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It has been over a year now. Me and Regina didn't bother trying a long distance relationship. It was to far. After 2 months Regina came down for a visit but that was the only time she has. We talked lots at first but have kinda drifted apart. I now hang out with a different group of people since we all started to split of and lots contact with everyone.

Dede and robin are still together but now hang out with a few other couples. Ruby and I are friendly but nothing like we were. Kat had a huge argument with ruby so they don't talk at all. Killian is now popular and is always being told of or kicked out of class.

Me? I'm not a wallflower anymore. I smoke. I drink. I have done drugs before. To be honest I'm a complete mess and I hate myself for it. I am one of the popular ones but not the same popular group as Killian. I've tried changing but I can't. It's who I am now.

Me and my best friend Dani were walking into school.

"You got a cigarette" she asked.

"Yeah. Here" I say handing her a box of cigarettes and a lighter.

We both started smoking as we walked. I blew the smoke out of my nose making us both laugh. Dani has dark hair and wears lots of makeup.

[ Regina's pro ]
I get of the plane in storybrooke. Me and Aria went threw security and got our bags. I'm 17 now and I can't wait to see everyone. I heard they all fell out of touch not long after I fell out with most of them. Me and my little sister got into a taxi and it took us into town. I arrived at granny's and we booked into our room.

"I can't believe we're back here" aria says smiling.

"Me two. I need to see everyone when they finish school. What time is it"

"Quarter to 3" she says excitedly. "So they finish soon right" she asked.

"Yeah. 15 minutes" I smiled.

We led on the bed and went on our phones for a bit. I have missed storybrooke. It's such a beautiful town.

"It's nice being back here. Chicago is so big and busy but storybrooke is peaceful" she sighed softly.

"Yeah it is"

When it got to 3 o'clock me and aria left the room. We walked down to the school where they were all coming out. She saw her friends and ran over to them. I saw ruby. I smiled brightly as she walked out he building.

"Ruby" I shout.

She looked up and smiled before sprinting over to me. She hugged me tight and close.

"I can't believe your back"

"Me two. It's crazy. I've missed all of you so much" She pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled back and said "where is everyone"

"Killian is doing football. Robin is at basketball and Dede is watching. Emma most likely has detention and I don't give a shit what Kat is doing"

"Wait what? What happened when I was gone? Are you messing with me" I replied shocked.

"No. I promise. Everyone changed Gina"

"So Killian likes football now" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. He's the captain of the team" she says quickly after me.

"Robin plays basketball instead of football"

"Killian joined the team. They both had a fist fight and robin was kicked of so he joined basket ball"

"Bloody hell! I still have more questions. Why don't you give a shit about Kat"

"Killian and robin weren't the only ones to fight. Me and Kat did. It's a long story I'll tell you later"

"And Emma? She's in detention? How? Emma is so shy and paranoid"

"I'm not sure it's my place to say what happened to Emma"

"Ruby tell me" I say sternly.

"Fine. Emma started hanging with a different group. She got into smoking and drinking every night. I think she has done drugs before but don't quote me on it"

"WHAT?! You let her do that" I snapped shocked.

"Gina none of us talk anymore. We are friendly but I haven't had a proper conversation with her in months. Talk to her about it. She will be out soon. She walks out detention after 10 minutes"

"And you? Have you changed"

"No. I don't think I have anyway. I miss us all together"

"Me two. I need to talk to every" i was cut of by the sound of the school doors opening. I looked up and Emma was walking out annoyed.

"I'll see you later Gina. We can get dinner at granny's"

"Alright. See ya" I say before hugging her.

She quickly walked of. I walked over to where Emma was stood with her back to me.

"Em" I say softly.

[ Emma's pro ]
I froze at the sound of the voice. I knew who it was. I felt that shy feeling consume me. I have a cigarette in between my lips. I looked round shocked. Regina was stood there with a soft smile.

"Regina? What are you doing back" I ask after I took the cigarette out of my mouth.

"Come to see all of you. What happened to you"

"Don't start. This is who I am" I sighed.

"Smoking? Really em? Drinking every night? What the fuck"

"Why do you care? You ain't here anymore"

"What happened to my little wallflower" she asked softly.

"I ain't a wallflower anymore. If your here to give me a lecture then piss of" I snapped annoyed.

"I'm sorry" she says shocked.

"It's ok" I say smirking.

Regina frowned at me really angry. I put the cigarette back into my mouth and lit it. I inhaled before taking out of my mouth. I blew the smoke out which made her even more annoyed.

"Don't talk to me like that" she growled.

"Or what? Your gonna leave"

"Are you still mad at that? I didn't have a choice"

"No I'm not mad you left. I'm mad that your back and trying to change me"

"I'm not! You need to change yourself though"

"My business is my business. Get lost" I snapped annoyed while getting into her face. "Missed me" I smirked.

I inhaled on my cigarette before blowing the smoke into her face. She moved back and waved it away.

"Screw you Emma"

"Love you two babes. See ya" I say sarcastically before walking of.

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