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[ Regina's pro ]
"Well that's not acceptable. Emma has been missing for over 48 hours now and no one has told me anything about her. I am the mayor of this town and I have a 5 year old daughter here who needs her mothers. Get me someone who will do there job right" I snapped over the phone.

"Madam mayor please calm down"

"Don't tell me what to do" I interrupt the new officer that joined in Emma's department. She's the sheriff there now. "Do not ever tell me what to do. Get me the deputy now"

"Yes madam mayor. I'll do that right now" he replied before putting me on hold.

I am so angry right now and scared. I've been married to Emma for 4 years now and I'm so worried about her. Taylor is in the lounge watching tv. She just thinks Emma is away on work. She can't know and can't be worried.

"Madam mayor" the deputy answered.

"Where the fuck is my wife" I asked annoyed.

"I don't know mayor mills. We are working on it and she is our top priority. Please understand that we can't just magic her here"

"Don't you get mouthy with me. This mayor won't tolerate it. Fine her soon" I growled before hanging up.

I put the phone down and put my head on the counter. I sighed and closed my eyes. The front door then knocked and I stood up. I went to the door and opened it upset.

"This better be important" I sighed not looking up. I lifted my head and saw a girl from my past. "Stella" I questioned.

"Missed me" she shyly smiled.

"God it's been years. What are you doing back here" i asked shocked. I'm really not in the mood to entertain.

"Decided to come home for a bit. How have you been" she asked smiling.

"Not good. My wife is missing and I am trying to find her"

"Ow do you need help"

"Actually I'd rather be alone. If you could come back tomorrow I might be a bit better" I say gently.

"Of course. I've missed you Gina"

"I missed you too"

I closed the door and sighed. I'm not in the mood for Stella. The way that girl treats people is horrible. I went to the lounge and Taylor looked up at me.


"Yes sweetie"

"When is mummy coming home" she asked.

"Soon hopefully" I then heard something upstairs. I looked at little confused. "Taylor stay here ok"

She nods and I walked out of the lounge. I went up the stairs and slowly into my room. I saw the window open since I left it open earlier. A photo frame was on the floor next to the window. The wind must have blown it down. I sat on the bed and grabbed Emma's pillow. I cuddled into it and closed my eyes.

"Please come back to me em. Please be safe" I sighed holding it close.

The worst thing about this is that I don't know if she's dead or injured. My mind is running wild on what could possibly have happened to her. I keep loosing hope and thinking she's dead. People tell me not to think like that but I can't help it. My bedroom door then opened. I looked up to see Dede, Kat and ruby walking in.

"Have they found her" Dede asked.

"No" I say trying to stay calm.

I stood up and hugged all of them. I'm taking a few deep breaths so I don't cry.

"She'll be ok" ruby says holding me close.

"What's that" Kat asked pulling away.

I looked round and saw a folded piece of paper where Emma's pillow was. I pulled away from the girls and we all looked at it confused. Kat picked it up and opened it.

"What is it" I asked.

"It's from Emma. I think she left town" Kat replied looking at it.

"Wait what" I asked shocked.

"Do you want me to read it" Kat offered. I nod and we looked at her. "Regina. I have realised that being with you for the last 4 years weren't what I thought love was like"

"Wait hold up" Dede says. "Emma wrote weren't instead of wasn't" she questioned.

"Why does that matter" ruby asked.

"Emma got A* in English lit and language" Dede says.

"So? She was probably in a rush. Just read it" I sighed.

"I thought love was different. I've now realised I'm not happy with you or the babe" Kat continued.

"She said babe" ruby questioned.

"Yeah. She must of meant baby" I sighed.

"But Taylor isn't a baby anymore" Dede states.

"But Emma calls Taylor her baby girl" Kat adds.

"Just continue" I sighed.

"I love you but I not in love with you" Kat says. "But I not? Emma would never say that" she asked.

"Give it here" I say taking it from her. "But I not in love with you. Please make sure Taylor grows up to be just like as we planned" I frowned a little. We never talked about how we would raise Taylor to be. "I will come find her one day but you I can be sure that I wouldn't see again. By Reg" she's never called me that before. I'm now starting to think. "Somethings not right"

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