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"Regina? Are you ready yet" I shout up the stairs.

I'm in a black suit with a white shirt. My hair is in a plat down the middle. My makeup is done nicely and I'm waiting for Regina to hurry up.

"I'm coming" she shouts back down.

I laughed and looked at the time. I have a new phone case and I love it.

"It's nearly time to go

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"It's nearly time to go. How does it take you so long" I say walking up the stairs. I opened my bedroom door and saw her looking in the mirror. "Woah" I say with my mouth hanging down.

"Your not suppose to see me yet"

"Are you done" I asked laughing.

"Yeah" she sighed making me laugh more.

Her hair was curly and part of it was clipped back. Her makeup is done perfectly and she looks gorgeous.

"You look beautiful" I smiled softly.

"Look at the bump. It's so obvious and big"

"Because Regina your 6 months pregnant. It's going to be big"

"I know but I always imagined going to prom not pregnant" she pouts.

I went over to her and rapped my around around her from behind. I put my hands on her stomach and kissed her neck softly. I then look her in the mirror and smile softly at her.

"You look so beautiful and your carrying something amazing. I promise your still going to be the hottest girl there"

She smiled softly at me and lifted her phone up. She took a mirror selfie of us on snapchat.

"Our first prom picture" she says as she types it on her phone. She put it on her story before throwing her phone on the bed. She turned in my arms and smiled. "I love you" she mumbled.

"What was that" I smirked.

"Nothing" she says trying not to laugh.

"You love me huh"

"You know that already" she laughed.

"I know. I love you more" I laughed.

"Your so weird. Come on let's go" she rolled her eyes and walked to the door. "You coming" she laughed.

"Yeah. Just admiring the view"

"What view" she asked confused.

"The one I get when you turn around" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes and walked out the room. I followed behind and walked down the stairs with her. I looked at my phone to see I got a text saying our limo is outside. I opened the front door and saw the grey long vehicle sat there.

"You got a limo" Regina smiled casually.

"Yep" I smirked.

We went to the limo and got in. I poured water into a champagne glass for Regina and champagne into mine.

"Your crazy idea are what make me love you" she smiled.

"To us" I say holding my glass up.

"To us" she says as she pressed the side of hers against mine. "This is so beautiful" she says with teary eyes. A few tears left them. "Fucking hormones" she says in an annoyed tone while wiping her tears. I laughed and kissed her softly on the lips.

When we arrived at prom I saw all the guys stood there. The girls looked gorgeous and the boys were handsome. We went over and they all smiled at us.

"Hey you two. Regina that dress is so awesome" Kat says smiling at us.

"Thank you. Emma picked it for me. I hate this bump though" Regina giggled.

"You still look mighty fine Gina" Killian says laughing.

"Why thank you" she smirked.

"And Emma. Look at you. Looking hot your suit" ruby says smiling at me.

"Does she" Regina agreed. "She still looks better without it" she smirked.

"Whoa Regina" robin laughed.

"Awe you two do look lovely together. Emma has your mum seen your outfit" Dede asked softly to me.

"No" I shook my head. "Regina sent pictures of her dress to her mum and of me but my mum doesn't care enough" I was only talking to her while the others talked.

"In my opinion you should" she softly says with a soft smile. I gave her a weak smile in return and looked down. "Your dad would be proud. I know I never met him but I know he would" she smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled.

Regina put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her and kissed her softly.

"I do love you baby" she smiled.

"I know. I love you more"

"Sure you do" she smirked and started following everyone in. I followed close behind her with me hand on her lower back.

I hope what Dede said is true. I think he would be proud of me. He always talked about how me and my date would be the best looking couple there. I think he always had his suspicions about me being gay but waited for me to come out. It's a shame I never got to. I miss him so much. I wish he was here to take me to prom and to help me get dressed and to take pictures and make funny comments about random stuff and hug me the way he use to. With all the love in the world.

"Em what's wrong" Regina asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing" I say sniffing quickly and holding the tears in my eyes. "Just thinking about how much I wish dad was alive"

"I promise you he would be the proudest dad in the world to watch you go to prom. I love you and I know he did" she smiled.

"I love you too... and love him. He'll always be with me in my heart along with you"

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