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Later that day. I heard my front door knock. I'm in my bed on my phone texting dani and drinking a beer.

"Emma get the door" my mum shouts.

"Why don't you" I shout back.

"I'm getting ready for tonight. Get the door now" she snapped.

I sighed and got out of bed. I opened the door and started going downstairs.

"Now there's a surprise. My mother is going out drinking" I shout annoyed.

"Don't give me that mouth you little alcoholic" she snapped back.

I sighed and went to the front door. I opened it and saw Regina stood there. I then pushed the door closed. She stopped it and stepped into the doorway.

"Move" I say annoyed while chewing gum.

"No. I want to talk to you. I'm sorry for earlier. I was just shocked and tired from the flight"

"That's nice isn't it? You done or is there more crap you wanna say" I sarcastically say.

"Emma don't. Look at me. I'm sorry but I want to know what happened to you and how you got like this"

"Like what? A mess? I know I'm a mess and I know I'm different but I don't care. I thought you were falling for me. Isn't that what you said the last time you saw me" I say half annoyed half upset.

"I was falling for the old you. The shy innocent girl who couldn't think of anything worse than smoking and doing drugs" Regina says softly.

"How did you know I've done drugs" I asked confused.

"Ruby said that she thinks you have. Emma you could have died. Why did you do it? Why do you do it"

"To get you out my mind. I don't know why after a year I'm still think about you. The drinking and the drugs get you out my mind. The smoking is to make sure I can stay hanging out with Dani so I get the alcohol and drugs from her" I admit looking down.

"Emma that's not ok. Why did you think that was a good idea"

I just shrugged. She looked down and moved back a bit. I know she's shocked and horrified at who I've become.

"I'm sorry. Except I'm not actually sorry. I'm happy and now I've finally said this to you I can get over you" I snapped angry. She slapped me round the face hard. I looked back at her and laughed. "That all you got? You said I've changed well look in the mirror Regina. The old you wouldn't have done something like that"

"Don't you dare! I'm trying to knock some sense into you. I came back here to see you. To tell you that I am moving down here in a month when I turn 18. Why bother now huh"

"Go away. Your the reason I'm like this" I say looking upset at her.

I slammed the door shut and leaned against it. I could hear the sound of her sobbing on the other side.

"Emma... please. I know your there. People tell me to have courage and I'm trying to but I can't with you like this. It makes me feel something I hate. Weak. Just let me in. Do you remember me and you? How we were perfect together. Please" her voice was soft and sweet. She sounds as if she was crying which she was.

"Go away Regina. I'm serious" I say annoyed. I then went back up to my room.

I collapsed onto my bed and started crying. I can't believe that just happened. I sat up and grabbed my beer. I downed it until there was none left. I then went into the mini fridge next to my bed and got a bottle of vodka out. I started drinking that. It didn't take long for me to be drunk on vodka and I was drinking it fast. I can't deal with Regina being back. I have to find some way to cope.

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