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"Emma!" Regina shouts from upstairs. When we left granny's I went round her house to have a movie afternoon with her before we go on a date tonight. "Emma!" She shouts again.

I walked upstairs and opened her bedroom door. Her clothes were all over the floor and she was in her underwear on the bed looking upset.

"What's wrong" I asked in the doorway.

"Nothing fits" she says softly.

I walked over to her bed and crouched down in front of her. I held her hand and she looked up at me.

"What doesn't fit"

"Everything. All my clothes. I'm getting fat. I've tried everything on. You didn't tell me I was getting fat" she looked really upset and like she was about to cry.

"Your not getting fat Regina"

"Nothing fits Emma. Don't lie to me" she cuts me of.

"I'm not. Come on stand up" I say as I stood up. She stood up and looked at me upset. I held her hips and smiled softly. "See. They are the exact same"

"Not my hips. Feel here" she says moving my hand onto her stomach. "See I'm putting on weight"

I looked confused. I put both hands there and felt it properly.

"Regina your pregnant" I say looking up at her.

"How can I be pregnant" she asked confused.

"You said that night you had a party you don't remember having sex with anyone. Do you remember much from that night" I asked.

"Umm" she was thinking about it. "No. Ow my god. Am I pregnant" she asked worried.

"When was your last period"

"Shit haven't thought about that. Must be 7 weeks now. The party was 8 weeks ago. Ow shit... ow shit ow shit ow shit" she looked worried and upset.

I put an arm around her waist and my other hand on her cheek. I gave her a reassuring smile to get her to relax.

"Hey calm down. I'll drive to the shop and buy you a test. You take a nice warm shower while I'm gone"

"I can't be pregnant. Can I" she asked scared.

"You may be"

"I'm sorry" she looked down and a tear left her eye.

"For what? If your pregnant then that's an amazing thing. Your going to have a baby" I replied a little excited.

"I don't know. I don't want to think about this yet. We don't know if I actually am" she sighed while hugging me.

"I love you"

"I love you two" she replied holding me close.

I pulled away and kissed her softly. She smiled at me which I smiled back. I put my hand on her stomach and kissed her head.

"Is it really a good thing" she asked.

"I promise it will be fine. Now I'll go get you that test"

I walk to the door and leave. I drive to the shop. I'm looking at all the pregnancy tests and trying to figure out what is the best one. I brought 3 different ones and drove home. Regina was on the sofa watching Big Bang theory.

"Did you get the test" she asked.

"I got 3 to be sure"

Regina took them and went to the downstairs bathroom. I went to the door and knocked on it.

"Can I come in" I asked.

"Your not watching me pee on a stick" she says from inside.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I went to the lounge and sat back down. After about a minute I heard the door open. I looked round and she was staring at the three tests in her hand. The look in her face was shocked.

"Well" I asked.

"I'm pregnant" she says looking up.

I smiled and jumped over to sofa. I ran over to her and held her hands.

"Your having a baby. Be happy mummy" I smiled brightly at her.

"Your right" she says as a smile started to form. "We are having a baby"

"We" I smiled.

"Yes mummy" she replied now excited about all of this.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

"Having my baby
What a lovely way of saying
How much you love me.
Having my baby
What a lovely way of saying
What you're thinking of me"

I sang making her smile. I smiled back and kissed her softly.

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