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It's later on that evening. Since my bed is a double bed Regina is sleeping in it with me. Regina is in my room getting changed and I'm in he bathroom. I knocked on the bedroom door to make sure she was decent.

"Come in" She says.

I walked in and she was in the clothes I gave her. Since her ass is much bigger than mine the bottom of hers hung out. The top was probably to long so she has it tied up with a hair band. I smiled at her figure. So curvy and beautifully toned.

"Sorry it's all to big"

"It's ok. I like a tall girl" she says sweetly.

I went over to the bed and she stood next to me.

"What side do you want" I asked.

"Whichever. I'm not fussy"

I then felt her hands on my hips. She hugged me and her chin was on my shoulder. She must be on her tip toes.

"Umm. Left" I say before getting in on the side closest to me.

Regina climbed over me since the bed was against the wall on the other side. I curled up in the covers and turned the bedside light of. Regina had her front to me so she was looking at me. I can just about see her with the light from the moon shining in.

"Emma" she asked.


"Can I tell you something I wasn't planning on telling people yet" she asked.

"Of course"

"I have to move away... but I don't want to. I guess a lot of people want me to leave though"

"I don't want you to leave"

"Why? You barely know me" she asked looking down.

"Your my first and closest friend here. I want you to stay" I admit softly.

"That's so sweet. I love you my little wallflower"

"I... I love you two Gina"

I felt a soft kiss on my head making me smile. She then kissed my nose and pecked my lips.

"Sleep tight beautiful" she says softly.

Regina turned around and cuddled backwards into me so I was now spooning her. She moved my arm around her waist and I held her close.

The next morning. I woke up and I'm cuddled right up with Regina. Both facing each other. Her head was in the crouch of my neck. I felt her move and look up at me.

"Morning" She says smiling.

"Hey. I don't know how we ended up like this"

"It's cool. Your really cosy" she says snuggling into me again. "God your boobs are like pillows" she says as she put her head on them. I just blushed. "Em"


"Have you ever dated a girl"

"No. Have you"

"Yeah. Once" she replied softly.


"A year ago. She cheated on me so I dumped her"

"Ow that's horrible" I say shyly. "Why did she do that" I asked now noticing I'm asking a lot of questions.

"Cause she was never a nice person"

"So why did you date her" I asked again another question.

"Don't know. She asked. I said yes and that was it"

"So who do you like now"

"A blonde girl who's tall and beautiful. I can't be with her though" she says a little upset.


"I'm moving away. If I wasn't I'd tell her right now how I felt"

"Why don't you just text her quickly saying you like her but you can't be together because your leaving" I suggest while getting quieter.

"Good idea" she says grabbing her phone.

I watched her text someone on her phone and then turned it of. I then got a text. Probably you mum. I picked up and phone and it was Regina.

Regina: I really like you xxxx

I looked shocked. I'm the blonde girl she likes. No one usually likes me. Why does this stunning girl like me? I don't have the guts to say anything. She then placed her head back on my chest and I saw she closed her eyes. I don't know what to do. She likes me.

"I like you two" I whispered but I don't think she heard since she didn't move or open her eyes.

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