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Another week passed. Me and Regina haven't spoken about our little make out session at her house. I'm to shy to bring it up and I have no clue why she hasn't. Maybe she doesn't remember or maybe it was a drunk mistake. I don't want to make her feel like she has to talk about it so I keep my mouth shut. We act like nothing happened. Today is Saturday and I'm home alone. Regina texted me.

Regina: hey b x

Regina: what you doing all day cx

Me: home alone so nothing why xx

Regina: can I come round yours for a bit? Xx

Me: sure if you want xx

Regina: thanks. Family is going mental at each other. I'll be over in 5 xxx

I smiled and got out of bed. I showered quickly and threw my hair into a high bun. I got dressed into some shorts and a vest top since that's what I wear to bed. I went downstairs as the front door knocked. I answered it and Regina was stood there with a smile.

"Ooo Emma. Looking cute" she says looking at my outfit.

I blushed and invited her in. She walked to the lounge and sat down on the sofa. I went and sat next to her.

"So what's going on with your family" I asked.

"My sisters keep starting arguments with me and each other for literally no reason. My parents told us of and are now give us the silent treatment" she sighed making me giggle a little at the way she did.

"So you texted me"

"Well with my sisters talking and my parents not I wasn't staying at home" she laughed making me laugh.

"Can I ask you something" I say softly.

"Of course. Don't be shy" she smiled.

"Do you remember that night at yours" I finally had the courage to ask.

"Yeah why"

"Can you remember what happened because I can't tell if you do or not" I asked quietly since I was kinda hoping she didn't hear.

"You on about the kiss when the others left" she asked softly. I nodded and looked down. She cupped my chin and lifted my head up. "Yeah I do remember"

"Why haven't you said anything this whole week"

"I was to scared" she admits. I didn't see that coming.

"Of what"

"You. I was scared you were just drunk and it didn't mean anything" she expressed softly. I was gonna speak but I was to nervous to say what I wanted to. "What should we watch on the tv" she says changing the subject.

"Whatever" I reply.


I turned it on and went to Netflix. We searched threw until I got to a film I love. Mean girls.

"Have you seen this"

"Everyone in the English speaking world has. I love this film"

I put it on. She quickly took the remote from me and paused it. Regina stood up and moved the pillows onto the floor. Resting them against the sofa. She grabbed the cover that was at the bottom of the sofa. I brought it down from my bed earlier. She put it on the floor and sat on the floor. She pats the space next to her and I sit. I pull the cover over us and she played the movie.

"I love this film" I say smiling.

She giggled and kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Me two my little wallflower" she says sweetly.

As the day went on we watched multiple films together. Some funny. Some romantic. Now Regina wants to watch a horror film. It's about 7 o'clock and starting to get dark.

"Can we watch conjuring" she asked softly.

"Sure" I say since I've seen it before and know what's gonna happen.

"I haven't seen this one so if I cuddle up to you even more I'm sorry" she laughed making me laugh.

"It's ok. I've seen this one before. It's good"

Regina played the film and put her head back on my shoulder. She lifted my arm up and put it around her shoulders so she was cuddled more into me. As the film went on I kept looking down at Regina and back at the screen. Her grip on my top at how scared she is was pretty cute. Something then jumped out. Regina jumped and buried her head under the covers. Her head is on my stomach and she is holding the covers up.

"Is it gone" she asked worried.

"Yeah. You can come out now" I say laughing a little.

She pocked her head back out and looked at the screen. She gripped onto me again and cuddled right up close. I then got a text which made us both jump a little. I picked it up and it was from my mum.

Mum: I'm not coming home tonight so find something for dinner just don't burn the house down. OK?!

Me: I won't

I paused the film and looked at Regina. She sat up with a slight head tilt.

"My mum isn't coming home tonight so you can stay over if you want" I asked shyly.

"I'd like that. Why isn't she coming home"

"Don't know. Probably shacked up with a random man for the night"

"I thought your dad just died" she asked a little shocked.

"He did. They were divorced and I lived with dad since mum has never really liked me. Now I have no choice" I say a little upset.

"I'm sorry. I guess you've been through a lot more that we realised" she says softly while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. My dad was a great man who died saving children from a burning building. He was a hero" I say shyly.

"That's really sweet. I'm sure he'd be proud of you for opening up to me" she then kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder once again.

I played the film and we got comfortable again. That was until Regina jumped at a part in the film. Her grip once again was tight on my shirt. I looked down at her with a soft smile. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm glad we're friends Emma"

"Me two"

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