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Another month passed leaving Regina 7 months pregnant. I still haven't spoken to mum and don't plan on yet. Me and Regina are sat on the sofa watching tv. The front door knocked.

"I'll get it" I say standing up.

"Thank you baby" Regina replied as she rested back down.

I went to the door and opened it. A boy stood there about our age. I have no clue who he is.

"Umm... can I help you"

"Does Regina mills live here" he asked.

"Yeah who are you"

"Daniel stable" he simply replied.

"And how do you know Regina"

"I use to go to school with her in Chicago. I found out she's pregnant and I think the baby is mine"

I looked shocked at him. He can't be the father. He seems like a really asshole.

"One sec. stay there" I say as I turn around.

"What are you Regina's best friend or something" he asked.

"Try girlfriend" I replied looking over my shoulder. I walked to the lounge and over to Regina. "A boy named Daniel wants to see you. He says he might be the father"

"Ow shit. I have to make up something so he doesn't think he's the dad. I'm not having him in the baby's life" Regina sighed annoyed.

I held her to her feet and held her hand as we walked to the door.

"Ow whoa it's true" he says shocked.

"Yep. It's true. Daniel I'm sorry your not the father. I know who is and it's not you" she softly told him.

"It's not. Then who is"

"That's nothing to do with you. Now I told you this last time I don't ever want to see you again" Regina says annoyed.

"What did he do" I say a little defensively.

"He's just a dick. Get of my property now"

"Or what? Your 'girlfriend' is gonna beat me up" he says with a laugh.

"Why use inverted commas? She is my girlfriend and I'm in love with her. I've been in love with her since we first met" Regina states annoyed.

"Awe I love you baby" I smiled and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Do that again just with a bit of tongue" Daniel smirked.

Regina punched him in the face hard. I couldn't help the laughter that left my mouth.

"God I hate you" she says annoyed.

"You didn't hate me when you kissed me every chance you got" he said acting all hard.

"Ok I kissed you once when I was very drunk. Also if that's meant to set us of in an argument then it won't because I'm gay and Emma knows that so she automatically knows thats a lie"

"Wait your gay? Like full gay? Not bi"

"Yeah I'm gay and you know what I don't care anymore. You are the father and your never seeing this child" Regina states annoyed.

She turned around to leave but he grabbed her hand. I pushed him back so he would let go.

"Ever touch her again and my foot goes down your throat"

"If it's my child I have the right to see it" he demands.

"NO YOU DON'T" regina snapped as she turned around. "It's my child and you do not deserve to see it. You will never see him or her"

"Fine Regina. I guess I'll be seeing you in court" he says smirking.

He walked away like he owned the place. I guessed right. He is an asshole.

"He is not seeing our baby. If he takes me to court I have to win" Regina says scared. She started crying as she walked to the sofa. "God dam these hormones" she sobbed.

"Baby listen. The mother doesn't have to prove the father isn't fit to keep the baby. She automatically gets custody unless the father can prove the mother is an extremely bad mother or not suitable at all to look after the baby for him to get custody. The worse you'll come out there with is joint custody"

"How do you know all that" Regina asked still sobbing.

"I'll always be the smartest in our group. No matter what" I smiled.

"Yeah yeah. I want the baby to be ours. Not his. I hate him"

"It's ok baby. He can't take you to court until the baby is born. I'll try sort this out before then. I promise you'll keep the baby"

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