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It's a few weeks later. I woke up with Regina in my arms. I can here Taylor crying in our room. I got up and picked her up. While still crying I carry her out of the room. She's so small it's adorable.

"Come on baby girl. Stay quiet" I say rocking her in my arms as I walk down the stairs.

She soon stopped crying and went back to sleep in my arms. I kept hold of her and picked up the letters from the floor by the door. I went to the lounge and led Taylor down in my arms. I looked at the letters and saw it was just bills for Regina. One of them was addressed to me and Regina. It was hand written. I opened it and saw the rest was written by hand.

Regina and Emma,
I know the baby is born. I have arranged a court hearing for you both to attend and I will get custody of my son/daughter. It's a week on Monday. Don't miss it. -Daniel

"Daniel" I say annoyed.

"Em" Regina walked into the room with a soft smile.

"Morning baby. Daniel went through with it. Even after my warning. The court hearing is a week Monday" i says as she walked toward me.

"Your kidding" she sighed.

I lifted Taylor up to her and she took her. Regina sat down next to me and i gave her the letter. She read through it before screwing it up.

"Baby" I say softly.

"I guess we may need a lawyer. I'll see if dad knows one and can lend us the money" she sighed.

"Wait no. My uncle on my dads side. He's a lawyer. I haven't seen him since the funeral. I'll call him and he'll give me a discount"

"That's settled then. I guess were fine then" she shrugged.

Regina kissed Taylor on the head before resting the baby on her chest. Last time we spoke about this she freaked out.

"Your very calm. Why" I asked.

"It's not that much of a big deal. I won't loose custody since i know I'm not a bad mum. That's the many thing that matters. The last time we spoke about this my hormones were running mad" she smiled softly at me.

I laughed and kissed her on the cheek. I then messaged my uncle.

Me: hey uncle Alex. I need a favour xx

As I put my arm around Regina he texted back.

"I got to go breast feed her. You text him back" Regina says standing up.

She walked out of the room and upstairs. Her boobs have gotten so big it's crazy. I looked back at my phone and saw his text.

Alex: hey sweetie. How can I help you xx

Me: I need a lawyer. Don't worry I'm fine it's just something to do with my girlfriend xx

Alex: you have a girlfriend now? Whoa that's amazing xx

Me: yeah. Her name is Regina. I'll explain everything in person if you will be my lawyer xx

Alex: of course u will. When is it xx

Me: week on Monday. Thank you so much xxxx

Alex: of course my darling. I've missed you xx

Me: I missed you too uncle Alex xxx

Alex: I have something for you when I get there. I've been meaning to give it to you but haven't seen you in awhile xx

Me: I look forward to it. Thank you Alex xx

I went upstairs to my room where Regina was sat on the edge of the bed breastfeeding.

"What did he say" she asked.

"Yeah. He'll be our lawyer. I'll explain everything when he gets here"

"Excellent" She says smiling brightly.

A week later.

The front door knocked. I'm in the lounge with Regina and Taylor. The baby is in my arms.

"I'll go" I say standing up.

I hold Taylor securely in my arm and walked to the door. When I open it I see uncle Alex. I smiled brightly at him and hugged him. Trying not to crush the baby. We pulled away and he smiled at me.

"I've missed you" I say with a sigh of relief.

"I missed you too. Is this little one yours" he asked curiously.

"Yeah. My girlfriend Regina gave birth to her but I'm her mother as well" I say smiling.

"Well I've missed a lot. So why am I here Emma"

"Ow right. So basically me and Regina knew each other a while ago and started dating then. She moved to Chicago so we split since long distance was to hard. In Chicago before she came back here she got very drunk and had sex with a boy. She the moved here unaware she had done this and found out she was pregnant. The father who isn't a nice person to her wants to see the baby and have custody" I explain.

"How old is the father"

"I'm not sure about all those details. You'll have to asked gina" I shrugged.

"And what's this little ones name" he says looking at the small baby.

"Her name is Taylor. She so beautiful isn't she"

"Ow she is. Such a cutie. Alright may I meet your girlfriend"

I smiled and nodded. We walked into the lounge where Regina was. She stood up and walked over to take Taylor.

"Gina this is my uncle Alex. Alex this is Regina"

"Ow of course. Hi nice to meet you" she says holding her hand out. Alex shook it with a soft smile. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. Has Emma filled you in"

"On why I'm here but I need more details from you" he states.

The door knocked again. I went over and opened it. A young girl about our age stood there.

"Hi. Can I help you" I asked.

"Ow Umm Hi. I'm Jade. Your Regina's girlfriend right and Regina lives here" she questioned.

"Yeah. Emma. Why are you here jade"

"I'm Daniels girlfriend. Well ex now. I'm here to represent Regina in court"

"Wait your Daniels girlfriend but you want to help us" I asked confused.

"Ex now. I have information that might help you keep him from seeing the baby"

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