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I woke up 4 months later. I sat up and noticed the room was empty. I looked at the time and it was 6:57. Regina must be downstairs with Taylor. I stood up and picked up my phone. I went down to the lounge and heard Disney songs in the kitchen. I laughed and put my phone down on the coffee table before going to the kitchen. Regina has her back to me bent over to Taylor. I stood in the door way and was silent. She was bouncing and singing to Taylor.

"What can I say except you're welcome
For the tides, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy"

I quickly grabbed my phone and went to Facebook. I went live and turned it to me.

"Ok so Regina's dancing and singing for Taylor in the kitchen. Look how cute she is" I say laughing.

I turned the camera and walk to the kitchen. I stand back in the doorway and film her. She stands up and is still singing to Taylor. Taylor's food is on the island next to them so she was obviously meant to be feeding her. Taylor is just giggling and laughing along.

I turned my phone off as the song came to an end. The next song came on. It was lion king. I just can't wait to be king. I do love that film.

"I'm gonna be a mighty king
So enemies beware" Regina starts.

"Well, I've never seen a king of beasts
With quite so little hair" I sing walking in. She smiled at me and giggled.

"I'm gonna be the main event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my roar"

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing" I say rolling my eyes while looking at Taylor and making her laugh.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king"

"You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think-"

"No one saying, "do this""

"Now when I said that, I"

"No one saying, "be there""

"What I meant was"

"No one saying, "stop that""

"Look, what you don't realize"

"No one saying, "see here""

"Now see here!"

"Free to run around all day" Regina was laughing while singing to Taylor.

" Well, that's definitely out"

"Free to do it all my way"

"I think it's time that you and I
Arranged a heart to heart"

"Kings don't need advice
From little horn-bills for a start"

"If this is where the monarchy is headed
Count me out
Out of service, out of Africa
I wouldn't hang about
This child is getting wildly out of wing" I pulled a silly face while singing when I looked at Taylor.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king" Regina sang while looking at Taylor who was laughing lots.

Me and Regina laughed at each other and I hugged her.

"Were so weird" I say as we pulled away.

Taylor was giggling and hitting her hands against the high chair. Regina pecked my lips before getting Taylor's food and feeding her. I went to the fridge and got a bottle of water out. I sit at the island next to where Regina is.

"Everyone is coming round today" Regina informs me.

"Alright. Have you told your parents yet"

"Maybe" Regina says looking down.

"You still haven't told them were engaged" I sighed.

"No. Em they hate me enough as it is that I'm dating you. If they find out I'm marrying you I don't know what they'll do" she says looking up at me.

"Regina you have to tell them"

"I will"


"When one of then is dying maybe" she suggests awkwardly.

"Gina" I sighed.

"What? I'm scared. They hate me enough. I'll do it soon I promise"

"Good. My mums reaction was hilarious though" I laughed.

"I know. I can't believe she jumped for joy so much she spilt coffee all over herself" Regina replied giggling.

"If someone told me a year ago that I would be engaged and have a daughter at 18 I'd told them they were foolish"

"Or drunk" Regina adds.

"Or Killian" I laughed making her laugh.

Regina finished feeding Taylor and I picked her up. I held her on my hip and kissed her little cheek.

"Oh I forgot to say. Your mum rang earlier. Your Nan on your dad side is coming into town Monday and wants to go shopping with you" Regina says walking to the sink.

"Ow fuck. I'm glad she's coming but my god shopping with her is horrible. Me and dad would go shopping with her and she's naughty. Last time I went with her she would drive her mobility scooter into people and then laugh" I say not being able to help my laughter.

"She sounds funny. Ow and does she know we're engaged" Regina asked over her shoulder.

"I'm gonna tell her when she gets here" I smirked back.

Regina rolled her eyes and continued washing up. I went over and kissed her cheek. I took Taylor to the lounge and sat her on my lap. I started bouncing her on my knee. She threw up on my top.

"Regina" I call out while standing up.

"What's up" she asked walking in.

"She threw up on me" I say nearly being sick.

Regina quickly took her and I took my top of. I always feel like I'm going to throw up when Taylor or anyone does. Regina started laughing at me.

"Ooo la la" she smirked.

I winked and went to the kitchen to put the top in the wash.

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