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"... I have information that might help you keep him from seeing the baby" Jade says softly.

"Like what? How can I trust you"

"Because regina and i were never really that close but we trusted each other for some reason"

"Alright. Why do you want to help us though" I asked confused. I'm asking lots of questions.

"He's a lying cheating no good waste of space. I hate him for what he did to me"

I smiled knowing she in our team. I invited her in and closed the door. I lead her to the lounge where Regina and Alex were talking.

"Gina" I say getting her attention.

Regina looked over and looked confused at jade.

"What are you doing here" she asked hugging her.

"Nice to see you too. I'm here to represent you guys in court. I could of forgave Daniel for one drunken cheat but I found out he's done it before. He has three other kids that he doesn't see. I don't know why this one is any different but if I could guess it's because he thinks your hot" she softly said looking upset.

Taylor started crying before anyone could say something. I took her and rocked her in my arms.

"Come on baby girl. Sshh sshh. It's ok. Come on it's ok" I say rocking her.

Alex came over and took the crying baby.

"Here I'm good at this" he says holding her against his chest. "Come on Taylor. Go back to sleep" he says swaying side to side. She slowly fell asleep. "Told ya"

"How did you do that" I asked shocked.

"Ow my god can you live with us" Regina laughed.

"You'll get there soon sweetie" he says smiling softly. "Ow I forgot. This is for you. I found it a few weeks ago. I realise it's late but better than never" he says holding a letter to me.

I took it and saw it's my dads hand writing. Instantly tears came to my eyes. I turned it over to open the envelope and saw the words don't open until your 18th birthday Emma. I looked around at everyone before walking out of the room.

"Em" Regina called.

"I'll be back in a sec" I replied walking up the stairs.

I went to my room and sat on the bed. I looked at the envelop for a few seconds. My birthday was a few months ago. I slipped my nail under a corner on the seal and opened it. I pulled the letter out and unfolded the piece of paper.

To my beautiful darling girl Emma,

If you are reading this that means I died before your birthday. I'm writing this just in case I wasn't here to say this. Happy birthday my baby girl. I'm so proud of you and I always will be. You are going to make some lucky child a brilliant mother one day. I know your gay and I wanted to wait for you to tell me. Don't ever be afraid of it because it's who your meant to be.

I want you to have the most amazing birthday an 18 year old could wish for. Always remember I love you and I'm proud of you. I'm sorry I'm not there to say this all in person. I love you more than anything in the world and you are my true love Emma. True love isn't always couples. The truest love of all is a parent to there child. So remember everything in this letter and don't tell yourself anything else. Stay strong my beautiful girl. Go live that happy life you deserve.

Love dad xx

Tears started pouring down my face. I put the letter on the bed next to me. My hands went over my face and my elbows on my knees to keep my head up. I cried into my hands just thinking about him. Loosing him was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I remember being stood by the burning building and watching everyone come out apart from him. I can't stop crying. He was my everything.

I felt an arm rap around me. I looked up to see Regina sat there.

"Come here" she says holding the other arm out.

I berried my head into her chest as she rapped both around about me. I cried into her chest and hugged her tight. She strokes the top of my head while rocking gently side to side. She kissed my head and left her lips on it for a little bit.

"It's ok sweetie. You let it all out" 

I'll never forgive the world for how it took him. He was a hero and didn't deserve to die. I'd give anything to see him one last time.

When I calmed down I sat up and looked at Regina. I wiped all my tears away and slowed my breathing back to normal.

"Are you alright" she asked cupping my cheek. With her thumb she wiped a tear away. I nod softly to her. "Are you going to come back down or are you stay here for a bit"

"I'll come. I was just not expecting to read something like that" I say as I picked it up.

"Can I read it" Regina asked.

I handed her the letter and stood up. I took a few deep breath making sure I stay calm. I noticed something else was in the envelope. Before I could look Regina looked up at me and smiled softly.

"That's such a sweet letter em. I told you he was proud"

I smiled softly and took the letter. She stood up and kissed my cheek softly.

"I'll be down in a sec" I say holding her hand.

Regina nods and I kissed her softly. She walked out of the room and I picked up the envelope. I emptied it into my hand. It was a ring with a piece of paper rolled away it. I unrolled it and saw something was written.

This has been in our family generation after generation. Keep it going xxx

I've seen this ring before. It was my mother's. It's been in dads family for years. The oldest child would take it and give it to there loved one. As so on and so on. I want to give it to Regina soon. I love her lots.

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