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I quickly wiped my tears away and pulled out of the hug with Regina. She kissed me softly and kept her arm around me.

"Your honour this man made my client cry by bring up sensitive subjects about her past. He knew full well that would hurt Emma" Alex says standing up.

"Mr Stockton if you continue like that you will be asked to remain seated" the judge ordered and Alex sat down.

"Of course your honour. Emma swan shouldn't be allowed to look after this child if Daniel is not allowed. Her past is something a child should not have to deal with in the future"

"It's not my future" I cut him off annoyed.

"Mr Stockton sit down if you have no further questions" the judge says with a sigh.

The lawyer nods and sat down. Alex stood up and Regina tapped his back. He looked round and she whispered something in his ear.

"That's a good idea" he smiled. I looked confused and Alex went up the the stand. "Your honour I'd like to call rose stable to the stand please"

I frowned confused and looked at Regina. She smiled softly and looked round at the audience.

"Me" a woman asked half shocked half confused.

"Yes mrs stable" Alex replied.

"Objection. He can't use my mum" Daniel says annoyed.

"Mr swan" the judge asked.

"Your honour if I can convince the defendants mother that her son shouldn't be allowed to have a child that proves he deserves no custody"

"Ow no thank you hun. I'll stay here" rose says smiling softly.

"Mrs stable please come to the stand" the judge asked.

She sighed and stood up. Daniel looked annoyed and frowned at us. Rose promised to tell the truth before sitting down. She pulled the chair in and looked at Alex.

"Mrs stable"

"Ow call me rose" she says poshly.

"Ok rose. If you were watching this on tv would you be routing for the man who hits woman or the woman who just gave birth and wants to keep her baby safe"

Rose looked at Daniel before looking back at Alex. She looked really upset and worried about talking.

"I would the baby to be safe. Regina is obviously a good mum and cares for her baby. I am ashamed of what I've heard today and yesterday that my son has done but if he is being judge by his past surely Emma should be"

"Emma has proof she has changed and has been like it for months. Daniel hurt Regina and nearly the baby while she was pregnant. If he was willing to risk the life of the unborn baby then surely he can't be trusted with a new born" Alex asked looking not only at her but at everyone else.

"He has had anger problems before and I got him help for it. This shouldn't be permanent"

"But he still acted like that. Who won't say when Taylor is a little older and makes him angry that he won't hit her? Rose swan in your unbiased opinion do you believe this man should be allowed to look after a child after the actions he's don't to the mother of his girl"

"I... I... I'm sorry sweetie. No I don't believe he should have custody of the baby... I'm so sorry dan" rose says looking down.

"You may leave the stand mrs stable" Alex softly says.

Rose stood up and walked over to Daniel. He stood up and she hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry" she replied holding him close.

The whole court went silent. Alex came back over and sat down. Rose pulled away and kissed Daniels head.

"It's ok mum. You couldn't lie" Daniel says upset.

Rose went and sat back down. I held onto Regina's hand thinking this is finally going to be over. I took a deep breath and looked up at the judge.

"Mr Stockton do you any further questions"

"Yes. Could jade pink please come to the stand" he asked standing up. Jade stood up and went over to the stand. She made her promise and sat down. "So jade"


"Why are you defending two woman that are in love when you spoke to my client badly about gay relationships and marriages" he asked titling his head.

Me and Regina both sat up annoyed. She did what? If this is true then she is screwed.

"I want to help Regina's baby have the best life possible away from him. I hate him for what he did to me so I put my... my issues aside and helped them" jade says not looking anywhere near us.

"So your just helping them to get back at Daniel"

"No. I truly believe the way this man treats woman he should not be allowed to raise a little girl"

"So you just pushed all your homophobic 'issues' aside to help a random baby"

"My thoughts are how I was brought up. I've never thought of Regina any differently and I never will because she's still a friend of mine. It's not some random baby I was helping. It was my friends baby"

"Can you tell the court what you said about gay relationships" he asked.

Jade looked down ashamed of herself. I think she should be ashamed. I don't know if I want to hear this and I can tell Regina doesn't. She has her eyes closed and looking down. She shaking her head and awaiting to hear what jade has to say.

"Any person who wishes to act upon such vile actions should be hung, drawn and quartered like they use to in the olden days. It is inhuman and not the way the world should be. Men and woman were made to be together not with the same sex" she shamefully admits.

My mouth dropped. I felt Regina squeezed my hand tight out of anger. I looked at her and she had her mouth open like me. It took everything in me not to flip out at her right now.

"You honestly think that is acceptable" the lawyer asked. Jade just shook her head. "No further questions"

Jade stood up and walked over to us. I moved her chair away from me a little since I can't be near her right now. I put my arm around Regina and held her close.

"Mr swan do you have anything else to say" the judge asked.


"Mr Stockton"

"No your honour"

"Ok then. I have made my decision..."

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