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We are about half way in the drive. It's night time now and dark out. I'm the one driving now and Regina is sat next to me. Everyone is asleep except us.

"God. What I wouldn't give for a" I start but instantly got cut off.

"Do not say S M O K E" she replied spelling it out.

"Sorry" I replied looking at the road.

"Hey em. Can I ask you something"

"Be my guest"

"Did you ever kiss or date dani" she asked softly.

I glanced at her and saw she had a little sadness in her eyes. As if she was worried to here the answer.

"I only kissed her once when I was drunk" I replied now looking back at the road. "Why"

"Just wondering" is all she replied before looking out the window.

With one hand I kept on the wheel I held her hand with the other. She looked at me and I gave her a soft smile. She returned the gesture and I looked back at the road.

After half hour I looked back and she was asleep. Her mouth was partly open and the cutest little snore left her body. I smiled and just carried on driving. We're not far now. Probably about another hour. I can make it.

When we finally arrived they were all still sleeping. It's 1:34am. I got out and a woman walked towards me.

"Hi. Are you ruby" she asked.

"No. I'm one of the girls in Ruby's group though. Ruby's asleep"

"No worries. We have a tent ready for you all" she starts but I cut her off.

"Hang on. A tent"

"Yes. There is 3 tents for you. If you would like to wake them up and I show you where it is" she continued.

I'm gonna kill ruby. She is so dead for making me sleep in a tent. I go to the mini van and open the door to where Regina is. She looks so peaceful. I closed the door and opened the big one where everyone else is.

"Come on guys. Get up. Where here" I say loud enough to wake them all. They all sat up and looked around at where they are. "Let's go. She's gonna show us our rooms"

I then went back to Regina's door. I put my hand on her shoulder and shook it slightly. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. She smiled slightly and closed them again. I giggled and took her seat belt off. I scooped her small body up and held her in my arms. Regina rapped her arms around my shoulders and stayed asleep.

"Where we going" Killian asked rubbing his eyes.

"She'll show us" I replied while gesturing my head to the woman.

"Which one is ruby" she asked.


"Alright. So I have 3 tents. Follow me please"

We all followed her. I kept hold of Regina since I know she hasn't slept for very long. We went to a small tent big enough for 2.

"This is the first one. Only 2 can go in here"

"Emma. You and Regina go in there so you don't have to carry her anymore" Ruby suggests.

I nod and climbed into the small tent. Next to me was a slightly bigger one for 3 and another one my size. I saw there was 2 sleeping bags close together. I led Regina down and pulled the cover over her. I then led next to her and cuddled into my sleeping bag.

"Night Gina" I softly whisper.

The next morning was rough. A loud siren was going off that woke us up. Regina jumped so much it woke me up even more. I opened the tent and looked around.

"What the fuck" I asked annoyed and tired.

On my phone it said 6:00. All I ask is why? Who wakes people up at this time?

"Time to start" the woman from yesterday says getting all of ours attention.

Regina climbed out of the tent annoyed and stood up.

"Why was I in a tent and what the fuck is going on" she asked annoyed. From what I remember Regina isn't a morning person.

"Come on girls. We need to get started now. My name is Rachel and this is going to get you all closer I promise" she says smiling.

"Ruby you bitch this is your doing" Kat snapped from the tent next to me.

"Hey don't talk to her like that" I snapped annoyed.

"Piss off Emma your not involved" robin snapped from the end tent.

"Neither are you robin" Regina snapped annoyed.

"Enough" Rachel shouts over us. We all looked at her and she sighed. "I got a lot to work with. Come on now. Let's go"

We all followed her in silence. Glares were passed around. Walking a little until we were in the middle of the woods.

"What are we doing" I asked.

"First we need to take a deep breath. In through the nose and out through your mouth. Ready? Now in" Rachel says. We all inhale and hold it. "Now out" we all let it out. We did it a few times.

"Is that it" Killian asked.

"No. You all need to stretch for what's next"

I hate this already. I started stretching along with the others. Growing more hate for this stupid thing as I go.

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