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It's a week later. I'm out of hospital and back on my feet. I'm going sober and with everyone's help I'm trying to quit smoking. Regina is still here but aria went back to Chicago. Ruby and Kat are civil now. Robin and Killian are friends again. We all hang out a little more this week since it's been end of term. We have another week off. Today I'm going to Ruby's house to help her finish some homework off. With Regina back I'm becoming more shy again.

I drove down to her house now I have my license. I pulled up outside the house and saw there was a mini van parked in the drive way. I parked my car and went to the front door not paying anymore attention to the van. I knock on the door. It instantly opened. Ruby walked out in a crop top, shorts and sun glasses. She had a rucksack on her shoulder.

"Morning" ruby says walking past me and to the mini van. She put the bag in before getting her phone out.

"Hey" I say confused what's going on.

"Sup em" Robin says walking out of Ruby's house.

"Hi? What you doing here" I asked but he didn't reply and just went to the van.

"Excuse me" Kat says before walking past.

Dede closely followed.

"Dede what's going on" I asked.

"Ow Hey em" she says before continuing to walk.

"No answer. Ow k thanks" I say and then someone bumps into me. "Sorry" I say before looking round to see who it is.

"Ow morning cutie" Regina says smiling.

"Sup em" Killian says standing next to her.

"Can you tell me what's happening"

"We're going on a trip" Killian says as Regina walked off to the van.

"Wait What trip" I asked as he followed Regina over.

Ruby came back over and I grabbed her shoulder. I turned her around and she pulled her shoulder out my grip.

"What was that for" she asked confused.

"What's going on" I asked.

"We are going on a trip. You know what they do in pitch perfect two? That's what we're doing"

"Why" is all I asked.

"Cause" she laughed and smiled. "I packed you a bag. It's in the van. Go get in and I'll be there in a sec"

I sighed and went over to the van. Kat was in the front next to the drive. I'm guessing ruby is driving so they must be more than civil now. I got into the back and saw that there was only one seat left next to Regina. Robin and Dede were in the front row with Killian and Regina in the back seat. I climbed over and sat next to her.

"Hey. So this should be..." she says awkwardly while laughing.

"Adventurous" I added on making her laugh more. She nods in agreement and I laughed. "Have you got any clue where we are going"

"Yeah. Camp Istrouma in Greenwell Springs"

"Where's that"

"Louisiana" Regina replied with a slight smile.

"Seriously" I asked with a sigh. She laughed which made me laugh.

"Ready to go" ruby asked getting into the drivers seat. "I know everyone here can drive so we are taking shifts"

"Well this is gonna be a long drive" I sighed with a slight smile.

"At least we're friends again" Regina replied smiling softly.

I smiled back and she held my hand. I hugged her and she hugged me back. As we pulled away our faces were close. We just looked into each other's eyes and I was dying to kiss her. She bit the corner of her lip ever so slightly. The sound of the engine on the car turning on made us both pull out of the unnecessary moment we were just in.

"Are you staying here" I asked changing the subject.

"I have to go back there at the end of the school break but I'm gonna move here. On my 18 birthday they said I can leave. I'll leave the day after and move here. They don't want me there anyway" Regina says with a sad smile.


"I don't know. Zelena got for her 18th birthday a house and a car. I don't think it was a coincidence she was able to move the same day. They brought me a house down here. I think the only reason they had us was for there work"

"What is there work? They are so rich and I never got the chance to ask" I asked realising I don't know.

"Models. When mum was pregnant she had some good ones taken and when we were born we were in the photos with them" she says now not bothering with the smile. Just a look of sadness.

"Well I'll always be happy to have you here" I say holding her hand gently.

"That's why I love you em"

"I love you two Gina"

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