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I open my eyes and noticed the room is bright. I looked next to me and saw I'm in a hospital. I look around while my eyes adjust. I see my shoulder had stitches and my arm is in a sling. I can't move since I'm in pain and I'm very tired. I looked next to me and saw ruby sat on the chair asleep.

"Ruby" I say struggling to talk.

She woke up and looked over at me. A small smile appeared on her face as she sat up.

"How you feeling" she asked.

"Alright. What happened" I asked.

"We all followed that Stella girl to where you guys were. We ran in and knocked her out with a metal bar. Both you and Regina were both unconscious on the floor. You were bleeding lots and loosing blood" she explained.

"Regina? Where's Regina" I say panicking a little.

Ruby smiled and stood up. She went to the curtain and pulled it across. I saw Regina led there with her eyes closed.

"Don't worry she has woken up. She's just asleep" ruby reassures me.

I smiled and reached my arm out. I grabbed her hand and she slowly opened her eyes. She smiled and I smiled back.

"Are you ok" I asked.

"Yeah" she nods. "You"

"Yeah" I smiled.

We smiled at each other. She has stitches on her head and a bruise on her cheek. Dede, Kat, robin and Killian walked into the room.

"Your awake" Killian says walking over to us.

"How you feeling" Kat asked.

"Alright I guess" I relied. I then looked around and noticed my daughter isn't here. "Where's Taylor"

"She's with Zelena. They will be here in a sec" robin answered while sitting down at the bottom of the bed.

"How long have you been awake" I asked Regina.

"About an hour. Taylor is ok don't worry"

I smiled and winked at her. I don't remember anything that happened. All I remember is her walking to Regina and then my mind goes blank.

"Baby" I say to Regina. "Do you remember what happened after Stella tied my top tighter on my arm"

"She knocked you out and then hit me lots. Making me feel weak and hurting me. She then knocked me out and that's it"

"How did we get on the floor"

"I don't know" Regina replied shrugging.

The door then opened and Taylor came running in. She climbed on the bed and hugged me. I let go of Regina's hand and hugged her.

"Are you ok mummy" she asked.

"I'm fine sweetie. I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too mummy"

I kissed her head and hugged her again. I feel weak. I have no idea how long I was down there. I don't want to talk about it in front of Taylor though.

"Can you pass me that water please" I asked my daughter as she pulled away. She handed me a glass of water. "Thank you" I smiled.

I drunk the water. As she cold liquid touched my dry lips I sighed in relief. I could feel it running down my throat. I put the glass down and lifted myself to sit up. Regina doesn't seem as weak as I am.

"Ow Emma I'm so sorry" she says looking at me upset.

"What? Why" I asked resting on the pillow.

"You were down there for a week and look your like this. I'm sorry you had to do that" she replied looking down.

"It's fine. We're alive. That's all that matters... Wait I was there a week" I say shocked.

"You didn't know that" Zelena asked.

"No. I couldn't tell. She wouldn't let me sleep" I say trying not to make Regina feel worse.

"It's fine. She's been arrested and will be taken to jail. There isn't a court hearing or anything" Kat says.

"Thank god" I sighed. I then realised something is on my leg. I moved the covers and saw a cast covering my entire bottom half of my leg. "What the hell" I say shocked.

"The doctor says it's broken in 3 different place" Ruby says softly.

"Don't worry. You and Regina got matching ones" Dede adds.

I looked confused and looked at Regina. She lifted the blanket of and saw the same leg was broken on hers. I laughed a little which made her laugh. Taylor cuddled into me and closed her eyes.

"I missed you Mummy"

I smiled and kissed her head.

"I missed you too" I replied holding her close.

Regina climbed out of her bed and came over to me. Taylor moved to the other side while avoiding my shoulder. Regina led down and cuddled into me. I kissed both there heads softly.

"I love you both" I say smiling softly.

I may be in pain right now but I couldn't be happier. I love these two girls more than anything. I have my beautiful wife and stunning daughter. They are my world and I've come a long way with them. When I first moved here I was a wallflower. I hated my mum. I never wanted to date someone for ages. I planned on being alone and finishing school quickly. Now I'm married to my school girlfriend with her child. I love my mum. I'm confident.

I love my life. I love my family and the thing that makes it all ok... my family loves me.

The end...

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