Hi" I replied quietly.

The girl started driving. They talked during the drive and I understand why Regina calls her sister stuck up now. We arrived at a big house. Zelena stayed in the car. Regina got out and I followed.

"Bye" she says before driving of.

"No one else is here yet but shouldn't be to long. The house is empty. Parents and aria are out till tomorrow and Zelena will be home either really early morning or tomorrow afternoon" Regina says smiling at me.

"That's Good then"

"Come on let's go in and you can help me set up"


We walked into the big house and I followed her to the kitchen. She grabbed some red plastic cups and gave them to me.

"Can you put them on the coffee table in the lounge please beautiful" she asked sweetly.

I took them with a smile and went out the door. It led straight to the lounge. I put them down and looked around. It's a really nice house. As I turned round Regina was stood there in the doorway holding a bottle of vodka in one hand and tequila in the other. Under her arm was lemonade.

"You ready for some fun my little wallflower"

"Yeah. Should be fun" I say smiling but still shyly.

She giggled and smiled sweetly at me.

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