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The next day I'm sat at my window seal with a cigarette in between my fingers. I've got the window open and just looking out of it. I had thrown a baggy top over me so I wasn't naked. As I inhaled my cigarette I saw mum wondering up to the door wearing something she would when she went out. She looked awful and grumpy. I just rolled my eyes and blew the smoke out of my mouth.

"Emma" a softly voice came from behind me.

I looked round to see Regina. I put the cigarette down and hopped of the side.

"Morning beautiful" I say walking over to her.

I am trying to stop smoking. I've gone down to just 1 maybe 2 a day. I climbed into bed next to Regina and threw my arm around her. She cuddled into me and closed her eyes. I kissed behind her ear making her smile.

"Morning" she replied still smiling.

"My mum just got back and she don't look good" I sigh.

"Baby it's ok. Your mum one day will get back on her feet"

"I don't want to live with her anymore. I hate her so much"

"I know you do. When I move down here your welcome to come round mine whenever and when we get more serious again you can move in" Regina suggests.

This made me smile. She turned around in my arms and gave me a soft smile. I leaned forward and kissed her softly. She deepened it and held one cheek in her hand. We pulled away when the sound of banging came from my bedroom door.

"Emma! You home" mum shouts.

I sighed and looked back at Regina.

"If were quiet she might go away" I suggest. Regina slapped my arm and frowned. "Fine. Yeah I'm home mum!"

The door then opened. I held the covers over Regina so all you could see was her perfect little head. Mums eyes darted between us before she frowned.

"What's going on"

"Regina slept over last night"

"I don't trust you. What did you do"

"Has sex. Who cares? She's my girlfriend and I'm 17. Piss of mum" I growl.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again. You wanna know who cares? No one. No one cares about you because your an alcoholic smoking bitch" mum snapped angry. She then walked out.

"Ow my god em" Regina looked round at me.

I had my head down and my eyes filled with tears. I hate her. I just wish my dad was still alive. Then I would have never had to deal with her.

"I'll be back in a sec" I say getting out of bed.

I got out of bed but Regina grabbed my hand. I looked round at her and she had a soft look on her face.

"It's ok. You can cry in front of me" she softly spoke.

I gave her a sad smile and pulled my hand out of her grip. I put on some jeans and went to my window. I climbed out of it and onto the tree outside. I started climbing up it until I got to the same spot I always went to. I sat down near the top of the tall tree and just started to cry. The tears were streaming down my face. I held onto the tree where I was sat and cried on it.

"Em baby" I heard after about a minute.

I looked up to see Regina climbing up the tree. I offered her my hand which she took. I pulled her up while she climbed and borough her to sit on my lap. The view from here was amazing. Regina was now in short shorts and a crop top. I had my arms around her waist with her back against my chest.

"I'm sorry about what your mum said. That wasn't acceptable or true" she says glancing at me.

"Thank you. I'm sorry you had to see that"

"It's fine. Just don't be afraid to cry in front of me. You know I'm always here"

"I know. That's why I love you" I replied before kissing her shoulder.

Regina looked over that shoulder and smiled at me. She leaned forward and kissed me softly. She then stood up and I copied. Regina looked out of the tree at the view. Since they were so high up there wasn't many leaves blocking anything. I put my arounds around her waist and looked at the view.

"It's so beautiful up here" Regina admired.

I'm now just watching her smile. She's got such a beautiful smile that it makes me smile when I see it. I kissed the side of her neck and moved some hair behind her ear.

"Your so beautiful baby" I replied softly in her ear.

Regina smiled at me and looked back at the view. We are stood on a pretty solid base on the tree. I have been come up here since I got here.

"I love you so much" she says not looking round.

"Me or that bit of tree" I joked. She laughed and turned around. I placed a hand on her cheek and smiled softly. "I love you too" I then kissed her softly.

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