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"I can't do this!" Regina shouts as she squeezes my hand.

"Yes you can. Just push" I say softly.

"It's easy for you to say. Your not pushing a 7 pound baby OUT OF YOUR VAGINA" she says sweating lots and breathing heavily.

"Just one more lush Regina and the baby is out" the midwife says.

I put my arm around her and she squeezed. I'm pretty sure the blood circulation in my hand had stopped now. When she finally stopped squeezing she let go of my hand and sigh in relief. The sound of a baby crying filled our ears.

"It's a girl" the midwife says.

I looked at Regina and smiled brightly.

"A girl Gina. We have a girl"

Regina smiled at me and started crying. I hugged her and kissed her head. The midwife came over holding the baby in a pink blanket. She gave the baby to Regina who smiled brightly.

"Our baby girl. We have a baby girl" Regina smiled excitedly.

"She's so beautiful. Look at those gorgeous eyes. She has your eyes. Well done mummy"

Regina looked up at me smiling and kissed me softly. I smiled back and sat down next to her on the bed.

"What do we call her"

"How about Isabella" i suggest.

"Not sure about that one. How about Taylor or Riley"

"I like Taylor" I smiled.

"So we're going with Taylor. Taylor mills" she smiled brightly as she looking up at me.

"Our little Taylor mills" I smiled.

I leaned down and kissed her softly. The baby made a little noice which made us pull away and laugh.

"Is that alright with you little Taylor" Regina asked smiling brightly at the baby.

The door opened and we looked over. Zelena pocked her head in and smiled.

"Are we allowed in" she asked.

Regina nodded and the door opened fully. Regina's parents, Zelena and Aria walked in.

"We have a girl" I say to all of them smiling.

"Her name is Taylor" Regina added as Zelena hugged her.

"Emma. There is someone outside who wants to talk to you" Aria says.

"Who is it" I asked confused.

"Just go out and see" she smiled.

I kissed Regina's head and walked out the door. I closed it and looked round.

"Hey" it's mum.

"What are you doing here"

"I came to see the baby... and say sorry. I never told you or your dad that I have seriously bad anger issues that I can't control. The pills I take get rid of my anger for a bit but I makes me... is makes me horny and that's why I drink and go out most nights. I know this doesn't make up to anything I've done but I have new pills now and in therapy for it so I would love to try again with you" she had tears in her eyes.

My eyes were filled with tears and for some reason I wanted to forgive her.

"No matter what happens between us. You'll always be my mum and I love you" a tear ran down my cheek.

Mum stepped closer and wiped it away. She held my cheek in her hand and smiled softly at me.

"I love you my sweet little girl. Can I be back in your life"

"Yeah. Of course you can" I say smiling softly.

Mum pulled me into a hug and I held onto her close. I'm the same height as her since I take my height from my dad. She pulled away and kissed my head.

"Your dad would be so proud of you. Is it a girl or a boy"

"A girl. Her name is Taylor" I smiled.

"That's a beautiful name. Am I allowed to meet her"

"Of course. Come on Regina's parents and sisters are in there"

"Yes I met her younger sister. Aria right? She seems sweet"

"They all are. Regina's parents are rich though and very snobby so don't bite back" I warn.

She laughed and I opened the door. Regina looked up and gave me a confused look. I sat down next to her and kissed her head.

"Your mum" she questioned.

"It's ok. I'll tell you later" I smiled.

I kissed her softly on the lips making her smile. I saw her mum was holding the baby and talking to my mum. Her dad was also over there talking. They were smiling and seemed to already be getting along. Zelena came over to me and put her arm around me.

"How's your hand" she asked laughing.

"Numb. I think my blood circulation was cut of" I laughed making her laugh.

"Can I ask you something" she asked. I hummed while nodding. "Do you want to marry her"

"Yeah. Actually do" I smiled softly.

"Good. That girl right there is an angel and you'll never find anyone like her. We may not get along all the time but that's what sisters do. They fight and they forgive. Take care of her alright"

"I'll always take care of her. She the love of my life"

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