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I don't know how long I've been here but I need water. I think 3 days maybe more. I've just woken up and I'm still in the dark. I was so tired I must of had a full sleep. I'm still stuck in the chair. Since one of the ropes is a little looser I think I can pull my hand out. I'm led down still so it's hard. The rope burns me as I wiggle my hand to be free. Finally it is. I feel around for the other one and try getting it out. It took a little longer but I did it.

"Ow god that hurt" I sighed while moving my wrists.

Now I have to get this one of my stomach. The rope is tied up in a knot on the side. I'm stretching to untie it. Since I'm on the floor it's harder than it would be sat up. Once finally done I sat up and untied my feet. Now I'm free I stand up. The knife is still in my shoulder. I searched around for the light switch. When I found it I turned it on. There wasn't anything I could use to cover the cut. I took my top of since I have a bra on.

"God this is gonna hurt" I say letting out a breath.

With the hand that had the knife in I gripped the handle. My other hand I held my top under it ready. I pulled the knife out and quickly covered it. As fast as I can I tie the top around my arm tightly.

"Shit I forgot how I did that" I say shocked I managed to tie that so tight.

I ran out of the room and turned the light of as I did so. I ran around the building finding a way out but I can't seem to figure it out.

[ Stella's pro ]
I knocked on Regina's front door. Thinking about our past just made me angry. The door opened and a girl stood there.

"Hi. I don't care who you are but Regina isn't in the mood for entertaining today. We are trying to figure something out" the girl says a little down.

"I need to talk to Regina. I think I saw her wife leaving granny's today. She was heading out of town with bags" I say acting concerned.

"One sec. Regina" she shouts into the house.

"Dede who is it" Regina shouts back.

"Come here"

The girl smiled at me awkwardly. I smiled back and waited. Regina came to the door looking upset. She must have brought it. I tried not smirking. Dede whispered something into her ear and Regina nods.

"You saw Emma. Where" she asked quickly.

"Leaving granny's. It looked like she was heading out of town"

"She's really left. That bitch" Regina says as tears came to her eyes. "Do you want to come in? Dede will take you to the lounge while I run upstairs quickly"

"Thanks and I'm sorry about your wife. That's a shit thing to do" I say softly.

"Thanks" she replied with a weak smile.

I stepped into the house and Dede closed the door. Me and the girl went to the lounge while Regina went upstairs.

"So how do you know what Emma looks like"

"There's pictures all over the walls" I replied smiling softly. I then felt someone jump on my back. I felt to the floor and they pinned me down. "What the"

"Where's Emma" Regina snapped.

"I told you"

"Shut up. We're not that stupid" another girl says. "I'm ruby by the way. The girl who will make sure your life is a living hell if you don't tell me where she is"

I frowned hard in anger. I stood up knocking Regina to the ground. That Dede girl ran at me and I punched her in the face knocking her away. Ruby came towards me and punched me. She then kicked me in the stomach. As I fell I grabbed her hair and pulled her with me. I stood up and looked at Regina.

"Ow yeah. I've gotten stronger now" I say smirking. I pulled a pair off handcuffs out my pocket and held them to her. "Your coming with me and we will finally settle what happened between us"

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