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I woke up in a cosy bed. Not mine. I looked around the room and it wasn't mine. Next to me was Regina sleeping. I'm in her bed. In her house. It's a week later and my relationship with Regina has never been better. I slept round her house last night since me and my mum got into a huge fight.

Regina's cuddled up in my arms asleep. I stood up while trying not to wake her. I put on a pair of black shorts on and a white vest top. I looked back at the bed and saw Regina sitting up.

"Morning" she mumbled.

"Morning" I smiled.

"How long you" she started to ask but stopped.

I looked up confused at her. She hopped out of bed and ran to the toilet. I then heard her throwing up. I walked into the toilet and held her hair back. She's been doing this since she got back. Using the hair tie on my wrist I tied Regina's hair back. I rubbed her back to help her get it all out.

"Come on. Get all of it out"

She sat up when she was done and flushed the chain. She stood up and washed her mouth out.

"I hate this. Why do I keep throwing up"

"Gina baby? Is there any chance you may be pregnant" I asked.

"I haven't had sex though. Well not with a man. There was that party a few weeks before I can back here the first time but I don't remember having sex with any of the guys there" she replied quickly. She looked like she was really thinking.

"Alright well maybe your just sick" i suggest not thinking about the pregnant thing now.

"I don't feel sick. Maybe it's something I've been eating"

"What do you eat everyday"

"I've been having that chicken for lunch everyday. Maybe it's that"

"Yeah. Maybe. Let's just go downstairs and have breakfast. I'll throw that chicken out"

I put my arm around her shoulder and walked her out of the bathroom. She's only in a bra and thong. I handed her a pair of short black shorts and a red crop top. I kissed her softly on the lips and hugged her.

"I don't like being sick" she moaned with pouty lips.

"I know baby"

I pulled away and kissed her forehead. We went downstairs and to the kitchen. I looked at my phone to see mum had called me. I called her back.

"Why are you calling me at this ungodly hour" she answered.

"Nice to talk to you too mum" I reply sarcastically.

"What do you want" she asked annoyed.

"You called me last night. Why"

"I wanted to know whether you were coming home"

"Well you clearly weren't that bothered since you called once"

"It's because I wasn't" is all she replied.

I paused for a minute upset. I then hung up the phone and put it down.

"Bitch" I sighed.

I went to the fridge and took the pack of sandwich chicken out. I threw it away while Regina was putting toast in the toaster.

"What was all that about" she asked.

"Mum being... well mum"

"I'm sorry baby. You going home tonight"

"Have to. She will have a fit"

An hour later I was in the shower. Regina had just got out. I washed my hair and got out the shower. I put it into a towel and wrapped one around me. When I walked through the door to her room I saw her on the bed worried.

"What's wrong" I asked walking over.

"Aria got hit by a car. She's ok but broke her ribs, arm, collar bone and leg"

"Ow god. Send my love and hope she gets better soon"

"Me two. God that must have been scary" There was then a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in"

"Did you hear about aria" Zelena asked walking in. She moved in a few days ago.

"Yeah. Scary isn't it"

"I know right. How's the sickness going" she replied.

"I threw up this morning" Regina sighed.

"We think it might have been that chicken" I added.

"Sorry. Your trying to get dressed. I'll leave you guys" she quickly says leaving.

I got dressed into the clothes I brought with me. Me and Regina then went to granny's where we met all the others. None of them know about Regina being sick or anything. I still think she may be pregnant but if she said she's not had sex with a man then that's impossible.

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