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After we stretched we went over to do the main activity. I have never done anything like it. It was the exact same thing that they did in pitch perfect. I hated it. We had to work together for most of it and we all forgot we have problems between each other. That part wasn't that bad I guess. We then all went by the tents and Rachel made a camp fire in the middle of all of us. We sat in chairs around it with blankets and hot chocolate.

"What do you all want to do when you grow up" Rachel asked before sipping her drink. She looked at Dede who was next to her.

"Ow Umm... i'd like to be a tv host for like game shows and stuff. I enjoyed stuff like that you know" she softly says with a sweet smile.

"That's cute. Robin what about you" Rachel asked looked at robin to the left of Dede.

"I'd like to be a police officer"

"Awesome. You look like the type for that. Killian?"

"Footballer" he simply replied while smiling.

This time robin didn't glare at him or make a sly comment. He smiled at him.

"I recon you'd be good at that" he smiled.

"Cheers mate" Killian says while they linked hands and hugged. They patted each other's back as if they were doing a bro hug.

"Glad you two are back as friends. Ruby what about you"

"A teacher. I'd teach in college as a professor and I'd teach drama" she says revealing something none of us knew.

"Really" Kat asked with a smile.

"Yeah" ruby smiled.

"That will be amazing for you. Regina?"

"Ow shit me" Regina says looking up. I giggled and she slapped my arm gently. "Shut up" she whispered to me. "Umm... I'd like to be... a photographer. I'm done being in front of the camera and proffer to be behind it"

"From what I remember your photos are amazing Gina" Killian says sitting forward.

"Thank you" Regina smiled.

"Emma" Rachel says looking at me.

"A sheriff. The sheriff of our small town"

"That's a good one. And Kat"

"Lawyer. I'm pretty good at making my point" Kat laughed.

"These are very good jobs and I hope you get them. Now I want you to reveal a secret. One you weren't planning on telling anyone here" Rachel says looking between us.

"Alright I'll go" robin says standing up.

"Go on" Rachel smiled.

"I missed all of you so much that I cried myself to sleep once wishing for everything to go back to normal" he admits sending us all into shock.

"Really babe" Dede asked softly.

"Yeah. It was the day I had an argument with Killian and seen Emma smoking"

"That's really brave of you for telling us" I say softly.

"Yeah real brave" Kat added.

"Alright my go" ruby says standing up. "I am bisexual... and I recently broke up with my ex girlfriend Annie" she softly smiled.

"Wait what" Regina says sitting up quickly. "Your like the straightest person I know"

"I know. I've hidden it well" ruby says bitting her lip.

Kat stood up and walked over to her. She hugged her tight and we all smiled.

"I'm proud of you girl" she says holding ruby close.

"Thank you"

Kat pulled away and sat down. Ruby sat back down and smiled at Kat.

"Can I go" I asked standing up. I took a deep breath and looked at everyone. "I love Regina and I want to spend every single moment of my life with her" I looked at Regina who was smiling softly at me. "I just want to kiss you and call you mine for as long as I can" I added still looking at her.

She stood up and hugged me tight. I hand hold of her close and didn't want to let go.

"I love you two" she replied.

I pulled back a little and kissed her. She deepened it and I heard them all clapping. I felt tears land on my cheeks indicating she was crying. I pulled away to see the biggest smile on her face. I wiped her tears away and she kissed me again.

"Are they a couple or something" Rachel asked.

I pulled away and we looked at her.

"They use to be. Regina moved away and now she's back they realised they still love each other" robin answered.

I looked back at Regina and hugged her. We sat down still hugging. I've missed this girl. I pulled away and pecked her lips. I held her hand and looked back at them. The rest of them shared secrets and it brought us all back together.

"Guys? Are we all best friends again" Kat asked looking between us with a big smile.

"I think so" I replied smiling.

"Yessssss" Dede smiles brightly.

We stood up for a group hug and kept hold of each other. I kissed Regina's head and continued to hug everyone.

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