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I open my eyes but all I can see is black. The smell of a damp room surrounded me. I tried to move but my hands and feet are tied down to what appears to be a chair. I can feel there is something over my head. It's hard to breath with this on. I'm trying to wiggle my hands out but it's so tight. The rope burns me when I move in it. It's cold and I am only in a ripped tank top and jeans. There is a single drop that keeps falling onto my bare shoulder.

All of a sudden the lights turned on. I still can't see anything through the bag but I can faintly see it's brighter. The bag is ripped of my head from behind me. As my eyes adjust to the light I looked around to see where I am.

"So Emma" a woman's voice came from behind me.

I tried looking round to see who it was but my back is also tied to the chair. I move to be free but it just burns so I stop.

"Who are you" I asked scared.

"My name Miss swan is not important. What is important is that you know Regina Mills right" she asked still not in my view.

"I'm not answering anything until I see who you are and know your name" I order.

"Ooo someone's taking bitchy pills. Fine. My name is Stella" she says walking in front of me with a smile. She is really pretty. Boyish haircut. Lots of tattoos. Makeup done well. A bright teeth smile. "You don't know me do you" she smirked. 

"Of course not. I've never met you. Who are you and what do you want from me"

"Answers. I got questions. You got answers. See how this works"

"That's one question. How many more" I asked with a straight face.

"Funny one you are. I can see why Regina's into you. My first question is how are you related to Regina"

"What are you gonna do if I don't"

"I'm glad you asked" she replied smirking and bit her lip.

Stella picked up a knife and put it against my cheek. My breathing hitched in my throat and it scared me. The blade is cold and sharp. Stella quickly pulls and cuts across my cheek.

"son of a bitch" I shout as I move my head to the other side.

"I'll hurt you. Now how are you related to Regina"

"She's my wife. She has been for 4 years. Why does this matter? Where is she"

"I'm asking the question!" She snapped.

"WHERE IS MY WIFE?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER" i shouts angry now.

"Don't worry. There not here. Your the only one I took"

"Why" I growled.

"Because I don't need anyone else. Only person I need to help me destroy Regina is you" she smirked.

I tried getting out of the chair. I'm angry and fighting to be free. I was bouncing in the chair until it fell to the floor. Stella started laughing but I'm still trying to get out. I can feel the rope on my hands loosening.

"Don't you dare touch her" I snapped now stopping the fighting.

"Ow I am going to love doing this with you. Now stop trying to get out and just do what I say" she laughed while lifting my chair up.

"Your strong" I say confused.

"Yep. Stronger than I look. Now are you gonna answer the rest of my questions" she asked smirking.

"Why don't you let me ask a question? How do you know Regina"

"I'm the one asking questions but for you I'll answer this one. I grew up with Regina. I was a family friend and I adored her. She is a year older than me and not the girl I thought she was. She knew I adored her and she decided it was funny to mess with me. She led me on. She took my virginity for god sake. She made me believe she loved me but would never date me. I was just her quick thing when she was bored or didn't have anything to do. Regina used me as a sex toy when she was single and bored. I swore that I would hurt her like she hurt me"

I looked shocked. That doesn't sound like Regina. Stella looked upset just thinking about it. I met Regina at 17 so she was like that before me. I should hope anyway.

"When did she do this" I asked softly.

"When I was 13 and she was 14. She stopped at 17 cause she met you but when she moved to Chicago my family went with her and she continued until she came here and married you. I shall destroy her and hurt her so badly so she knows my pain" her pain has turned to anger in her voice. Stella looked at me angry. She put a knife up against my throat and I lifted my head back. "Now are you gonna let me ask my questions"

"Yeah. Just get the knife away from me" I say scared.

"Ooo pushy. Fine" she laughed before moving the knife away. "My next question is what is your daughters name"

"I'm not telling you that" I snapped angry.

With a blink of an eye Stella grabbed the knife and stabbed me in the shoulder. I screamed out loud in pain. Tears burned through my eyes and I couldn't keep my them in anymore. I can feel the blood trickling down my arm. She left the knife in my shoulder and was still holding onto it. If she pulls it out I will most likely die.

"Tell me... your daughters name" she asked looking me dead in the eyes.

"Go to hell"

Stella twisted the knife and I screamed out. I cried even more and gripped onto the chair.

"What is her name"

"I don't care if you kill me. I'm not telling you anything about Regina or my baby girl"

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