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Monday came around. I have a job as deputy sheriff now but Regina is still not allowed to work since it's maternity leave. My Nan is coming down for the week. I'm excited it's just the shopping part I'm not. Regina is gonna find her hilarious I just know it. I'm driving down to the airport now to meet her. My phone then started ringing. I answered it with the Bluetooth on my phone.


"Hey Emma sweetie" Regina replied.

"Hey what's up" I asked.

"Can you call Killian and ask him if his mum has anymore baby stuff? I dropped the baby bowl and broke it" Regina asked making me giggle.

"Yeah but why can't you"

"I dropped my phone down the toilet. It's in rice now"

"Do you just keep dropping everything? Is that why you called me on the house one" I asked laughing.

"It's not funny"

"Ow baby it so is" I laugh. "I have to go since I'm at the airport but I'll call Killian and ask him later"

"Thank you. Love you"

"Love you. Bye" I hung up and parked the car.

I got out and walked into the airport. I waited a few minutes before I saw her walking out. I went over and she smiled up at me. She's so small it's cute.

"Ow Emmy" she says smiling. She always called me that.

"Hey Nan. I've missed you" I say bending down to hug her.

"You don't stop growing do you" she laughed.

I pulled away giggling and kissed her head. She smiled up at me and I took her bag.

"Come on Nan. I have something to tell you in the car" I say smiling.

"Ooo surprise. Sounds good" she smiled.

"How was the flight"

"So boring. I had to turn my phone off and just sit there. How rude is that"

"That's the rules Nan. No phone on because it messes with the plane" I say trying not to laugh.

We got to the car and I put her bag in the back. I got into the drivers seat and started driving home.

"So Nan my news" I say once we were on the road.

"Ow yes little Emmy. What is it" she says excited.

"So as you already know I came out as a lesbian"

"Ow yes. It's a shame you never got to tell your dad. He would have been proud of you for telling him"

"Thanks Nan. Anyway so there's this girl" I can't help smiling brightly.

"Awe Emmy. You've got a girlfriend"

"Actually a fiancé. I asked her to marry me about 4 months ago and she said yes" I say glancing over at her with a smile.

"That's wonderful sweetie. Don't you think it's too soon though? You are only 18"

"I know but I truly am in love with her. Are you ok with this"

"Ow Emmy of course I am. I'm happy for you and this girl. How old is she" Nan asked holding my hand on the wheel. I let go to hold her hand and smiled at her.

"Same age as me. Her name is Regina" I am smiling bright as I glance across to her.

"That's a nice name. Did you know that means queen in Latin"

"I did. You'll really like her. Ow that reminds me I have to call Killian" I use my car and call Killian with Bluetooth. "Nan don't talk Alright" I asked softly.

"I wont"

"Hello" Killian answered.

"Hello" Nan says confused.

"Nan" I laughed. She put her hands over her mouth making me laugh more. "Sorry" she whispered.

"Who's this"

"Sorry it's me. Regina asked does your mum have any more of those bowls at her work. Regina dropped it"

"Yeah. I'll check. That girl is so clumsy" he laughed.

"God I know. I have to go but call me when you know"

"Will do. See ya"

I hung up and looked at Nan. She smiled and I looked at the road with a giggle.

When we arrived at home I got Nan's bag out. I linked arms and walked to the door.

"Ow Nan there's one more thing I should say"


"Never mind you'll see" I smiled. She smiled back and I unlocked the door. "Gina" I call out.

"In the kitchen" she replied.

I put Nan's bag next to the door and walked to the kitchen. Regina had Taylor on his hip and was wiping the island counter down.

"Hey sweetie. This is my Nan. Nan this is Regina and my baby girl Taylor" I say smiling.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you" Regina says walking over to us.

"Baby? How can you two have a baby" Nan asked looking between us.

"She's Regina's baby. I am her other mum though" I laughed.

"Ow ok" Nan says smiling. I took Taylor and Regina shook Nan's hand. "It's nice to meet you too"

"Here Nan. Meet your great granddaughter" I say holding Taylor to her.

"Awe look at her. She looks like you Regina" Nan says not taking her eyes of Taylor.

I put my arm around Regina's shoulder and kissed her head. Nan smiled at me before looking back at Taylor.

"Guess what" I whisper in Regina's ear.

"What" she whispered back.

"Your turn. You have to tell your mum tomorrow"


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