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"Come on girls we can figure this out" Dede says as I placed the paper down on the bed.

We all surrounded it and looked at the letter.

"Emma's never called me reg before since she knows I hate it" I say looking up.

"Then I don't think Emma wrote this letter" ruby says.

"No that's Emma's handwriting" Kat states.

"Yeah it definitely is Emma's handwriting. She has wrote me love letters before" I say not being able to help the small smile thinking about them. "Maybe Someone has her"

"Maybe she's been kidnapped" ruby says.

"I don't wanna think about that" I sighed looking away.

"If that's true they would have forced Emma to write this" Kat says.

"Emma must have added in those stupid mistakes to tell us" Dede adds.

I turned around and looked at the letter. I read it and realised none of this is what Emma would say. I took a deep breath and put it down.

"Who would take her" I asked sitting down.

[ Emma's pro ]
I coughed and spat blood out of my mouth. I'm so tired but Stella won't let me sleep. Blood is drooling out my mouth from where she punched me in the mouth. I put my head down and closed my eyes. A hard slap struck the side of my cheek causing me to lift my head up.

"Please" I sighed.

"Answer my question" Stella says getting into my face.

"I can't do anything when I'm this tired"

"It's fine. I know where you live. Regina thinks you've left town. I won't get in trouble for killing you since no one knows your here" she smirked.

I started coughing and blood was spraying out. I had cuts and bruises all over me. My jeans are now ripped jeans. My top is covered in blood and one strap had fallen down. I'm not sure I'll survive this anyway with how much blood I'm loosing.

"Fine... what do I have to answer"

"We can go back to the question you wouldn't answer" Stella smirked.

"I told you! I'm not answering that! Don't you dare touch Regina's sisters" I snapped angrily but still tired.

"Tell me if they have kids and partners. Tell me or"

"Or what?! You'll kill me" i interrupt.

"Ow no sweetie. I don't want to kill you. I want to hurt you"

"What have I done to you"

"Your the only thing in my way to hurting Regina. Now answer the question or I'll do this" she says holding a pair of crocodile clips in each hand. They had wires leading out of them. "This will hurt"

She clipped them to my nipples which made me flinch. Stella pushed a button and send electric shocks to me. I tensed up but smiled at her.

"Not gonna work. Regina is good with her mouth but then again I think you may have already knew that" I say laughing. She turned the machine off angry. "That did wake me up though so thanks"

She pulled the clips of ripping my nipples. I screamed out loud a little in pain. She picked up a bucket and a bottle of water. I took a mouthful of the water and rinsed my mouth out before spitting it into the bucket. Stella put the bucket down and came back over to me. She sat on my lap making me frown. I'm really confused. Stella is straddled across my thighs. She moved both hands on my cheeks and rested her head against mine.

"Don't ever mock me" she says angry.

She drug her nails into my cheeks and smashed her head against mine. She then kissed me. I moved my head away and smashed it into her nose. She stumbled off me and held her nose. It was bleeding. Stella looked at me angry and punched me hard.

"Don't ever kiss me again. I'd rather have a mouthful of blood then kiss someone like you" I growled. I then spat in her face. She looked at me with so much frustration. "What are you going to do about it"

Stella put her hand on the knife still stuck in my shoulder. She smirked at me and wiggled it. I tended up know I will die if she pulls that out.

"If you continue to piss me off I will pull this out of your shoulder and squeeze the blood out of you myself" she threatens me with anger.

"Ok fine. Zelena and aria have no families of there own. Regina is the only sibling that has a partner and kid" I lied.

Zelena has a set of twins and a husband. Aria has a boyfriend. I can't tell her the truth. She may hurt them and I can't have that.

"Now that wasn't that hard" she smirked. "I still have more"

"Ow just give me a break" I sighed.

Stella put her foot on my chair between my legs and kicked it backwards. I hit my head as the chair hit the ground. She came over and put her hand over my mouth.

"Stay quiet. I have to deal with your wife. See you later Emma" she smirked before walking to the exit. She turned the lights of and it was pitch black. "Ow by the way. Regina will be hurt not just mentally but physically"

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